August 7, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today, while Jack was out, I went over and talked to his parents for a while.  For a long while, actually.

I won’t pretend I bared my hopes and dreams and all that, but I did tell them what’s going on and how confused and scared I am about the whole thing.

They listened patiently, and when I was done, they just kind of looked at each other.  finally his mother spoke.  “Jack’s a sensitive boy,” she said.  “He always has been.”  then she told me some somewhat hilarious story about how he rescued a worm when he was little, then found all of its friends and filled up the bathtub with worms.  He had run out of works and was starting with roly=polies when they found him.  He was so upset when he had to take the worms out, but the birds had a feast.

Yeah, that’s Jack.

Anyway, they said it’s ultimately my decision, but that they’d rather we be absolutely sure than rushing into something.  Because, they said, at the end of the day, it’s not just about me and Jack, it’s about whatever kids we have.  Do we want to have a seven year old kid and put them through a divorce?


But I told them how much I hated hurting Jack, and they said it’s partly his fault for springing it on me without talking it over first.  It’s a Grand Romantic Gesture but it’s also really risky because you run a very real risk of getting rejected.  Jack was lucky in that, but only just.  They said they’ve been talking to him about that, but he’s too hurt and it’s having a hard time sinking in.

They also said they really admire me for having that, er, “red line” with Jack.  She said it’d be a lot more troublesome if I we’d crossed it.

Probably also true.

I still really don’t know what to do, but Jack and I have an appointment with Allison’s mother tomorrow, maybe she’ll have an insight or two.

Or three. maybe.

I asked Jack why he’s so afraid of me leaving…  and, well… remember what I was telling you about his old school?  Yeah.  the bullies really hurt him, and he’s afraid he’s going to lose me at any time, that I’m just going to say “just kidding” and leave.

I won’t…  but I guess I get that.  I am a catch…  I guess.

Anyway… otherwise…  we’re going to Houston this weekend, and so is the idol group.  Hopefully we’ll get a lot done.  Maybe I should take Jack along, if he wants to go.

Love you all!!! ❤️

Creator Notes:

And we’re heading into the final arcs.

August 6, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I talked to Allison’s mother today.

She didn’t have a lot of advice, but she wanted to talk to both me and Jack.  We’re going to set up something soon.  Hopefully before the weekend because I’m heading to Houston.

She did say that we’re still young and it’s not something we should rush into…  but also that Jack’s feelings are valid, and, well, it’s a tough one I guess.

Jack’s willing, so let’s see what happens.

He’s not a bad guy, and he’s not trying to make me feel bad.  He… just… he has feelings too.

Anyway, the girls are starting to get really nervous now.  This is a whole new experience for them.  Crystal says I got my revenge.  Muahahaha.

Okay, well, it’s late, and I do need to pop over to Japan again this morning to do some more training and get some final stuff sorted out.  I might go with them to the airport for moral support.. wouldn’t that be weird.  Miki’s getting used to my rather odd form of transport… thankfully.  But if I do that, then maybe the rest will get suspicious…  there when they get on, there when they get off… yeah.  Best not.

Love you all!!! ❤️

August 5, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Honestly, I don’t know if it’s going to work between me and Jack.  It’s not that I think it won’t, I just genuinely don’t know.

It’s not that we’re not talking, or that we’re being angry with each other, or being snippy, we’re not.  There’s not even too much more distance between us.  But there’s a little, and I don’t see how it’s going to get bridged.  He feels like I threw him away, there’s only one way that I can fix that, and I don’t want to, because, to be honest, that feels a bit like emotional blackmail.  I know.. I know that’s not how he means it, but that’s how it feels.  He’s not asking that of me either, he just seems… resigned.  and I hate that most of all.  He doesn’t even really want to fight for it.  Not that he ever did anyway, not that that would be the most healthy thing, but… he won’t even try, anymore.

And maybe he’s right not to.  I did kind of shut it down, didn’t I?

I didn’t throw him away!!! I didn’t!!! Or at least I didn’t mean to.  I just…  don’t feel like it’s the right time.  I don’t feel like it would be good for us to get engaged right now.  I don’t really know why I feel that way, I just… well.. do.  It’s like we’re so young and barely adults and we’re about to go off to one of the most formative experiences of our lives, and if we are stuck together like that, it might make things a lot more difficult to grow. I don’t mean finding other people and that kind of thing, not at all!  But… I mean, it’s a mindset thing.  We’ll already have our futures locked in, in our minds, and we won’t be able to see all the possibilities ahead of us.  Our minds will be on the future, and being together, and having babies, and…  well, I guess there are choices we’d have to make regardless, right?

But isn’t that what being a couple is about?  Bringing the best out of each other?  Maybe…  no.  I won’t say that, not now.  But there’s a reason I feel like it’s not the best choice… and maybe it says something more about me.  After all, most girls are upset because their men won’t commit.  But… this time, the problem is me.  He wants to commit, and I won’t let him.

That’s the thing…  I don’t blame him.  The problem might be me.  Maybe I should call up Allison’s mother or talk to the pastor or something, because I don’t know what’s going on.

Anyway I did tell him, over and over again, that I didn’t tell him no and I don’t want to tell him no.  He knows that… in his head.  His heart… well.. that’s another story.

I guess I don’t have anything else interesting to talk about.  This is really screwing with my head anyway.  And my heart too, if we’re being honest.

I did ask Dave what he thought.  He wasn’t much help… or maybe he was.  He said he thinks I’m just stringing Jack along… I should either commit or cut him loose, because it’s not going to work well in this limbo state.  Maybe he’s right.  Maybe…

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

What will Lily do?  It looks like she has a choice ahead of her.

August 4, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Well…  I got it out of Jack.

Don’t worry… we’re okay.  Well, mostly.

I say mostly because…

Jack is generally a pretty sensitive boy.  He’s usually pretty tuned into my feelings, he’s pretty gentle, but I’ve never seen him really passionate about anything.  He threw himself into his studies because he wanted to be with me someday, but that’s about as passionate as I’ve ever seen him.

Until, well, tonight.

He kind of went off on me.  On the phone.

No, don’t worry, he didn’t get violent (well, towards me, anyway) or anything.  He didn’t even say anything hurtful.  That’s not really how Jack is.  but he kind of raised his voice a little, and told me that he’s pretty ticked off at me for throwing him away like I did.

I don’t think I threw him away…  but that wasn’t the time to argue semantics, I guess.  I just let him rant.  I could hear him kicking things in the background, and then he kind of broke down.  I guess the frustration finally became too much.

I can see why he’d see it that way.  Quite frankly, I don’t know if I wouldn’t, in his place.

He said he knows that I’m not rejecting him in his head, but his heart feels differently, and he feels like I don’t want him.  That I’m going to go off to Japan and find another boyfriend and leave him behind, and that I wasn’t willing to close that off and actually commit to being with him.

Well, the part about finding another boyfriend, he’s wrong about…  but I can’t say he’s really wrong about the rest of it… at least from his point of view.  That’s, well, pretty much what I did.

I wanted to explain to him how I feel, how that’s not what I meant… but I’ve already explained all of it.  He knows it.  He even said he knows it.  But it doesn’t change how he feels.

Eventually, he calmed down, we exchanged our professions of love, and he hung up.

And now I just want to stare at a wall.

I’m a girl.  I know more than anyone how much feelings don’t have anything to do with reality sometimes.  He feels like I threw him away.  Nothing could be farther from the truth, but…  is that really true?  Did I do just that?  I just said “not yet”, not “no”.  But…  isn’t an engagement kind of a promise?  Did I refuse to promise him that I’d be with him?  I mean, I’ve said I want to be with him, but an engagement is a solid promise, and I wouldn’t give that to him.

I still think I was right.  But, maybe…  that doesn’t matter.

Yes, he was kicking things.  He’d never do that do me.  But he’s a boy, he has to let the frustration out somehow, I get it.  Besides, he knows I know martial arts and would throw him through a wall if he tried., and then it would be a no.  But…  I can’t tell him not to express his frustration somehow.  It’s okay.  I understand that.  No, I’m not with an abuser.  He’s never even thought of raising a hand to me.  But…  an innocent pillow?  Well…  poor pillow, I suppose.

I don’t know what to do.  Maybe…  maybe I was wrong.  And maybe I don’t deserve to be his girlfriend.  Or wife.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

I know there’s some of you out here that might say “Jack kicked things!  He’s violent!  It’s only a matter of time before he hurts Lily!”

Bullshit.  No it isn’t.  He’s a boy.  He gets frustrated.  Frustrated boys sometimes need to take it out on things.  That doesn’t mean he’d ever take it out on Lily.  Let me say right now, unequivocally, he wouldn’t. This is the “Voice of God” speaking, and that is a canonical statement.  So lay that to rest, right now.  I don’t care what your trauma is or how much you might be triggered, that’s the story, deal with it.

Besides, it’s a little out of character for him.  This situation pushed him way farther than he’s used to, emotionally.

And as for Lily…  maybe she’s right, maybe she’s not.  Maybe she’ll change her mind, maybe she won’t.  None of that matters.  She’s a young woman trying to navigate a complicated situation and feelings that she’s never had to before, and maybe she’s screwing it all up.  That’s life.  I write humans, not some idealized version of humans.  She’s taking responsibility for her decisions, and realizing, maybe for the first time in her life, that her decisions can actually hurt people.

Is Jack justified in being hurt?  Doesn’t matter.  He is, and now they both have to deal with it.

And no, Jack isn’t trying to manipulate her.  She’s been trying to draw this out of him for a while.  Lily’s pretty perceptive, some of the time.  Gullible as hell, others.

August 3, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So Yuki and I sent off a big ol’ crate.  It contained some of our bigger stuff that would be awkward for me to pop over, and a few other things we could do without.  I mean, I could pop some of it over, but I was cautioned not to overdo it because of how my “totem” works, so if we can do without whatever for a month, we just stuffed it in the container.

I’m actually starting to pack up some of the stuff I don’t usually use to put it in storage, etc.  I mean, if I need it I can just come get it, but if not, just have a small pile of boxes in the garage or attic, I suppose.

This is really happening, I guess.  I’m moving to Japan, even if temporarily.  the visas are all straightened out (even though I technically don’t need one, Mrs. X. said it’s better that I go through the motions – pretty much they can’t deny me and I could just go anyway even if they did, but they appreciate the thought anyway).  The plane tickets are purchased (again, I don’t need one, but I’m going with Yuki for emotional support), and, well… it’s happening.

It’s starting to sink in for the girls, too.  Especially Crystal.  She’s been clingier than usual lately.  She hasn’t tried to kiss me or anything (I think she would if I let her, at least on the cheek), but she’s been hanging off my arm, sitting in my lap….  just really cuddly.  She usually isn’t, well, quite like that.  She’s a little more adventurous than the rest of us but this isn’t like that.  I see tears in her eyes when she thinks I’m not looking.  She’s been getting a lot of headpats from me lately.


Crystal has a big heart.  A wounded, nearly destroyed heart, but a big one, with a huge capacity for love that not all of us have, really.  She feels so intensely, it’s actually a little unnerving sometimes.  Diana’s a little more cheerful, Beth tends to be reserved and analytical, Liz is often guarded (not usually with me after, well, The Incident, but with most others, she is).  But crystal wears her heart on her sleeve, and I don’t know how she’s going to handle it when I leave.

That rhymed.  Heh.

I feel bad, but I don’t.  This is part of growing up.  Loving, leaving, reuniting, growing…  when I come back after I graduate, none of us will be the same.  I won’t, Crystal won’t, Diana won’t, Beth won’t…  none of the girls I know and love and consider sisters will be the same.  I hope we still consider each other sisters after.  But if not, well… that’s a part of life too.  As sad and frustrating as it is, sometimes.

I worry about Crystal the most out of all of us, but also the least.  She’s the one, out of all of us, who knows how much people can suck.  But she also knows how much life can be wonderful, too, even if she doesn’t see it sometimes through a haze of pain.  I hope she finds someone she can love and trust and can move on and have a happy life.

But that’s not an easy thing sometimes, especially for her.

I asked Miki how her group can afford to stay in Houston for as long as they’re going to – their calendar is usually packed full.  She said that they have some other events here too other than just the matsuri, and they want to take a little time to explore Houston.  I suggested maybe they’d like to come to the waterpark.  We girls do like waterparks…  at least when my top stays on.

They’re also going to make a mini-documentary DVD where they travel around Houston and see some of the sights, like the space center, and I guess they might hit up a fair too.  I hope we can go along, but some events are just for the idols.  We’re a flash in the pan, they’re what the fans come for.  She said we might take a day, though, and do a mini-documentary about “a day having fun with the train onee-chan girls”.  That does sound like fun.  Especially if they pay, haha.

When Yuki heard about that, she doubled down on the idol training.  Haha!!!

But it makes sense.  It’ll make for a good documentary if we all know how to act around a camera.

It’s been a bit challenging getting all the girls from Dallas, Houston, and LA on the same page, but we’re managing.  It’s kind of a full time job for Yuki right now, but she’s kind of in her element, and she doesn’t mind.  It’s fun for her, to feel like she’s getting back into the idol world a little.  In fact, some of the training stuff, I’ve been recording, it’ll probably go on one of the DVDs.

After it’s all done, maybe they’ll never use it again.  But I think Crystal and Beth will, at least.  And Aika and Mika are cute enough, maybe they can actually make something out of it.  They’re what, 11 and 12 now? Just at that cute age where everything’s just starting to blossom, and when Yuki’s training them, there’s “awwww!”s from everyone.  I don’t think Emiko will let them be idols, though.

Not surprising, tbh.  Don’t blame her in the slightest.  But they’re still cute.

Anyway…  gotta go.

Love you all!!! ❤️


August 1, 2024

Hi! It’s me1 Lily!!!

It’s August!!!

One month and I’m “moving” to Japan!!!


i don’t know what to say or feel, so…

Jack came over last night.  He wanted to talk.  So we did.  Talk, I mean.  A lot.  You know, we haven’t ever talked as much as we do now.  I mean, we’ve gone out, and spent time together, and it’s not like we didn’t talk, but now… there’s just so much to say and neither of us really knows how to say it.

Our relationship has been pretty easy till now.  Go on dates, have fun together, talk some, snuggle a lot…  but this feels like one of those times that really tests a couple.  Jack is hurt.  I can tell he is, but he can’t or won’t come out and say it.  But what would it do if he did?  I’m not going to change my mind.  But at least I wish he’d be honest with me… or himself, maybe.  He’s an honest man, I don’t think he’d lie to me on purpose.  But maybe he doesn’t know himself.

And I keep saying, It’s not a permanent no.  I do want to marry him, someday.  I just can’t say yes right now.  I don’t want to say yes to anyone else.  I couldn’t imagine saying yes to anyone else.  But it’s so complicated right now, and would is damage us more if I said yes?  I don’t know, but I have to stick to it.

Oh well.

It was a good talk, though.  He got closer than ever to admitting how he really feels.  He just can’t quite get there.

He’s getting ready to go to Ohio.  He’s got his dorm and will be leaving about the same time I will.  Will I cry?  I don’t know.  It’s not like it’s goodbye forever, and I can still see him.  But it’ll be different.

In a little more than a week the idol group is heading for Houston.  I hope that turns out alright.

Anyway…  guess I should go.  I feel a little sad, tonight.  Not like nothing will ever get better, but… things right now look a little more bleak than I thought they would.

Love you all!!! ❤️