Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And I’ve made such a mess of things.  Oh well.  At Jack and I are still talking.  Basically, after dinner, we both take a shower and then hole up in our room until it’s time to get up.  Most of the time, we just talk.  Sometimes we’ll cuddle up, and talk some more.   Sometimes most of our clothes end up in a pile and we cuddle up that way and then talk some more.  We don’t do a whole lot that you might think, though.  Talking is more important, but that does help us bond, I think.

It’s nice to wake up in his arms, even if we haven’t done anything, well, interestingThat just doesn’t seem right, right now.  Not while we’re trying to work out whether we’re going to work out at all.

Anyway, while we were all out, Emiko and Bill took Jack out to do something fun, too.  They never had a son, so I think they’re just kind of taking advantage of the opportunity.  Besides, he might become a sort of in-law someday.

So the idols hopped on a bus early, we didn’t really see them.  We all dressed in some cute outfits and did our interviews.  First there was a local station and a national news outlet too, and they asked all the silly questions you might expect.  You know, “how did you end up famous in Japan”, “what are your names”, “what’s your hobbies”, that kind of thing.  And then after all that was done, the Japanese media took over and asked us a bunch of questions too.  “What do you think of Japan”, “How well do you all get along”, “what’s your favorite Japanese food”, you know, that kind of thing.  Most of us had the kind of answers they were expecting, so it all worked out.

That took a little while… after that, we all hopped on the bus and went swimsuit shopping.  It was a little embarrassing trying out all those swimsuits with the ccameras around, but we got used to it pretty quickly, and they were respectful.  As I expected, we commandeered a swimsuit shop, and we took turns going in, trying suits on, coming out and spinning around a bit… and at the end we all chose one we liked and they paid for it.  There was some special underwear we put on so we didn’t actually get the suits dirty.

After that, we all took our swimsuits and went to the waterpark, and had fun for a few hours while the cameras were all getting pictures of us splishing and splashing.  No one lost their top, thankfully.  But Japanese media is pretty good about that, at least.

We did “kidnap” the choreographer, too.  The camera crews kinda played that up, we had to blindfold her and (loosely) bound her hands (just for show) and “forced” her onto the bus.  “You’re coming with us”.  haha.  But she was a good sport and had fun at the waterpark too.

Anyway, we all came back to the studio and rehearsed a little before calling it a night.  I guess the idols all had fun, I got a text from Miki, and a photo of them all sitting around a table in an Italian restaurant stuffing themselves.  So it all worked out.

I did talk to the producer.  He told me he might have an opportunity for Jack, and wants to talk to Jack tomorrow.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

Did the choreographer have a bit too much fun?  I guess we’ll never know, but the camera caught her blushing a bit.  haha.