Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Jack told me last night that he admires me.

I…  couldn’t really return the sentiment.

He’s a nice boy.  I do love him.  But he can also be a little unmotivated and lazy, and he just kind of skates through life, sometimes.  it’s not that he’s not smart or anything, he is.  But it takes extreme measures to get him to want to do anything.

He says it’s partly because his parents always expected so much out of him as a child and he… couldn’t deliver.  Maybe it’s a Chinese thing.  Japanese can be the same way, sometimes.

He’s not offended by that, really.  He’s hurt, but not offended.  He’s pretty self-aware.  He knows he hasn’t done a tenth of the interesting stuff I have.  A part of it, of course, is just due to luck on my part, so I don’t blame him for any of it, but…  but.

That’s a part of why he feels left out.  It’s a more general sense of insecurity.

But that might change.  The producer wanted to talk to him today.  I came along and translated.  The general idea is, Jack is a pretty attractive boy.  I’ve always said that.  He might be lazy and unmotivated, but he never fails to turn heads – you should have seen the idols trying not to blush and get all tongue-tied when they met him.  So the producer thinks he would be a pretty good male model in Japan.

Thing is…  they’re not wrong.  He probably would be really good at it.

That kind of fit into our conversation about how he, well, feels inferior to me and like I’m just dragging him along with me while I do everything.

Apparently it pays really well and they can work around his college schedule, as long as he can work things around, too.  Biggest challenge will be the “commute”, he might become a “frequent flyer” between America and Japan.  And they might even be able to come to Ohio to work with him, too.

We’re going to talk about it but I think he’s going to accept.  He’ll need to fly to Japan pretty soon, like next weekend, for an interview and a talent scout thing, but he seems somewhat enthusiastic about it.

I think what means the most to him is that he won’t really be in my shadow anymore.  Heck, I might be in his if he’s as attractive as we all think he is.

So, there’s that.  We’ll see how it works out.  He does seem to feel a little better about himself, and us, now.  So that’s good.

Otherwise, we all practiced a lot today while the idols were “out on the town” doing fun stuff for the cameras.  We had a camera crew on us too watching us practice.  The choreographer gave us some individual attention and it’s turning out pretty well.  The idols come back tomorrow and then we’re all going to do something fun.  Dunno what.  then, Thursday, it’s time to put it all together.

Girls are nervous but no one’s falling on their face anymore and it turns out most of us can come close to putting our heel to our chin now, so…  I think we’re as ready as we’ll be.

Time for bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

Honestly, the opportunity for Jack, while it fits the story, feels a bit like a copout.  But his motivations aren’t, really.  I can’t imagine I wouldn’t feel the same in his shoes if I had a girlfriend like Lily.  She’s a force of nature and has the most astounding luck of anyone I’d know.  Except it’s not luck.  I’d feel pretty inferior.  In fact, even now, sometimes I do – girl’s done a lot more than I ever will, in some ways.