Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And you get a daytime diary!!!

Well, actually, I’ve been so busy the past couple of days I forgot.  There’s been so much to do we’ve barely had time to sleep.  And I can’t imagine what it’s like for the idols!!!  So today we’re all dressed in our “school uniforms” (except for me, who’s wearing something cute like I wore on the train) and we’re getting ready for our big performance.

Anyway… the past couple of days… lots of practice.  The idols had a sound check to do for all their different songs, and then we had stage blocking and all that stuff to do, it took a long time.  But we’re all well enough practiced that it went okay.  There hasn’t been a whole lot of drama, when we weren’t actually up there, then we just kinda sat in the “audience” and watched them do their stuff.  They’re not professional in the same sense as the symphony I worked with, but they knew what they were doing and got lots of different instructions from the chorographer and producer.  They even brought Yuki up to help, because she’s kinda their “senpai” and they respect her, so she had some pretty good ideas as to how to make their performance better.

Today we have a handshake event before the performance, and that’s going to start after lunch, so I have to make this short (like I ever do!)

Anyway… Crystal kinda had a meltdown last night.  All her anxiety and, well, trauma, kinda caught up with her, and she started hyperventilating and stuff.  They texted me and I actually ended up popping over and we all comforted her.  She was so stressed out she actually came on to me, but I told her to cut that out and just let us hug her, or go into the bathroom and take care of business and THEN let us hug her.  Thankfully, she just let us hug her..

Yeah, that actually can help, but we’re not helping her!

She’s not really like that, but she’s a little more, well, free with that than the rest of us, I guess it’s because of her experience, and she just really needed comfort, and that’s mostly how she knows how to get it.  But none of us took the bait (and we’re not really like that either, it just never really occurs to us).  It took a little while but she finally calmed down and went to sleep, but I could tell it was fitful, so I explained to jack that Crystal needs me and that I’ll be back later.  He understood – he likes Crystal, too.  He feels pretty bad for her, even though they don’t interact as much as the rest of us do.

She’s never done that before, but she’s also never been quite this stressed before.

She woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, but we talked her through it and she went back to sleep.  She’s not as much of a mess this morning as you might think, I think it really helped her.  She actually seems a bit cheerful this morning.

Jack is flying off to Japan right now – they got him a ticket far faster than I thought they would, and it helps that he’s already in Houston.   He’ll be there this evening my time.  I need to do the performance so I can’t meet him, but I can meet him after, and he’s okay with that.  I want to show him a few sights, when he’s not doing his interview/scouting.

Truthfully, this isn’t what I want him to do for a living, but if it helps him feel better about himself and to feel like he can stand toe to toe with me, I’ll support him.  And, well, there are worse ways to make money, as long as you can save up for when your looks fade…

Okay, we’ve got to get lunch, then do our meet n’ greet.  There’s a surprising number of actual Japanese folks here today, and a lot of them know who we are, so they’ve bene stopping us as we go through the convention hall.  We don’t get security like the idols, but truthfully, we don’t really need it all that much.  Someone groped Crystal and he got laid out pretty fast – Crystal doesn’t mess around and she’s got some muscles on her.  Then security came and took him away and that’s all that happened.

He was cosplaying as a demon lord and she as a Japanese schoolgirl, so as awful as that was, the video already went viral.  Too many people around thought it was a skit…  even when security came and dragged him away.

Love you all, I’ll let you know how it goes!!!

I got my revenge!! Hahahaha!!!!! ❤️