Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

The end is near.

But other than that really ominous statement, everything’s mostly back to normal.  The Aidols are on their way back to Japan (I didn’t need to say goodbye because I’ll see them as much as I want in a couple of weeks), the idol group is back in Japan, Jack’s got his offer and is having a lawyer here look it over too…  one that specializes in international business.   But otherwise, things are a lot quieter than they were.  Liz, Jack, Yuki, and I are preparing for our moves to our respective places.  Yuki’s already said goodbye to her host family.  They were sad to see her go, but understood. They were actually a bit worried about how she didn’t seem to be making any friends here, so they were just happy she came out of her shell and had people to hang out with.  They were pretty nice, but low-energy, and Yuki was kind of working through her issues too.  But she’s going to be staying with me until we leave.  Sabby’s just happy she gets to spend as much time with me as she can before we go.

Jack’s preparing for his move to Toledo.  He’s not sure how that’s going to work out with his modeling job, but he and I agree that education is important.  He’ll just talk to his professors and make sure there isn’t a problem.  If there is, well, he’s a big boy, he’ll deal with it.

And Liz is preparing to move to California.  She’s hit it off a bit with Rebecca’s old friends, so she’ll have people to hang out with until she gets established, but she’s looking forward to it.

None of us are really looking forward to leaving each other, though.

It’s sunk in for the other girls, and they’re…  you can tell it’s weighing on them.  Crystal told me that she doesn’t know how they’re going to live without me.  I thought that was a weird thing to say, but she explained that I’ve been such a part of their lives over the past few years and was always there for support or hugs or whatever they needed that they were sad that I’d be gone.  I told them I wasn’t going to be completely gone, but she said she knows that when I go to Japan I’ll be busy and even though I can come back, that I probably won’t except on special occasions.  she understand… but it hurts.

It hurts me too, if I’m being honest.  It really hurts.  I’ve grown to love all of them too.  It’s not so much that they’re my best friends.. but they’re my sisters.  All of them.  I know I use the word “sister” a lot… but I’m not using it lightly.  I mean it.  they’re my sisters, and I love them deeply.  I don’t know what I’ll do without them either.  My bed will seem so lonely when there are no girl-piles in it.  Maybe Yuki will want to cuddle every now and then, and she’s welcome to, but it won’t be the same.  It won’t at all be the same.

Crystal is such an amazing girl.  She’s gone through so much, having been homeless when I met her, and experiencing the kind of trauma and abuse that I can only imagine, and I can’t really imagine it, really.  She even tried to kill herself.  But now, she’s blossomed.  She has her moments, but she’s turned out to be an amazing musician, and I know she’s going to go far once she gets to spread her wings.  I admire her so much, she’s so strong, and vulnerable, and…  and beautiful.  So beautiful.

Diana is such an amazing cook, and has such a big heart.  She’s the kind of girl that would make an amazing wife someday, you can just tell that when the right guy comes along she’ll give him her heart utterly, and without reservation.  She’s got a fiery temper, yes, but only when it’s really needed, and for the most part she’s calm and just loves to cook and do crafty stuff.  She’s a little like the mother of our group, always making sure we’re fed and fussing over us.  I love that about her.

Beth…  how do I describe Beth.  My beautiful sister Beth.  When I first met her, I never even thought we’d be friends, but now we’re sisters…  completely sisters.  She’s so intelligent, she thinks about things I can’t even imagine, and so much talent for math and science.  And yet, there’s music in her heart, too, and when she sings it’s almost enchanting.  Plus, she’s beautiful – like supermodel beautiful.  She’s got so much going for her, the only thing holding her back is herself.  But sometimes, I wonder if she’s really holding herself back.  I worry about her.

And Liz.  Beautiful Liz.  She’s not just my sister but my best friend.  My other sisters turn to me when they need me, but I turn to Liz when I need her, and she’s always, always there.  Sometimes she’ll just let me snuggle into her chest and let me cry, like Sabby does, and sometimes she’s so happy that it just bursts out and everything around her just seems brighter.  I love her so much, I love all my sisters so much, sometimes it’s scary how much I love them.

And…  it’s all going away.  All my sisters will always be sisters, but it won’t be the same.  We’re all growing up.  In a year, Crystal, Diana, and Beth will be off to college… and that will be it.

And of course there’s Sabby and Dave, too.  Sabby, my mother in every way, even name.  The woman who adopted me, the woman who always has a chest ready for me to cry on, the woman who sometimes gets mad at me and goes all Claire Huxtable, the woman who’s been through almost as much as Crystal but is so strong and so beautiful… how much I love her.  And Dave, Dave, that silly balding man who has pressure washer accidents, but who I can never beat in a prank war… that man who always has wisdom for me, and I know in his own way he loves me every bit as much as his other children.  He’s quiet, and reserved, and loves his family as fiercely as I hope Jack does if and/or when we finally end up together.

And, of course, David.  he’s, well, David.  I haven’t gotten to know him all that well, but that’s mostly because he tends to hole up in his room playing video games and getting into trouble.  But I can already see glimpses of the man he’ll be someday, and, well…  I hope he can live up to his potential.

And don’t forget Jack, my wonderful boyfriend.  Sometimes we have our problems, like lately, but I know his heart, and it’s a good heart.  He’ll make a wonderful husband and a wonderful father someday, I know it, and I think he’s going to find out who he is soon.  When he does, I look forward to meeting him again for the first time.  Well, you know what I mean.  I’m sure I’ll love whoever he turns out to be.  After all, it’ll still be Jack, and I did choose him for a reason other than just how incredibly hot he is.

This is my family, these are my sisters, these are the people I love.  I left a few of the people I talk to less often out, but I love them too… I love everyone, so, so much.  My heart bursts sometimes with how much I love everyone, and… and, even when I go to Japan, I’ll still love them, I’ll always love them, I’ll always love them.

But it’s time to start my new life.  My new, grown-up life.  It’s time to make new friends and meet new sisters and learn all about a culture that is half my heritage.  This is growing up, this is what growing up’s about.

And all of you.  The ones who’ve been following me on my journey for the last three years.  You’re family to me too.  Don’t forget me, don’t ever forget me.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

And now, it’s time to start winding down.  The end is nigh.  It’s not really time for me to express everything I want, but I will, at the end.