Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And I’m gonna cry!!!  Really I’m gonna cry!!!

Some of my sisters got together and wrote stuff for this diary.  My job was to just copy and paste it in.  No editing.  So…  here we go.


I love you, Lily.  I love you so much.  Three years ago I was in a homeless shelter doing God-knows-what and having God-knows-what done to me, and you and Beth and your family and the church came in and saved me.  I mean you really saved me.  I don’t know if I’d have survived without you.  I… I almost didn’t.  You’re like this beautiful angel who comes in and makes the lives of everyone who knows you better just by existing.  I wish you were a boy so I could marry you.  Heck, if it weren’t for Jack maybe I’d try anyway, you’re beautiful on the outside too.  I love Beth too, so much, but she’s like my sister and you’re like my big sister, the rock, the one everyone comes to when they need a hug or to feel better or to just hang around and let some of your beautifulness rub off.  I love you, Lily, and I’ll always love you, until the day I die, and then after that I’ll still love you anyway – maybe I’ll come back as a boy and ask that you come back as a girl and then I can make it all up to you.


There was a tornado, a couple of years ago, and my house got damaged, and that’s how I met you and your family, and you’re amazing.  You’re seriously amazing.  I mean, you can’t really cook worth crap, like that time you started to learn how to make chocolate (that effort just kind of disappeared, didn’t it?) but you’re just this amazing person who always makes peoples’ lives better just by being there.  I love all my sisters, but you’re like the big sister I never had, and you have this huge heart full of love that just shines on everyone, and we can’t help but love you back, because that’s just who you are.  I hope you have fun in Japan and please don’t forget about me.  I’ll make you some of my famous tacos when you come back to visit.


I’m in California now and I miss you already.  You’re my best friend and you’ve been my best friend ever since I met you, and you’ll always be my best friend forever and ever.  I remember when we were in Orlando and I found out you could play piano – I was so happy!  Music was something I never thought we’d share and now you’re maybe even a better musician than I am.  I always asked you to play with me when I had a recital, but not because you’re good, but because it’s such an intimate thing to do with my best friend and sister, and I always feel like we’re one when we’re on stage and playing together.  I hope we get to do it again one day.  I am pretty sure all your other sisters are telling you how much they love you, so let me add on – I love you, Lily.


Lily… the sister I didn’t want but am glad I got…  I always wanted a sister, Lily.  So when you came into my life I was so angry at you because you were like my sister but you weren’t, you were like a fake sister who came into my life and took all the love and affection… but then I realized how much you deserved it, and you always had love to give.  You were so hurt when you came to us, all that crying and sniffling and staring at walls….  you didn’t know who you were or who we were and I think you were afraid, you were so afraid… but so strong and brave too.  Finally I just gave up and let you be my sister…. and I’m so glad I did because I grew to love you as much as I can love anyone, sister, no sister, boyfriend, whatever.  You’re my sister, Lily, in every way, in all ways, and you always will be, and the bonds of sisterhood will never break.  I have a hard time telling people my feelings, Lily, but it’s easy with you, it’s always so easy with you, because you’re just… Lily.  I love you.


(Oh God… Sabby…)

Sabby…  my daughter.  Not my third child, not my second daughter, not my additional daughter, not my spare… my daughter.  My beautiful daughter.  I don’t regret taking you into my life for even the smallest moment.  I love Beth and David, I do, but I didn’t get to choose them.  They just kind of popped out one day and I had two children.  but you, I got to choose, and I haven’t regretted that choice for even one moment.  Sometimes I’m hard on you but I never worry about you, I know you and I know you are one of the most solid and grounded people I know.  I know how much I mean to you, but I don’t get to tell you how much you mean to me often.  You mean everything to me, Lily.  Everything.  I love you, not like my own daughter, but as my own daughter.  If you ever need a chest to cry on or a soothing voice… I’m right here.  I’ll always be right here.


I..  I haven’t known you as long as your other sisters.  I don’t speak English perfect so I’m sorry.  I might get few things wrong.  But you have big heart – very big heart.  Your heart so big, I don’t know how big is sometime.  I see how you talk with sisters, with Liz and Beth and Crystal and Diana, and how other idols love you, and how everyone love you, and I see why, because you have biggest heart of anyone I ever meet.  Your heart so big it overflow like Fujisan and spill over edge and everyone bask in shine as your heart like sun.  It’s amazing.  You become best friend, or one of best friend, even though I famous idol and everyone think I their friend, but you don’t care about idol, you just see Yuki, and that’s what make you amazing.  I Japanese person, Japanese people sometimes not good with feeling, but I know I love you like everyone else.  Thank you for allowing me to know you and I look forward to living with you in Japan.  Maybe you teach me better English so I not sound so bad!!


りりーちゃん、大好き。あたしは他に何でも言って?心は美しいだし可愛いだよ。アイドルをなる?すごいアイドルなりできる。皆さんはきみが大好き出来るよ。愛してる美しい友達。 (*≧∀≦*)

…  back to me, Lily.

Not everyone wrote, but that’s okay.  Not everyone was asked, and not everyone is as close to me as the ones who wrote here…  but every now and then, my sisters and family take extra time to remind me how loved I am, and… and I can’t think of a better way to send off this blog.  I leave Saturday morning, and that’s when the last post will be.  Saturday morning.  I’ll go to Japan, and… and….  Oh God I love everyone!  Everyone! I love them so much sometimes my heart just feels like it’s going to explode and I can’t do anything but scream it from the roof… but then the HOA gets mad and I end up on Reddit… awww…

Besides, I don’t like being on the roof.

Love you all!!! ❤️

And I mean it!!!  I always mean it!!!

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