Hi! It’s me1 Lily!!!

What a busy day!!!

Well, Jack and I spent a lot of time last night cuddled up and talking.  He’s hurt.  I mean he’s really hurt.  I didn’t know how hurt he was but he’s hurt.  He put on a brave face because he didn’t feel like he had a right to be, but… well, he was.  And I don’t really blame him.  I think I would have been, too.

We don’t have any solutions yet.  But at least talking is happening.  Sabby and Allison’s mother tell me that’s very important.

Anyway, we got up early this morning and went over to a studio that they’d rented for the week, and, well, first everyone met all the idols.  I man, we’ve met Miki and of course Miniami, and the aidols have spent a bit of time, but everyone else hadn’t, so we spent a little time getting to know each other.  There’s a significant language barrier so Yuki and I did a lot of translation, but it all worked out.  After that, we spent pretty much the entire day rehearsing our routine.  It was fun, but exhausting, and since most of the girls have never actually been in a group like that, we’re pretty raw.  But the choreographer was patient and said she thinks we’ll do well enough.

They ordered in lunch, so we ate and talked (as much as we could).  The idols are very jet-lagged, and so afterwards they took a bit of a nap before we did afternoon rehearsal.

Basically, the idols are doing to sing their song and do their dance, but we’re all going to be doing chants (“hai! hai!”), swishing around pom poms, and basically doing some marginally athletic cheer moves in our “school uniforms”.  It’s kinda silly but I think it’ll work out well.  We mostly have to be sure to not get in their way and not flub our moves too bad.  They chose moves for us that are tolerant of mistakes (you know, jump around, kick our legs up in the air, a couple of us will do backflips…  that’s what a lot of the rehearsal’s been about, making sure we don’t hurt ourselves), but of course, they’re Japanese, if we “ganbatte” then we can’t really make mistakes.  It’ll be alright.

Not all of us are that athletic, though, so some of us are just kind of prancing around.  but, there’s a particular way to prance that we had to learn…  And the synchronized cartwheels were challenging.

They told us to get to a store and get some “spanx” though so we don’t end up flashing the audience.  Yeah, Yuki did warn me about that.

Anyway, tomorrow, we’re going to do some more work, and then the idols are going on a tour of Houston, which we won’t be going on.   We’ll get to use the studio though if we want to practice on our own, and the choreographer will be around because there’s no need for her to go on the outing with the idols.  After a couple of days of that, we’re going to have our own day out with the idols (that’s quite a few girls, that’s going to be a bit of a mess, but fun), and then we get to rehearse on the actual stage in the convention center.

We might “kidnap” the choreographer for an afternoon and take her somewhere fun, too.  She’s been really helpful.

Somewhere in there we’re all going to go to the interview with the local news, too, and probably have a crew from Japan as well.  The idols aren’t invited to that because, at least for that one brief period of time, it’s not about them.

Anyway, it’s going to be a busy week.

I did take Jack to meet the idols and he kinda hung around as we rehearsed.  He was pretty smooth, and a couple of the idols were sneaking glances and blushing.  Bad.  That’s bad.  No one needs photos of that, it could cause a scandal.

Okay, well, it’s an early day tomorrow, even if this time I don’t have to pop over to Japan at 4 AM.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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