Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

The girls and I had our last Friday night together for a while…  and maybe for a long while.  So they pretty much threw me and Liz a goodbye party.  I, well.. bawled again.   And, well, so did Liz.

They gave us both some gifts and lots of chocolate.  Awww.

Anyway…  our girl-pile last night was really, ummm….  bittersweet.  They were all a little more clingy than usual, and that made me a little sad.

So today we went to the mall to pick up some stuff for Liz’s trip…  I thought she was flying but she’s packing up the car with her family and driving to California.  Jack is doing the same.  So…  I’m going to pop over to wherever they’re staying overnight and spend a little time with them.  They both leave Monday.  Liz is heading for California so they’ll be staying in El Paso, Tucson, or Phoenix…  Jack’s heading for Toledo so he’ll probably be staying around Memphis.  And me, well, I’m hopping a plane to a small island nation…

I actually kind of wish I could take people with me when I “pop”, and I’m also kind of glad I can’t.  I can’t be exploited as easily if it’s just simply something I’m unable to do.  Beth has some ideas as to how to get around that restriction, but the Boss was clear.  Don’t play around, it’s dangerous.  Mrs. X. told me some stories a while ago of what it was like to pop out of a plane.  I think I mentioned this, but you basically have to just freefall for a few seconds while the air resistance slows you down to a speed that it can then make use of properly.  It can shield you somewhat, but it’s still really unpleasant and there’s always that worry of “what if it can’t match up?”  It always does, but it’s awful when it’s happening.

Anyway, this is happening.  I think I’m going to be kind of lonely next week.  Well, Yuki will be here.  I mentioned she’s staying over?

Yuki’s become a surprisingly good friend.  Not surprising because she’s a bad person, but because, well, she’s kind of unexpected.  I mean, a former idol who just happened to find her way into the same community college that I did?  And the funny thing is that for all of her idol cred, she really didn’t have much to do with my other interactions with idols, those happened entirely differently.  I guess I’m just destined to be a part of the idol world, even if just on the fringes.  No way I’d make a good “real” idol.  Beth might, though.  I don’t think Crystal would.  She’s too talented at the things that don’t matter for an idol, and not at the things that do.  She’d be terrible at pretending to like the otaku, for example.  She’d tell them to “zakennayo” and not think twice about that.  Not a good look for an idol…

I think Yuki will be a decent voiceover artist.  Suzuka does a bit of that, and she thinks it’s fun.

I haven’t said much about Suzuka and Haruna.  They had lots of fun here, but they’re glad to be back in Japan.  We’re all planning a big ol’ party (tasteful, of course) once Yuki and I get to Japan.. the aidols, the idol group, Suzuka, Haruna…  it’ll be fun.  But no drinking.  Not all of us are of age and, well, drunk Japanese people are only sometimes fun.  Jack probably won’t be there for that but we’ll have our own private party when he is.

It’s about a week, and I leave, and, well…  this all ends.

Alright…  I should go.  I’ve got much to do tomorrow and it’s late.  The girls are staying over tonight too.  They kinda don’t want to leave.  I completely understand.

Love you all!!! ❤️