Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

This will be the last entry in this diary.  I’m sitting at the gate in the airport and the plane’s going to board soon.

I’m excited and nervous and anxious and happy and sad and… and…  I’m everything.  Every emotion I’ve ever had or could have is warring inside of me right now.  I’m going to miss everyone but I’m going to make new friends and…  and I’ll come back to Round Rock a different person… maybe a better person.

I’ve written in this diary for three years.  I’ve shared with you the ups, the downs, the victories, the sadnesses… everything I am, everything I’ve done, everything I want to be… I’ve shared with you.  You know me as well as any of my friends… well, I’ve never told you what kind of pajamas I wear….  alright, alright…  I wear pink frilly pajamas with a satiny feel and short frilly sleep-shorts.  No unicorns.

Or…. am I joking?  You’ll still never know, you silly-billies.

But I might not be.  It does seem like something I’d wear, right?  They’re nice and cool, don’t reveal too much, and, well…  I guess the cat’s out of the bag, huh?  But I won’t tell you about my underwear!  Some things need to stay secret!!!

Anyway, you know me as well as any of my friends, mostly…  and I’ve never once regretted sharing any of this with you.  I don’t know who you are, and I’ve never met you, and I wouldn’t even know you if I did… but you’ve always been my biggest fans and I love you for that.

I have a few regrets, but not many.  I’ve lived my life as best I can, with the love and support of my family, sisters, and friends, and I don’t know how it could have been any better.  And I’m about to go make more memories.

For the final time…

Love you all!!! ❤️


From the creator:

See my “final thoughts” post for my reflection, but… this is the last post, for real.  I may update sporadically in the future but I might not.   The Lily project may not be entirely dead, but this incarnation of it is.  It’s over.  No more Lily.

I’ve been writing Lily almost every night for like three years now.  I don’t know if I’ll miss it.  But I’ll certainly feel like there’s something I’ve forgotten to do for a while.

Thanks for reading… if you have.

Another story or spin-off is not out of the question, but it won’t be in this format (serial fiction) and it will likely be something entirely different.  Don’t hold your breath, though.  This is a lot to manage even as it is.