Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today, while Jack was out, I went over and talked to his parents for a while.  For a long while, actually.

I won’t pretend I bared my hopes and dreams and all that, but I did tell them what’s going on and how confused and scared I am about the whole thing.

They listened patiently, and when I was done, they just kind of looked at each other.  finally his mother spoke.  “Jack’s a sensitive boy,” she said.  “He always has been.”  then she told me some somewhat hilarious story about how he rescued a worm when he was little, then found all of its friends and filled up the bathtub with worms.  He had run out of works and was starting with roly=polies when they found him.  He was so upset when he had to take the worms out, but the birds had a feast.

Yeah, that’s Jack.

Anyway, they said it’s ultimately my decision, but that they’d rather we be absolutely sure than rushing into something.  Because, they said, at the end of the day, it’s not just about me and Jack, it’s about whatever kids we have.  Do we want to have a seven year old kid and put them through a divorce?


But I told them how much I hated hurting Jack, and they said it’s partly his fault for springing it on me without talking it over first.  It’s a Grand Romantic Gesture but it’s also really risky because you run a very real risk of getting rejected.  Jack was lucky in that, but only just.  They said they’ve been talking to him about that, but he’s too hurt and it’s having a hard time sinking in.

They also said they really admire me for having that, er, “red line” with Jack.  She said it’d be a lot more troublesome if I we’d crossed it.

Probably also true.

I still really don’t know what to do, but Jack and I have an appointment with Allison’s mother tomorrow, maybe she’ll have an insight or two.

Or three. maybe.

I asked Jack why he’s so afraid of me leaving…  and, well… remember what I was telling you about his old school?  Yeah.  the bullies really hurt him, and he’s afraid he’s going to lose me at any time, that I’m just going to say “just kidding” and leave.

I won’t…  but I guess I get that.  I am a catch…  I guess.

Anyway… otherwise…  we’re going to Houston this weekend, and so is the idol group.  Hopefully we’ll get a lot done.  Maybe I should take Jack along, if he wants to go.

Love you all!!! ❤️

Creator Notes:

And we’re heading into the final arcs.