This diary entry is part 1 of 1 in Lily's diary dated 44 - February 2025

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!


It’s so big I had to write a post here and tell you all!!!


So… how did that happen?

Well, remember how I told you that Mrs. X is pretty high up in the government?  And how the president knows about us and everything?  Well…  you know what’s going on, they’re really bent on cleaning up the government, and a part of that is security clearances and diplomats and all that stuff.  We don’t really work for the government so they can’t fire us, and they know it’s a pretty bad idea to go against the Boss anyway, so instead they brought us all in to meet with the President and a couple of cabinet members.  I guess they wanted to make sure we weren’t going to do anything stupid.

So they gave me an invitation and a protocol.  They told me where it was safe to pop and gave me some pictures of the area (apparently they have a protocol for if someone pops in unannounced – they shoot first and ask questions later.  That wouldn’t really work (I can’t be killed, even by them) but trying to get a bullet dislodged is inconvenient and a bit painful… or so Mrs. X tells me.  She wouldn’t tell me how she knows.  And apparently the tongue-lashing you get from the Boss is legendary.

He’s usually pretty nice, but hard to blame him.

Anyway, I showed up at the White House (dressed very nicely) and they escorted me in to a conference room.  There was the President, his Chief of Staff, the head of Homeland Security, and a few other folks.  They were very cordial and weren’t confrontational, but they wanted to know my name, how I came to become one of the “Special Envoys” (that’s what they call us), and what I planned to do in the future.  I told them honestly, and they were very interested in my story.  They were particularly interested in how such an experiment (this happened after he was voted out the first term) came to exist, and why there seemed to be a coverup.

He promised me that he would get to the bottom of it and that some people might get fired.  He’s pretty good at firing.  He’s been doing it a lot recently.

And then….  then the Boss decided to speak.

Holy… umm…  well, holy.

“Donald the Trump”, he said, “This is Lily’s Boss.  You know me by many names, but in this room, I am.”

He just looked around, and said in his very brash but not unkind way, “I’m listening”.

Then I spent five minutes just sitting there, being spoken through.  The Boss said many, many things, and many of them I cannot repeat here.  The Boss wouldn’t allow it, but even if he did, there were some, well, state secrets.  Secrets of the type that the President, on the spot, issued me a very particular conditional clearance, so that I was, well, legally allowed to know the things that were spoken through me.  And said that if I ever let any of them slip, well… they’d make life very difficult for me.  They can’t incarcerate me or hurt me, but…  they left that sentence unfinished.


That is a very, well…  odd feeling.  I’m good at keeping a secret though!

But he did seem appreciative.  He gave me a particular phone number and said to call it if the Boss wants to speak again, or in a dire emergency (but only then).  Apparently, even though there had been a few other, well, “special envoys” coming through, none had done that.  He wished me luck and told me that I’d go far in life.  They’d briefed him well – they knew about my concerts.

What can I tell you, then?  Well…  nothing of that nature.  Clearly.  “It’s classified” is, well…  a real thing.  But I can tell you he’s kind of nice (but also very brash and blunt), really smart, and when you’re in the room with him you have his full attention.  About all I can say is, well… you know all the stuff he’s done so far?

You ain’t seen nothing yet.  The Boss had some very specific ideas on how things need to go, and we’re in for a ride.

He’s actually kinda hot, too… well, for a 78 year old, that is.  A bit orange.  Haha.

They did let me get a picture with him, though they advised me not to spread it around.  It will probably go on my shelf next to my totem and that’s where it will stay.

So after our meeting (I MET THE PRESIDENT) I was escorted out to a popping-out place, and I went right to see Sabby.  And man, was she jealous.  she made me tell her everything.  Even Dave was impressed.  He’s not, well, on the same team, but even he has to admit that some of the things he’s doing are necessary.

Anyway…  this isn’t a political diary, but I MET THE PRESIDENT, and, well, who wouldn’t want to shout that to the world?

So I’m back in Japan now, after having visited with Sabby for a while, and Yuki was pretty impressed too.  I wonder if the Japanese head of state will want to talk to me at some point, or even the Emperor.  Of course I’ll speak with them if asked, but I don’t know all of the honorific speech, so I hope they make allowances.

I’m just an ordinary woman!  I promise!  Well…  sigh.  Maybe not, at that.  there’s nothing about me that’s ordinary.  It comes with some downsides… but some upsides too.  Like being able to meet the president!!!

Mrs. X still has her job.  I don’t think they’re going to fire her, but according to her, there’s a new sheriff in town, and things are very different now where she works.  She seems pretty happy about it, though, so that’s good.  She didn’t say much more than “The fetters are off now.”

Whatever that means.

She also popped around and gave me a few points on what it means to have that kind of security clearance, etc.  It’s such a weird feeling.  It’s like the whole weight of the state is around my neck.  But the Boss says he’ll help if needed, so everything’s fine.

The Boss hasn’t let me down yet.

Any other news?  Not really.  It’s been cold here in Japan and the kotatsu has gotten a workout.  Oh, Yuki got a gig with a big anime producer!  I guess she’s going to do a character in “Two Pieces, season forty-eight”.  She’s really happy about that.  I’ve never seen it, there’s like fifteen thousand episodes now so I’m not about to watch them all.  I’ll watch the one she’s in though!

Love you all!!!

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