This diary entry is part 9 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 37 - July 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So I got news today!  We’re going to be doing a handshake event in Houston!!! Me and all the girls!!!


I don’t mind, but a couple of the girls are freaking out a bit.  They don’t know how to idol!!!  But I told them it’s okay, Yuki and Miki will teach them.  It’s pretty much just about letting them clasp your hand, smiling, and telling them it’s nice to see them until they get herded out.  And they get to sign merch and stuff, too.

I have a feeling Crystal’s just going to be all tsundere, but I think that’s fine, as long as she’s consistent about it.

I have no sympathy at all.  They played a prank on me in a Japanese train.  It’s good for them, anyway.

Otherwise, it was a pretty quiet day.  No storms or anything, a little hot but not excessively so, particularly for the middle of July, and we might get storms in a couple of days.  This is unusual for July, but hey.  I guess we’ll have our drought next month, or something.

Well, I don’t have a lot to say right now, I guess.  I have a date with Jack tomorrow night.  We’re going to talk about a lot of stuff.  I hope it turns out alright.  It usually does, though.  He’s not a bad guy at all.  Men have feelings too.  Sabby told me that’s the most important thing to remember, and they’re not always the same feelings I have.  As long as I remember that, it should turn out alright.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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