Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Well, the tropical storm was a whole lot of nothing.  Didn’t even see any walking trash cans.  But considering how it was in Houston, well, I think a whole lot of nothing is fine.

Emiko doesn’t have power, so I popped over with some food.  They were very appreciative.

See?  I don’t just use it to go to Japan…

But I do use it to go to Japan.  turns out I’m a little talented at dancing.  Or at least more than I thought I was.  I’ll never be a professional dancer, but I can do simple idol dances and I’m already pretty fit and flexible.  I can’t keep up with them right now, but I can hold my own, so that’s cool.  Japanese idol dancing is pretty much just coordinated arm movements anyway, so it all works out.

Dave says the only difference between epilepsy and dancing is the number of people doing it in sync.  That’s not very nice.  Funny…. but not very nice.,  haha!!!

Well, Japanese dancing isn’t like that.  Western pop music… I guess I see his point.

Anyway…  things are quiet today.  I popped over this morning to work with Miki and the choreographer.  It’s pretty good exercise at 4 AM… well, 4 AM my time anyway.

Okay, well…  I’m going to go to bed.  More dance lessons tomorrow.  I’m actually a kind of lucky girl, who else gets taught by professional choreographers at no cost???

When I come back, I show Yuki what I learned and she runs with that and teaches the other girls.  She’s nice like that.

Oh… speaking of Yuki… I’m going to fly with her to Japan.  No, I don’t have to.  But I’m going to anyway.  I want to keep her company.  When I told her that, tears sprung out of her eyes, and I’m not even really sure why.  Aww.

Love you all!!! ❤️