This diary entry is part 13 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 36 - June 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Well..  I went and talked to Miki.

She was, umm… quite surprised.

She didn’t seem upset, though.

It’s funny.  All the girls see me as a “walking shrine” or something similar, so this doesn’t seem to faze them.  I’m just unusual, and they just see this as another Lily thing.  They’re more surprised than anything, but not really surprised.  It’s like they were expecting something like this, just didn’t know exactly what.

So Miki doesn’t really care.

I mean she kinda does, but she just said “so does this mean you’ll visit more often?”, and then we went for ramen.  She told me about all the stuff the after-school friends light music club is up to, but honestly, I was only partly paying attention.  But we hugged after and she said that now I have no excuse not to visit so I’d better.

I asked how I’d explain it to her group… she said “well, just give a day’s notice before seeing all of us and it’ll be fine.”  She’s probably right.  I can hop on a train to the airport and leave from some isolated station somewhere…  I hate having to be so sneaky but I can’t tell everyone.  It’s only going to be a problem if I find out someone’s having a hard time and appear five minutes later.

I actually don’t really understand why everyone’s being so sanguine about it.  I was expecting someone to get jealous or leave me, but so far, no one has.  Not even Crystal.

Speaking of whom, I told Crystal later today, after I came home.

She just looked at me, and said “I have enough trouble trusting people.  Don’t violate it.”  Then she gave me a hug.

Fair.  I guess that means warn her before coming over, respect her wishes if she doesn’t want me to, and for all that’s good and holy, don’t sneak up on her.

I told her that if there’s a genuine emergency, all bets are off and I’ll ask forgiveness afterwards, but everything short of that, I’ll remember.  She just shrugged.  “It’d better actually be an emergency.”  But I gave her some Japanese treats, and, well, like most of my friends, food covers a multitude of sins.

I’ll tell Diana this weekend, and everyone else, I’ll just kind of trickle it out as I need to.  It’s not like I’m going to hide it from Emiko, but I’m not going to be dropping everything either.

Father’s day is this weekend.  I need to think of something to get Dave.  Maybe I’ll find something in London…

or…  maybe not.

David’s coming home this weekend.  I might prank him.

Anyway, I’m going to bed.  I’m still a little depressed.  I kind of wish this hadn’t happened, but, well… nothing I can do about it.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

Once Lily’s told all her friends, this will calm down a bit.  She’ll get used to it… she’ll have to, frankly.

There are still some surprises coming up, but that’s most of the supernatural stuff out of the way, finally.

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