Hi! It’s me1 Lily!!!

What a hot day!! Now we’re in summer in central Texas!!!

It’s not hot in Tokyo though, so when I popped over this morning to go take some lessons from Miki (and their choreographer), it was really pleasant there.  I actually went for my run there.  I guess there are some advantages.  They taught me a lot of the steps and now I need to teach the girls.  They dumbed it down for us newbies, so it’s not like we’re doing backflips or anything.

Of course they asked why I’m teaching them that…  well, I want to perform it with them at the shop.  And there’s no other reason.  Not at all, no sirree…  but I actually do want to perform it with them at the shop, so, well….  I’ll spend tomorrow teaching them some of the steps.

Going to have to figure out how to teach Rebecca and her friends in SoCal those steps too, but…  we’ll figure it out.  Yeah, I want them to perform it too.  They were on the train with me, after all!!!

Beth actually figured out the other reason I don’t have at all, but she has to keep it quiet, and now she actually has to help me.  Aww.  the others are a little suspicious but I told them if they trust me just go along with it because I’m not going to have them do anything bad.  I mean, who am I kidding, they for sure know something’s up but I want to keep at least SOME surprise…

Okay!  Girls are here and they’re full of chocolate, so there’s some wall-bouncing going on, so I may as well join in on the…  oh crap, is that a pillow fight I hear?  Sabby’s not gonna be… wait.  Is that her I hear throwing pillows too?

Dangit, I need to get in on that action.

Love you all OWWWWWWW

I’M GONNA GET YOU BETH.  Stop squealing and running!!! Okay gotta go!!!

From the creator:

Anime Matsuri in Houston is August 17th.  This is true both in story and in real life.  As with all things, the only thing it really has in common in both cases is the name and maybe some superficial things like the location.

In 2016, the Morning Musume idol group came to the Houston Anime Matsuri to perform.

That statement is actually a clue as to how this particular arc is going to go.  Good luck.

(I have absolutely no idea who’s actually performing there this year, and to be absolutely frank, I don’t give a shit.  But the fact that idol groups come to perform at all is the thing that’s useful to me.)