This diary entry is part 1 of 1 in Lily's diary dated 41 - November 2024

Hi! It’s me! LILY!!!!!

Older Lily!!!!

Bet you weren’t expecting to hear from me!!!

I just thought I’d post.  I know a few of you grew fond of me, so I thought I’d tell you how things are going.

Answer:  Pretty good, actually.

Yuki and I are living together, and it’s going alright.  She can be a bit of a slob and I’m a bit of a neat freak, but we work it out.  She’s got a job as a voice actor now!!!  Apparently she was a good fit for “Reincarnated into another world as an iPhone, and I’m Siri”.  I asked her if she was sure she wanted to voice such a stupid-sounding anime, but she just shrugged and said “work is work”.  I’ve seen her perform a couple of times, and she does a really good job!!!  She’s got that “huh?” down!! Haha!!!

She wants a bit part in another better anime, like “Love! Live” someday, but says this will do to get her foot in the door.  The Japanese corporate world is brutal.

Anyway, as for me, I’m studying to be a teacher, but I took a part time job at a local konbini.  I figured it was a good way to practice my Japanese and make sure my trust fund doesn’t get too depleted.  It doesn’t pay great but I get to eat lots of Japanese food.  Yuki’s got an unexpected talent for cooking, I was surprised!!! She makes really good Japanese dishes!!!  I just gave to pick up the ingredients, and she cooks up a storm.

Let’s see, how is everyone else.  Jack and I are still together.  He comes to Japan about once a month to work, and we visit each other when he’s here.  I go there every now and then too, but he understands why I want to keep that to a minimum.  He’s actually really popular!  He gets confessed to every time he comes here, and he blushes and gently but firmly tells them to pound sand.  A couple of girls went yandere on him, but I just made it be known I’ve knocked people out before, and they back off.  Thankfully.

The “after school friends idol light music club” is humming along, but they’re going in a different direction – they’re still idols, but they started to take their music and performing more seriously, and their producer went along with it.  So less cute, more skill.  I’m proud of them, especially Miki!!!  They’re pretty popular, Miki also gets confessed to quite a lot, but she tells them all to pound sand too.  Not only is it against the rules, it’s against the rules for good reason.  She says “I’m everyone’s Miki!”  They actually split off into a couple of subgroups.  She does more of the bog standard jpop, but the other subgroup does metal.  Which is kinda… strange to see, but pretty cool.

How bout the girls back home…  Crystal’s band’s actually become somewhat popular locally!  They’re playing on sixth street now, and have a pretty loyal following.  And she has a girlfriend too!!!  I…  didn’t see that one coming, honestly, but she seems pretty nice and grounded.  I don’t know how long it will last, but she seems happy enough.  Her girlfriend is accepting of her past, but she also doesn’t put up with crap, and Crystal seems to appreciate that.  She’s a lot like me, actually.

Crystal needs nice and grounded in her life.  Sometimes Crystal gets a little stupid and all it takes is a dirty look and something whispered in her ear, and she calms right down and gets all cuddly.  It’s actually kind of hilarious.  She’s so tsundere sometimes.

I’m still not, well, sure about her, but I guess I can see why she’d go for girls.  It’s not like the men in her life treated her very well, honestly.

Diana is, well, still Diana.  Cooking up a storm and being the rock of the group in my absence.  She wants to go to culinary school when she graduates, and I think that’s a teriffic idea.  The world needs Diana’s cooking.  Beth is applying to a music school, she wants to be a professional singer.  Sabby’s not too happy with that because she’s got such promise in science, but she says that she can get a science education anytime.  Probably true, but I don’t really know what she’s thinking.  I hope she doesn’t regret that decision.  But I love music and Beth, so I support her.

Everyone else is just humming along.  I’d say Dave’s got a promotion, but he owns the darn company, so I’ll say instead his business is going really well and he’s got lots of new clients.  Crystal’s father rose in the ranks too, and he’s Dave’s right hand man now.  I guess they’re doing pretty well.  Sabby’s still running the shop, and we had to hire a few more people.  Katie is now general manager, and we’ve got several bakers.  Everyone got a raise recently, so they’re really happy.  We’re also attracting a lot of good bands (including Crystal’s) so lots of folks come around to listen to music and buy food.

Anathema’s still deliriously happy with Joe and her baby, so… I’m glad.  She’s really turned it around.  I’m proud of her.

Hmm, what else.  Oh, there was an election recently!!!  I’ll not say much about that, but to say I’m glad I’m in Japan.  Japanese people seem to like the guy who won (well, mostly) so there’s not a lot of stupid crap like there is in America right now.  I never did tell you which of Dave and Sabby are Democrat, did I?  Well, you can probably guess.  It’s okay, they still love each other.

Well, I gotta head to college.  Yuki’s gotta head for work, so we’re going to head for the train together.  Those trains get crowded around rush hour!  Someone tried chikan on me once, and, well, he got pulled off the train by the police and nursing a couple of broken teeth.  I didn’t get in any trouble, thankfully, but I’d rather avoid that if at all possible.  Yuki feels safe when traveling with me, so I try to keep her company as much as I can.

I’ll post more!!!

Love you all!!!! ❤️❤️