July 3, 2024

Hi! It’s me1 Lily!!!

Okay, I failed.  I failed hard.  But in the end it doesn’t matter, I’m still gonna get my sisters back for what they did on that train in Japan.  So hah.

I failed because I can’t keep this a secret anymore.  There’s too many moving parts and I’m getting a lot of pushback.  So I set up a group call and told everyone what I’m planning.

And, well… actually, it’s turning out better this way.

So here’s the surprise.  Anime Matsuri is in Houston in August, and Miki’s idol group are the guests of honor.  And there’s going to be a performance of “Don’t embarrass your older sister on the train”.  And…  all of the girls who were in the original video (read:  all my sisters) are invited to come and dance in a performance.

It’s turning out better because now these girls are running around frantically and getting nervous and wondering how the heck they’re going to learn all these dance steps…  and they have to do it because their parents know and they’re not going to let them get away with not going.  Haha!!!  But as I said earlier – the point isn’t really to embarrass them.  I’m working with Miki to make sure they have a choreography they can do, and Miki’s group is coming over a couple of days earlier so we can all go to Houston and train with their choreographer so we won’t make a complete mess of it.  They’re being taken around Houston for a couple of days after the festival, but before, it’s all business.  And we’re a part of that business!  Haha!!!

And they get a little stipend too.  Nothing big, enough for a nice meal.  And some “After-school friends idol light music club” merch.

Basically, they need to put on their school uniforms (bet they regret getting those now, haha) and their multicolored wigs and do a few dance steps while the idol group sings and dances around them.  Nothing really fancy.  I mean, they’re not pros and we all know it.  But Yuki’s in on it too and she’ll help teach them.

Nothing like dancing around on stage in front of a few thousand otaku.  But it’s alright.  I bet they get a great reception.  The video is popular.


Some of the neighbors are out popping fireworks.  I want to go look.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

I wanted to keep it a secret but unfortunately as Lily said, there were too many moving parts and I was unable.  But that’s alright, this should work out as well.

Remember:  All events that actually exist are fictionalized.  They only share the name and maybe the location and a few other minor things.  Everything else is my imagination and bears no resemblance to the actual event.

Which is good for them, tbh, because I generally have nothing good to say about them, personally.  But Lily loves them.

July 2, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I’m tired.  They’re having me do lots of dancy stuff, and I’m stretching muscles I didn’t know I had.  Aww.  I don’t know how I’m going to teach the girls, maybe I should just hire a dance tutor or something.  At this rate I’m going to have to tell them about the surprise because otherwise I don’t think I can convince them to do this.

Aww.  I didn’t think about how difficult this would be to put together.  Well, even if not all can dance, there’s still something they can do!!!

They’re not getting off that easily!!! Hahaha!!!!

Either way, we’ll figure something out.

Yuki’s actually kind of looking forward to going back to Japan.  I think she’s come to terms with her time as an idol now.  It seems like it was a little traumatic in some ways, but she says she has some good memories too, it’s just…  she wants something genuine, and being an idol was pretty much the exact opposite of genuine.  I told her I can pop over some of her stuff when we’ve got the apartment but she’ll have to ship some over too.  Once we get there I’m going to make sure the Aidols and the idol group and Haruka and Suzuka and everyone I know there gets together and goes to an amusement park or something.  Yuki needs lots of friends and I think that’s something that was missing last time, and, well, I’m not letting that happen again.  I won’t try to run her life or anything, but I’m not letting her go friendless.

If I did, I’d be a rotten sister…

Dave bought all the stuff for grilling on the fourth.  We’re gonna have a feast!  And everyone’s invited.  I wish I could invite the aidols and Miki’s group…  but they’re not gonna hop a ten hour flight just to grill with us.  Even though I think Suzuka might actually think the BBQ is worth it.  haha!!!

I’ve noticed that these days I talk a lot more about my Japanese friends than I do my American friends… but I think that’s normal.  I’m about to move there, for a while, anyway.  My life is about to change, and my friends, well, they’re not changing but they’re refocusing a little, I guess.  I’m going to make lots and lots and lots of Japanese friends, and my American friends will be, well, in America.  It’s just how things go.  But Beth already told me I have no excuse for not coming by sometimes and having a girl pile and eating lots of chocolate with everyone.

And, you know, she’s right.  I can’t make a habit of it because it’ll wreak havoc on my sleep, but…  I can’t completely stay away.  It wouldn’t be right.

I just can’t.

I’m a little sad.  Well, I’m a lot sad.  But I’m also looking forward to my new, if temporary life.

I still haven’t chosen my major in college yet.  And I really should.  I have to register anyway.

Love you all!!! ❤️

July 1, 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I’m an idiot.  I mean, I’m really an idiot.  Sabby asked me if I’d talked to any of the parents of the girls I want to teach the dance to.

I hadn’t.

I can let them in on the surprise even if I don’t tell the girls so they can help out.

So I talked to some of the parents today and they’re all for it, they thing it’s pretty funny.  They even had some ideas.  …  which I’ll keep to myself right now.  But they’re willing to help with airfare, so…  that works out.  They just said to tell me when and where to send their daughters.


Funny thing is, none of them said no.  They thought it was hilarious.

I have a feeling they’re going now even if they figure out what the surprise is and want to back out!!!  Some of the parents said they deserve a little something something for embarrassing me like that.  It’s not an embarrassing surprise, but.. well…  it could be.  A little bit.

I won’t deliberately make it one, just by its nature…


Independence day is this Thursday.  Jack and I are going to a fireworks show.  I wish I could take him to a fireworks festival in Japan, but this will have to do.  I need to spend more time with him anyway.  He’s not upset or anything, but I’ve been so busy having a weird life… but I do need to spend more time with him, especially with college coming up.

He means a lot to me.  I haven’t been very good at showing it.

Yuki and I are making plans to live together.  I already have an apartment lined up, but I asked the leasing people if they can change it to one for two people, and she said she’d see what she could do.  I told Yuki I don’t mind paying the bills for a little while., but she can’t become a NEET.  She has to do something.  Go to school, get a job, take some training…  something.  She agreed.  She said she doesn’t want to live a dependent life anyway.

I asked her what she wants to do.

She said she might want to take actual voice lessons and leverage her former idol status to become a pop or anisong singer, or maybe learn to be an anime voice actor.

I’ve heard her sing.  She’s not bad.  Could use some training, but she definitely does have the stage presence.  I’ll root for her.

Crystal’s band is really rocking.  They practiced yesterday.  Crystal’s been taking guitar lessons on one of those online sites, and somehow got even better.  She’s not quite to the point of shredding yet, but she’s very competent and is holding her own in her band.  They’ve got a few gigs lined up, one at our new place – the grand opening is very soon.  People here in Round Rock are starting to at least know who they are.

And Beth is getting pretty good at singing too.  She’s not quite to the point where she could teach Yuki things, but they’re pretty much on par.  And considering Yuki is a former idol.. that’s saying something.  I think she still wants to go to college for science, but she likes it a lot as a hobby.

Anyway…  gotta go.  I need to get up early to pop over to Tokyo to take some more dance lessons from Yuki and the others.  When the others ask, I just say I’m going to college in Japan.  They don’t have to know I don’t live there yet.  They have me stretching and doing exercises and stuff.  Oww.  Especially at 4 AM my time…  but then I get to pass that on to the girls, so it all balances out.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

About two months and Lily is over.