Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I don’t really have much to say today.  It was another boring day.  It’s getting hot here in Central Texas.  Yeah, I guess I could go to Australia, but, what’s the point, really?  I can also stay here and have an ice pop.

Central Texas is a little boring in the summer, really.

There’s no beaches, there’s no amusement parks really except for the waterpark, there’s… really nothing.

Look at me, being all complainey.

Oh well, it’s fun complaining sometimes.  I’d just better not let Sabby catch me, um…  well, she’ll probably read this.

Oh well.

I studied Japanese some, and ran this morning, and, well…  what else.  Nothing, really.

Well, considering all the exciting stuff that happens to me, maybe I should be happy to have a day where I don’t have anything to say.

Love you all!!! ❤️