October 5, 2023

This diary entry is part 5 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s Friday!!!


I like Fridays!!!

We had a pizza party tonight!

Those are always fun.

We chowed down on pizza and chocolate and sodas, then we watched lots of anime and played games.

Well…  I guess it sounds boring, doesn’t it?  But it’s not.  It’s always fun spending time with my sisters.

Dave and David and crew are going to start remodeling the front end of the shop this weekend.  I don’t know how Dave does it, but I guess it’s a part of his job – he already got all the permits needed.  We’re going to set up a little stage with sound equipment, and a few tables and chairs…  and add lighting and all sorts of cool stuff.  But here’s the best part – it’s not just for Yuki to do her idol stuff.  We can also do live music!

That should be fun!  Like Bocchi!!!

I didn’t post last night because we were all at the shop after it closed designing stuff.

Tomorrow is supposed to be much cooler!  We’re all planning to go outside and do stuff!!!  We haven’t decided what, but I bet Marie will have a blast too!!!  I invited Jack, he’s studying, but I told him that there’s a such thing as taking it too seriously, and to come have fun with us.  He agreed.  He’s bringing Grace and Lily too.  Everyone loves Grace!!!

Well…  time to sleep I suppose.

Love you all!!!  ❤️

October 4, 2023

This diary entry is part 4 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s Wednesday!!!

Ummm…  it’s Wednesday.

Weekdays can be so boring!!!


But cooler weather is finally coming!  Some rain tonight and then the heat is hopefully gone for good!  Until next year anyway.  What’s the opposite of a teruterubouzu again?  I’m going to put one out!!!

The movers have gotten all of Rebecca’s stuff and they’re driving a couple of semi trucks across the country!!!  They’re going to fly out this weekend and…  then she’ll be a resident of Texas!!! She’s a little nervous, but she likes Texas people (she says we’re really cool and much more down to earth, yay us!) and she’s getting an even nicer house with a huge pool and movie room and everything.  She’s a little more materialistic than we are, I guess, but she was raised in wealth, so I guess I understand that.  If it’s all you know, it’s all you know, right??

She wants all of us to come up and see her new house though once she gets settled in.  Not all of the girls are, well, really excited about that idea, but they don’t mind Rebecca and her heart’s in the right place, so maybe we’ll all take a trip up someday.

She may be my half sister, but if I didn’t like her, well, I wouldn’t like her.  She really is alright, though.

She won’t be down here in Austin much, though.  The only reason her family could pull off the move is because a lot of Robert’s clients are in Dallas.

She said she might miss the beach, but we have Galveston, etc.. it’s not like a California beach, but, at least it’s a beach.

I don’t have much other news today.  Yuki and Liz are over tonight.  Everyone seems to have accepted Yuki as one of the girls.  Even Marie!!! She’s a little reserved and sometimes she seems to not trust people until she gets to know them, but she’s great, and she’s really fun too.  Sometimes she seems sad, but I kind of understand why, and that’s when we invite her into a girl-pile and cuddle with her, and the sadness seems to melt away.  Not to toot our own horn, but we’re all warm and smell nice (most of the time!) and really care about each other.  How can you not love a pile of love like that?

When she said “it’s all I ever wanted”.. I really think she meant it.  It really is all she ever wanted.  To be loved for who she is and nothing more.

And finding that as an idol is hard.

It’s funny, you know?  You think of an idol a bit like a theme park, there for your entertainment, full of bright lights and good food and cheerfulness… all there for you to consume…  but if you look behind the locked gates you find dinginess and despair and buzzing transformers and soulless fluorescent lights and machine rooms and all sorts of things that you’re not supposed to see – but they’re the way things really are.  And some people really, really hate when their illusions are popped.

Like that first episode of Oshi no ko.


And you’d think a Japanese person would not like physical contact all that much, but she…  she can’t get enough.

I guess I get it.


Love you all!!! ❤️

October 3, 2023

This diary entry is part 3 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s been another quiet day.  I do like quiet days but they don’t make for a good story, do they?  I just go running, I eat breakfast, I do homework, sometimes I go to class… maybe I go to the shop after, or maybe not, depending on how much work I have to do.  I practice piano, maybe go to lessons, sometimes the girls are over or do something silly…  it’s not really all that interesting is it?  But I still write every day because it’s a good habit and because you like to read what I’m up to.  At least I hope you like to read what I’m up to.  Maybe you’re rage-reading.  Maybe you hate my guts and are reading here just to tell all your friends what a jerk I am.  I don’t think I am, but..  maybe?  I mean, do jerks always know they’re jerks?

Interesting question there, I suppose.

Karens don’t always seem to know they’re karens.

So, maybe I’ll tell you all the fun stuff coming up.  Well…  kind of.

Let’s see.  Rebecca’s about to move – I think she flies up to Dallas this weekend.  She’s a little nervous and she’s going to miss her friends, but she’s really popular and she’ll make lots of friends in Texas too.  And there’s always zoom.  Maybe I’ll add a few sisters.

Dave’s trying to figure some time to remodel the front of the store to add a small stage and some audio equipment.  We’ve ordered all the maid outfits and nobody seems to mind – except Baker.  Baker cursed a little in Spanish and said no way no how is she wearing a maid outfit – it’ll just get dirty and floury anyway.

She’s too good, so we just kind of backed off and asked her to at least wear a chef’s hat.

She grumbled a bit but agreed.

Truthfully, I don’t even know why we asked.  She’s in the back, no one sees her, and she prefers it that way.

What else.  Halloween is coming up and it’s only a minor big deal at the Smith house.  Dave’s starting to pull decorations out of the garage and attic, and we told him to buy a better ladder.  He grumbled but it’s on its way.  He’s been pretty injury free lately but is still clumsy, and pressure-washer accidents are never off the table.

I’m going with Liz’s family on vacation Thanksgiving week.  I still don’t know where.

And Ai is coming over for Christmas, and she might be taking at least one of the Aidols with her.

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to type, I suppose.  Wonder what else will happen.  Guess we’ll find out!

Love you all!!! ❤️

October 2, 2023

This diary entry is part 2 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

The weather is finally breaking!  Next week we’ll have highs in the 70s!  I might even have to break out my track suit or hoodie in the morning!!!  I can’t wait, it’s been a very hot summer!!!

Summers in Texas aren’t the best.  Winters are great!!!  Well…  except for maybe three days in January.

So it’s a Monday.  Mondays aren’t great.  You know, like in that movie, “sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays!”.  I can’t remember the name of the movie, though.  Some creepy guy with a red stapler talking about married squirrels.  Oh well.

I’m not really depressed.  I mean, I’m happy enough, I guess.  I’ve got all my sisters and we’re spending lots of time together, and everyone’s getting along pretty well.  Rebecca’s even moving to Dallas or thereabouts really soon!  (she’s been packing and getting ready for the move for a couple of weeks now – they have a lot of stuff).  I’m…  not really all that happy with some things, though.  I mean…  that thing that happened in church.  Why should I be happy about it?  I mean, some people did get helped by it, and great, but it turned me into some kind of prayer warrior or something and now I feel a little guilty that I don’t pray for people, but what if I do and nothing happens?  What if I say I’ll pray for someone and forget to pray for someone?  What if whoever prayed through me never does it again and I stand there like an idiot?  It’s too much responsibility!  I don’t want to!  I don’t want any of this!

But a lot of things have happened to me that I don’t want and didn’t choose.  None of it’s fair and sometimes I wonder whether I really like God after all.  Even though he seems to have taken a personal interest in me for some reason, I still wonder.

But…  maybe it was him that gave me that chocolate milkshake, so I guess it’s something after all.

I just want to live life as a teenage gi – I mean woman.  That’s all I want right now.  I want to spend time with my sisters and boyfriend and go shopping and buy cute shoes and eat stuff that’s way bad for me, and maybe go to class and…  do class stuff and take lessons and… just be normal.

But life doesn’t really seem to have “normal” in mind for me.

And I hate that, really.

Love you all!!! ❤️

October 1, 2023

This diary entry is part 1 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Ummm..  Sundays are pretty cool, I guess.  You get to laze around, and… well, not with Sabby around.  But I don’t have to do go school or do homework or practice or do lessons.  I just get to do what I want.  Sabby still expects me to be useful, but otherwise I can do what I want.

I didn’t go to church though.

I don’t think I want to go to church again.

I mean, I like church well enough, but after what happened last time…  I’m not even embarrassed…  I’m…  I don’t know what to call it.  Unnerved.  Whatever it is I am, if I go back, I’m going to have to deal with a whole bunch of trouble I don’t want to deal with.  Haven’t I had enough trouble?

Anyway, enough of that, I guess.  Nothing interesting’s happened, lately.  I’m sure something will…  but I try to post every day, even when nothing’s happened and it’s boring… should I keep doing that?  We’ll see, I suppose.  At least Dave grilled this afternoon.  Yum!

Oh… did I mention that they fixed my car window?  I don’t remember.  I might have.  They did!  Yay!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️