This diary entry is part 16 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 26 - August 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Well, I guess every day can’t be exciting, right?

I mean, I woke up this morning, ran, had breakfast, and then…  boring.

So Katie’s pursuing her “baby daddy” for child support, and he’s, well, not receptive is a nice way to put it.  Sabby’s helping her find a lawyer to pursue a paternity test and start the legal ball rolling, but it’d suck if he got away with that, wouldn’t it?  He really wants nothing to do with her or the baby.  How selfish can you be???  I think if Jack were to, well… he’d at least take responsibility.  His parents would probably force him!!!  So… that could be a bit of drama.  I hope it’s not too much more pressure on Katie.

Crystal’s “boyfriend”‘s trial is coming up soon.  They still don’t think she needs to testify, which is good.  They found, ummm… evidence.  And that’s all I’ll say about that.  Some men are stupid.  You don’t do illegal stuff and then make it easy to prove it!!!

Crystal doesn’t really want to hear anything about it, and I don’t blame her.  She feels really complicated about it because it wasn’t entirely unwilling on her part, but…  she also knows she was young and he manipulated her, so…  it’s for the best.

Beth’s back with her mentor, and they’re still running experiments and doing fun (for Beth) things.  She seems to feel so important when she wears her lab coat.  Haha!!!

Diana’s working on her Japanese tacos.  She’s not ready for us to try them yet, but I can’t wait!!!

And….  HEB sells onigiri now!!!

Okay… like I said, boring.  Nothing much else to talk about today.  With birthdays coming up and fall too, I’m sure it’ll get more interesting soon!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

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