This diary entry is part 26 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!


So after I wrote last night’s post I just kind of cried it out.  It’s hard to find privacy in a room where there are five girls and five bed rolls, so I just covered up the best I could and tried to cry quietly.  But…  Liz wasn’t fooled.  She climbed into my bed roll with me, and I just lost it then.  I couldn’t help it.  I was so sad.  I clung to her and tried to wail quietly, but it wasn’t quietly enough.  Ai came over and….  gave me a head pat.

OMG.  I’ve never laughed and cried so hard at the same time before.  That was the most Japanese anime thing she could have possibly done.  I told you she was mischievous.  Finally, I had cried it out, and told them what was bothering me.  I told them all about Lily Day and how I was missing my family and… how last year’s Lily day was the day they showed me they actually loved me, and I’d be missing it.  Liz was very much a comfort.  I don’t know if Ai understood but she knew I was sad.  Honestly, that head pat was the best and funniest thing she could have done, it kind of broke the mood.  Finally, I drifted off, and I guess Liz went back to her own bedroll.

This morning I was still very sad.  I went to breakfast, and Emiko wanted to talk to me privately.  We went into our room while everyone else was eating.  She sat down on a bed roll next to mine.

“Ai told me something was bothering you.  That you…  leaked like a waterfall last night, as she put it.”  I giggled in spite of myself at the turn of phrase.

“It’s Lily Day.”

“I see,” she said.  I’d explained to her a little about Lily Day but I didn’t go into huge details.  She was quiet for a moment, and so was I.

“it’s the day you found out you had a family.”

I nodded.  She sighed.

“Yuriko… Lily,” she said quietly, “When I gave you up, it was a right decision.  I hated having to make it and I wanted very much to keep you, but I couldn’t.  But…  not the day goes by that I don’t regret making it.  Spe… spending so much time with you this week I realized how much I’d lost…  how much I’d taken from you, too.”  A tear was leaking from her eye.  “I gave birth to you, but I gave up the right to be called your mother when I… when I gave up the right to be called your mother.  That right goes to Sabby now, and… and Lily Day is the day when she showed you she deserved to be called that.”

She wiped her eye.  “But…  that doesn’t mean that you mean nothing to me.  I know I gave you up.  And I can’t give you a Lily Day because I gave up the right to that.  But…  let me try to make it up to you today.  Please.”

“How -“

“Just let me try.”  He lip was quivering.  “Please.”  She.. .actually bowed.  Like a Japanese person would to another Japanese person.

How could I say no to that?

So we left the room again, and I sat down and ate breakfast.  Ojiisan and Obaasan had made a nice, simple Japanese breakfast, as they usually did, and it was, as always, delicious.  American breakfasts tend to be heavy and carb loaded, but they like fish and rice and juices.  It’s nice.

Afterwards, she told me to put on my kimono.  I asked her why, she said to just do it, I’ll see.  So, I did, and she put hers on, and we walked to a nearby shrine.  She bought me an ema and bought one for herself too, and asked me to write my wish on it.  She wrote a wish on hers too, and we bowed and clapped and bowed and hung the wish on the shrine.  She wrote hers in Japanese, and I wrote mine in English.  I didn’t really understand hers when I read it, but I think it said something like “I wish my daughter the long and happy life I couldn’t give her”.


We walked then to a nearby Japanese garden, and we just walked through it.  It was very peaceful and serene.  We sat on a bench, and she turned to me.  “This is the one thing I can give you that Dave and Sabby can’t and never will be able to.  They’ll be able to give you a home and a family and a sister and brother, and…  and I can’t.  Not anymore.  But…  but I can give you your heritage, or at least a part of it.  I hope…” she sniffled.  “I hope that’s something you value.”

I lowered my eyes.  “All I ever wanted, from the moment I was found, was to know who I am.  I was looking back on my diary and I wrote that all I wanted was a name and birthday.  Those are the two things you gave me.  I…  I wish It’d been different, but…  But at least I know you now.”

She bowed.  “Come home.  I can’t do Lily Day like your parents can.  I’m not them.   But I’ll do it my own way.  I’ll do Yuriko Day.  I asked them what you liked, and, they said two things.  We’ll do those today.  Okay?”

I nodded.  She really was trying.

And… well…  she didn’t disappoint.  Turns out there’s a real honest to kami waterpark in Saitama.  Ojiisan and Obaasan didn’t want to go – they’re a bit old for the waterpark, they said, but she took all of us and we had a blast.  Japanese squeal just as much as Americans when they’re sliding down a waterslide, but usually interspersed with “kowaikowaikowaikowai”.  Hahaha.  Then afterwards we went to a Godiva Chocolates and, well, all that stuff Liz got at the konbini looked awful by comparison.  I mean, this was the good stuff.  She told me to buy what I wanted, and, well…  I am now full of chocolate.

But she understood the spirit of Lily Day.  You know how they say Christmas isn’t about the gifts?  It’s not.  It’s not about the gifts or the music or the red and green or the tree, it’s about doing things as a family and tradition and ceremony.  And Lily Day…  it’s about my family.  It’s about the day I, even if unofficially, became someone’s daughter, instead of just someone’s charity case.  It’s about the day I was shown how much I was loved and wanted by people who loved and wanted me.  And…  she understood that.  She took me to the waterpark and the chocolate place because she wanted to show me that even if she had to give me up, I’m loved and wanted now.  Today is the day she became family too, not just the woman who gave birth to me.

I’m not sad anymore.  Sabby, I know you read this.  You’re my mother.  No one will ever take that from you.  You’re the one who took me in and adopted me and went all Claire Huxtable on me when I did stupid stuff and…  and is always there for me when I need you and I love you and you know that.  But… Emiko will always have a place in my life too.  I didn’t know if I’d grow to love her, but I do.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 25 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And I’m a little sad today.

Today was fun, really it was.  We got up today, and Emiko and Aika and Mika wanted to have a lazy day – plus they already saw what we wanted to.  So Ai, Liz, and I took the train to Tokyo and went to the Sky Tree!  It was warm but beautiful, absolutely clear.  We went up to the top and got loads of pictures of Tokyo, Fujisan, and all sorts of stuff.  Tokyo really is a pretty city.  There are lots of bridges, and buildings, and mountains, and water…  and people.  So many people.  But we got our fill of the view up there, and then we just wandered around the city.  Ai knew a few interesting places.  Because we couldn’t go to cat island, she took us to a cat cafe!  It was so cool!  You could drink coffee and pet a cat!  And they had cat treats you could buy so the cats got something out of the deal too!  It was funny, some of the cats were just making the rounds looking for treats!

Japan has a different relationship with their pets than we do.  We treat animals like members of the family, like people.  Japanese love their pets, don’t get me wrong, but they’re first and foremost animals, and they’re treated as such.  They don’t really think anything of using them or taking advantage of them.  But the thing about animals is, they really don’t care all that much, as long as you keep the treats coming, so it all works out.

So after wandering around a bit, and eating lunch, we went back to Saitama, and Liz wanted to stock up on some more Japanese treats, so we make a quick trip to the konbini.

But tonight I’m feeling sad.

Tomorrow is Lily Day.  And I’m thousands of miles away from everyone who wants to celebrate it with me.

I remember last year, when they announced Lily Day.  Beth was still angry with me (and I understand why), and they didn’t understand why I got a day.  But they took me out for chocolate pancakes, and I got to decide how we were going to spend the day, and… and it was wonderful.  That was the day I first realized that they actually loved me.  Not just took me in, not just gave me a home, but really, truly loved me.  And…  and it meant something to me.  It meant a lot to me.  And now… now I’m in Japan and they’re there and… and no Lily Day.

Like I said, it wasn’t about what I could do, or what they could give me… it was a day they gave me because they loved me and they wanted me around and… and…

I’m going to cry.

They wanted me and Emiko didn’t want me, and…  and….

Oh God.

This diary entry is part 24 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

So today we slept in a little bit – and then we checked out of the hotel and explored Osaka a little.  It’s such a big city!  Like Tokyo!  I mean, Austin has a mean downtown, but it’s just a few very tall buildings clustered together and then just sprawl.  But Osaka just has trains and buildings and all sorts of stuff all smushed together into a glorious mess!

But my favorite place is the Umeda Sky Tower!  It’s a 40 story tall building with open air escalators at the top!  And you can see all of Osaka!  It’s amazing!  Emiko pointed out a building that has a road running through it!  How does that work!!!  Their cities are so dense they run roads through buildings!!! And while we were walking down the street, we ran into an obaachan who gave us some ame-chan!  Especially Hiroshi!  I’d heard of the grandmas from Osaka who give candy, but I met one!  She was nice!!!  We had a nice lunch, then went to Shin-Osaka station to hop on the shinkansen, and… well, we’re back in Saitama now!

And we’re all soooo tired!!!  After we got back, I just got in my bed roll and took a nap!!!  I mean, the train was nice and everything, but we did a lot of stuff over the last few days!  Tomorrow we’ve got nothing special planned.  The weather’s supposed to be nicer tomorrow, so maybe we’ll go to the Sky Tree and get some nice pictures of fujisan!

I asked Emiko what we’re doing next week, but she didn’t say anything.  She just said it’s a surprise.  Aww!  But I’m sure I’ll like it.  She hasn’t steered me wrong yet.  Japan has been so much fun!  And I’ve been getting to know ojiisan and obaasan and ojisan and obasan (aunt and uncle – vowel length matters) and Ai and Hiroshi…  and Emiko and Aika and Mika too!  And they’re really nice!  Very different from Dave and Sabby and Beth and David… but nice all the same!  But ojisan and obasan went back home – I think they needed a nap too.  Ai’s staying over though and she and Liz and I are having all sorts of fun.  I’m teaching her how to brush hair!  I mean, she kind of knew how, but not as a recreational activity!  She loves it!  And she has such thick, black hair too!!!  Put a white shirt on her and she could be a ghost!  Hahaha!!!  Japanese people aren’t huge on physical contact, but she zones out and turns into jelly just like everyone else!

And she’s teaching me how to put my hair in twintails!!!  I’m so cute now!!!  But I think I’ll keep my ordinary hairstyle for the most part.

We’re teaching Ai ‘truth or dare”, and… well.. I think we’ll need to put a sock in that.  She’s kind of… easily embarrassed.  And the language barrier isn’t helping.

She wants to know all about Texas.  She asked us if everyone wears cowboy hats and rides horses!  I laughed and said no, but we do eat a lot of BBQ.  She wants to try some!

Anyway, It’s a nice lazy Saturday, and after all the stuff we’ve done, it’s perfect!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 23 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!


So this morning we checked out of the hotel in Hiroshima and took a trip to Osaka!  It’s between Hiroshima and Tokyo!


Well…  Kind of.  It’s nothing like the American waterparks.  And it’s more of an amusement park than a waterpark.  But still!!!  It’s got pools!!!

And it’s on top of a mountain!  That’s why they call it Ikoma Sanjo!  Mount Ikoma amusement park! and you can see all down into Osaka!!!  We took the train to Ikoma station, then we took a cable car right to the top of the mountain, and there was the park!!!

It was…  an alright park.  I mean, I think its location is the best thing about it.  But it does have video arcades and pools and places to eat…  it was fun!!!  And the funny thing is, because it’s on top of a mountain, it shares space with television and radio towers!  Japan sure knows how to use space efficiently!  We wanted to see the view when the sun went down, but it closed at 5 today.  So we took the cable car back to Ikoma and the train back to Osaka, where we stayed the night.  Osaka is a pretty city though!  And we’re staying at a pretty nice hotel!!!  The rooms are a bit crowded because there are so many of us, but they’ve picked some nice places to stay, so I can’t complain!  Being packed in like sardines is the Japanese way!

Tomorrow we’re going to explore Osaka a bit, and then take the shinkansen back to Tokyo.

After we get back to Saitama, I don’t know what we’re going to do.  Emiko’s been pretty tight lipped about plans for the second week.  But even if we don’t do anything else, this has been so much fun!  I love it here!

…  but I do miss home too.  I love Japan, and it’s part of my heritage, and I love Emiko and obaasan and ojiisan… and everyone else…  but I’ll be glad to get back home too.

Monday is Lily Day, and I won’t be home for it.  That does make me a little sad.  Okay, a lot sad.  It’s not because they give me things or take me places or…  it’s because they love me, and that’s a day they tell me that.  But I guess there’s after I get home…  and always next year.

Speaking of waterparks, Sabby told me that today one of the waterparks back in Austin dumped 15,000 lbs of ice in their pools!!!  HAH!! I wish I could have seen that!  And they had snow machines too!!!  But I can see Texas waterparks anytime.

Well, remember what I said about being packed in like sardines?  Everyone wants to go to bed, and I’m tired too.  So bai bai!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 22 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!


So after we got up today, we took the train to the ferry to ookunoshima.  It was so pretty!!!  It’s a little cloudy and rainy today in Hiroshima, but the water and mountains and stuff are still really pretty!! It’s flat in Tokyo (mostly), but very mountainous in west Japan!

So we took the ferry to ookunoshima, and there were bunnies!  Thousands of bunnies!  You couldn’t walk more than a few feet without seeing a bunny!!!  And because we purchased some bags of bunny food, they were all over us!  At one point, Liz had a hundred bunnies climbing all over her looking for a handout!  It was cute!!!

But it’s not a perfect island.  Also on that island is a poison gas museum.  Why does everything have to be… tainted, somehow?  A perfect island with hundreds or thousands of warm fuzzy bunnies, and a poison gas museum.  Sigh.

But we took a walk around the island.  There’s a cafe and restaurant there, and we had lunch.  It was delicious!  There’s also a hotel, but we weren’t going to stick around that long.  After a nice walk and lots of bunny feeding and petting, we hopped back on the ferry and went back to Hiroshima.  It’s such a pretty area!  I think I said that!

Tomorrow we’ll take the shinkansen to Osaka!  It’ll be fun!  But tonight we’re just going to take it easy, eat dinner, maybe go out to the bay and sightsee.  I love all the bunnies!  I hope I see them all again and give them lots of yummy lettuce!!!

… believe it or not, carrots really aren’t good for bunnies.

Also believe it or not, Emiko hadn’t been to Hiroshima!  At least not that she can remember! So she’s a tourist just like the rest of us!!!  She loved the bunnies too!!!  I’ve never seen Emiko like a little girl, but she was when she was being overrun by bunnies!

I’m having a wonderful time!  So is Liz!  Liz doesn’t usually gush, but she’s gushing!!!  I think Hiroshi has a bit of a crush on her, but…  no.  He’s David’s age.  But I don’t blame him!  I’d fall for her too if I were a boy!

I talked to Sabby this morning – it was night back in Austin.  Everyone’s doing well.  They miss me, and I miss them.  I love Japan… but I love my family too.  Maybe someday they’ll go to Japan with me!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 21 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And this is a special post!!!  It’s early morning and we’re about to go to the bunny island!  But I have to post!  It’s my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!  YAAAYYYYY!!!!!

One year ago I started this diary, and so much has happened!  I never thought I’d be in Japan!  I never thought I’d be adopted!  I never thought a lot of things, but here I am!  And I’m so happy!!!!!

I want to do something special to commemorate the occasion, but I’ve been seriously drawing a blank.  I don’t know what to do.  But I’ll do something!  I will!  I promise!!!


LOVE YOU ALL!!!  And I do!  I really do!  I love everyone!  I love Dave, and Sabby, and Beth, and David, and Liz, and her parents, and Jack and Grace and his parents, and Crystal and her parents, and the pastor, and Diana and Maria, and Emiko and Bill and Aika and Mika, and Ai and Hiroshi and my aunt and uncle and ojiisan and obaasan, and the owner, and Allison and her parents and all of the other people who show up in my story!  Even the frustrating person in Washington who keeps throwing monkey wrenches into my life!!!  I love you ALL!!!!  And who knows what next year will bring!  Maybe I’ll go somewhere else!  Maybe not!  I don’t know!  But you’ll be there with me and we’ll find out together!!!!

I’m going to do something fun!!!  Really I am!!!

OMG I love you as much as chocolate!!!  ❤🤎❤🤎❤🤎❣

This diary entry is part 20 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today we took the shinkansen down to Hiroshima!!!

It was so cool!!!

We left in the morning and took the local to the eifukuchou station, and then hopped on the shinkansen – and it’s FAST.  200 mph.  It took us only four hours to get to Hiroshima, and it was comfortable too!  We got a bento box on the train for lunch, and arrived there at around 2 or so.  Then we went to get a hotel room (we’re staying the night).  It’s a nice hotel!!!  It’s not quite like the one we stayed at in Houston, but it’s nice!  It has a view overlooking the bay!

But after we settled in, we…  had a not very nice thing to do. We went and visited the atomic bomb site.  I hear there’s one in Nagasaki too, but we’re not going to visit there this time.

It’s very sad.  So many people died.  And with all the stuff going on in the world right now, it really feels…  timely.

When we left there, we didn’t really feel a lot like doing anything else for that evening.  It’s kind of like I’d imagine Dachau to feel…  sad and sobering.  We can sure be mean to each other sometimes.  And it’s really easy to fling bombs at people when you don’t have to look them in the eyes, isn’t it?

So we just went to a nice sushi place, ate some dinner, went to the private onsen at the hotel for a little while, and went to bed.

Maybe tomorrow will be more fun.  We’re going to visit rabbit island!  And feed the bunnies!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 19 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

It’s cool, humid, and rainy in Saitama and Tokyo today!  Sabby tells me it’s still like 103 degrees back in Austin!!!  It’s nice here!!!

Anyway, today we all went to Tokyo!  Well, not all of us.  Ai, Liz, me, Hiroshi, Aika, and Mika!!!  The adults stayed back to do their own thing.  I think they wanted us out of the house for a while – I mean, yeah, five girls and a boy is a lot.  Hiroshi seems a bit uncomfortable around all the girls, but he wanted to go with us!!!

We were going to go to Tokyo Tower and the Sky Tree, but it’s cloudy today, so we decided to just go shopping.  First we went to Akihabara.  Liz went nuts!!!  Absolutely nuts!!!  She went to the manga store and the anime store and the gadget store and got some gacha and she just went crazy!  At one point she just grabbed my hand and yoinked me into a store!  But it was fun!  I picked up some kawaii stuff too!!!  And then for lunch we went to a maid cafe!  They said “irasshaimase goshujinsama!” and everything!!!  I thought Hiroshi’s eyes were going to bug out!  But all the girls were really sweet and they doted on him.  They kinda doted on Liz too, which was hilarious.  Me, I just wanted to eat my ramen.

At the end all the girls gave Hiroshi a kiss on the cheek!  I thought he was going to explode from redness!  But it was cute!  Liz even got a kiss on the cheek!!!

Liz is straight but she turned beet red too!!!

I didn’t really want the kiss on the cheek, so I just bowed.  They bowed back, and gave my cheek kiss to Hiroshi.  Poor kid!!

Then we walked around a bit more…  We couldn’t see an AKB48 concert but Liz wanted to at least see the theater.  It was closed but at least she was able to visit the Don Quijote.  She thought she saw one of the idols but wasn’t sure!!!

After all that, we took the train to Harajuku and watched all the crazily dressed people!!!  And bought some more kawaii stuff!!!  Tokyo has so many big buildings!  It’s amazing!!!

Then we went to Shibuya station, and saw the world famous Shibuya Scramble!!!  So many people going in so many different directions!  It was amazing!!!  And we saw the famous dog statue too!!!  Look up “Shibuya dog statue” on Google if you want to see a photo!!!  We got some ice cream and took the train back home!  We were already carrying so much stuff!!!  I mean Liz really did go nuts, but she was so happy to see all the stuff she’d just heard about!!!

Tomorrow we’re all taking the Shinkansen to Hiroshima for a day or so!  And we’ll visit rabbit island (ookunoshima) too!  Where there are thousands of rabbits!!!  I hear there’s a cat island but we might not be able to see it.  Oh well.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 18 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Today is Marine Day!!!

It’s a day where the Japanese people are grateful to the ocean!  I guess I can see that.  It has… lots of fish.  And Japanese like fish.

So this morning all of us hopped on a train to Enoshima!  It’s an island south of Tokyo, and it only took two hours to get there by train.  And it’s BEAUTIFUL!!!  The weather was so nice too!!!

Anyway, we got off the train, and visited the enoshima shrine.  All the Japanese folks worshipped there.  I didn’t, but I was respectful, and did do the cleansing ritual.  It is so peaceful in the Shinto shrines, the kami are very strong there.  And, of course, there’s a coffee shop too!!!  And then we walked around the island for a bit and got some lunch, it was delicious!  After that, we went to an onsen!!!

I was so embarrassed!!!  ojiisan and Hiroshi went to the man side, and the rest of us went to the woman side, and we all completely stripped!  Liz and I were pretty embarrassed, but we got over it.  I mean, I lost my top at the waterpark, this wasn’t too much different, right?  But we got in the springs, and it was so nice!!!  They don’t really care if you’re naked there, it’s so different than the US!!!  I can see how my body type is a little bit like the other Japanese women, though.  I’m a bit taller and a little fuller in some places, but I… have their hips.

After we got our clothes back on, we went to the beach for a bit and paid our respects to the ocean, and got some souvenirs, then took the train back home!  That was so much fun!!!  Japan is such a beautiful country!!!  After we got back, obaasan made dinner, and we talked for a while and went to bed.  Liz is having such a good time!!!  And so am I!!!

Tomorrow we’re going to Tokyo!  And at some point I think we’re planning on taking a couple of days and going to south or west Japan!!!  But we’ll see.  I don’t know what our hosts have planned.

I really like Emiko’s family!!! It took a bit for them to get used to us, but they’re very nice and treat us well!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 17 of 35 in Lily's diary dated 13 - July 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Konnichiwa!  Lily desu!!!

And I’m soooo lagged!!!

Today we didn’t do a whole lot, we were just catching up on sleep for the most part.  But Emiko’s sister and my cousins came over.  There’s a girl about my age, her name is Ai.  It’s kind of like Aika, but not.  She’s very polite but has a mischievous streak.  And there’s a younger boy, maybe David’s age.  His name is Hiroshi.  He’s much better mannered than David, but who isn’t?  Hah!  But they came over early afternoon.  Introductions were made, and while Emiko and her sister caught up, Ai, Aika, Mika, me and Liz took a walk.  Hiroshi stayed back, I guess five girls is a lot.  Japan is so different!  All of the houses are so smushed together, the streets are narrow, and the sidewalks aren’t very wide.  Emiko’s parents live close to a rail station, which is nice, but we didn’t take the train today.  Ai took us to a konbini!  A convenience store!  I’ve heard a lot about Japanese convenience stores, and this one was neat!  It’s a Lawson’s!!!  They had snacks, and snacks, and… snacks!!! But different snacks!  Onigiri, kit-kats, lots of stuff!!!  Liz went nuts!!!  She got a whole bag of stuff, but then one of us had to translate for her and help her pay.  I think Liz is a little uncomfortable with not knowing the language, but she likes the snacks!!!

Oh, and they have different kinds of chocolate!  I got a bag full of that!!!  I had to ask the cashier to “yukkuri kudasai” but I understood her.  Yay!!!

They had a Purikura too!!!  Liz and I took a photo!!!  I’ll post it sometime!!!

Ai told us a little about her life.  She’s fourth year secondary (kind of like a sophomore in our terms) and she attends high school in Saitama.  She asked me about American high school, and I said that I don’t know anything about it, I don’t have any memories of before, and I started school during the pandemic.  But Liz knows more!  Thankfully Ai can speak some English, but there’s definitely going to be some language issues.  That’s alright, we can teach each other.  Ai wants to take me to her house before I leave.  That sounds like fun!

Otherwise we just stayed in and chatted and got to know each other.  Normally we’d play games, but they didn’t have any.  So we just chatted and ate our snacks and it was fun.  Hiroshi seems like a cool kid too, but since Aika and Mika and Hiroshi are cousins, no kid crushes here!!!

Tomorrow we go sightseeing!!!  I’m not sure where we’re going but I’m pretty sure it’ll be somewhere in Tokyo!

Minasan daisuki! ❤