This diary entry is part 3 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 32 - February 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So…  haha!  I took the girls to a spa day today!!! And not a cheap little “do nails and done”, I mean the whole thing.  Cucumbers on eyes, all that stuff.  We all got massages and mani-pedis and all sorts of stuff that girls love and boys don’t give a toss about!!!

Well, most boys.

My post last night was misdirection!  They thought we were going to the mall!  They didn’t think “manicurist” was closer to the right answer!!!  And they thought they were so smart.  Haha!!!

Actually, I did think about taking them on a shopping trip to the mall, but I only had the amount I made in Japan to play with, and that would get much more expensive.  The spa was just about right.  Remember that promise I made to Sabby that I wouldn’t spend that trust money on anyone else?  I haven’t.  But… that’s not trust money.  And besides, if it weren’t for them none of this would have happened anyway.

The girls in California and Dallas… I have to think of something for them.  They’re different – they all have lots of money, so there’s not much I can buy them that will be special to them.  Not even a spa trip.  But I’ll think of something.

I haven’t seen Crystal that happy in a long time.

I took Yuki too, even though she wasn’t there for the whole train debacle.  What the heck, she came with me to Japan and supported me, even spending her own money (which she did make back, but still…).

Well, I’m sleepy.  Funny how a day of doing nothing but having people knead and pamper you can tire you out.  So I’m going to bed.

I’m going to try going to church tomorrow.  I have no idea how that’s going to turn out.  We’ll see I suppose.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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