This diary entry is part 18 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

I didn’t write yesterday because we shopped till we dropped!  Liz, Crystal, Diana, Beth, and I went all over the place and bought stuff we needed!  We took Crystal to the thrift store to pick up a suitcase and maybe an umbrella and other things she might need.  We picked up a few things too.  Then we all packed in and went to the mall to pick up things the thrift store didn’t have.  We had so much to buy!!!  Awww!!!

But it worked out and everyone has what they need now.  Sabby took David on his own trip, so it all worked out.

After we got home we all pigged out on pizza!!!

Tonight we just kind of chilled out, watched a movie, ate popcorn and chocolate, and we’ll make a girl-pile tonight!!!  Those are always fun!!!

Crystal’s doing a lot better.  Especially because some guy was flirting with her a little at the mall.  It was cute.  She’s a little guarded, obviously, but she seemed pretty pleased that she “had it”, I guess.  She got her passport today, so we’re ready to go.

So tomorrow we’re going to help Allison and her family move, and then on Sunday we’re all hopping on planes to LAX so we can all make the plane on Sunday afternoon!!!  One of the great things about a charter flight is, it leaves when we’re ready, and not before!!!

Though we should really leave on time because waiting crew still charges.

We found a family who will take in Marie for a couple of weeks, and come and make sure Cat has food and water, and check in on the house too.  We promised them something fun from Japan and a few bucks.  Katie and the Baker are all ready to take care of the store while we’re gone, Dave has someone to take over for him while he’s gone, and, well, it’s all in hand.

We’re going to Japan!!!


Alright!!!  Girl-pile time!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

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