This diary entry is part 19 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Yesterday was my two year anniversary of this diary!!!

Can you believe it???

Two years!!!

I don’t remember exactly when I was found, but I’m pretty sure it’s about three years since then!!!


Happy anniversary to me!!!

I was going to do something for it last year but I never thought of anything good!! AWWW!!! But this year… I’m going to Japan!!! And I’ll have lots of stories and adventures to tell about!  So it’ll be okay!!!  And since the family’s coming along, I’ll be able to celebrate Lily day there too!!! At least the chocolate will get shoved in!!! Hahaha!!! What a silly ceremony!!!

We leave for Japan tomorrow!!!  So… I’ll probably either write from LAX…  or the plane if it has wifi… or… well… I’ll write from something!!!

But today we went over to help Allison and her family move.  They have a very nice house and they needed to get some stuff moved, so we took our car and loaded it up with boxes a few times!!!  Allison showed me her moon night light, I guess it’s her favorite thing.  It’s pretty!  Maybe I’ll get one too!!!

I didn’t know she had one of those beds with a space underneath for studying!  It’s nice!!!  I wish I had one!!! But… I have some pretty nice things already, and my 18th day is in about a month, so…  it doesn’t make all that much sense to invest in a lot of new furniture.  But it’s okay!  I like my bed!  It’s soft and warm and smells like me!!!

And I smell pretty good, if I say so myself!!! Except after I run.  Then I smell pretty bad.  Aww.  Nothing a shower doesn’t fix though!!!

And I’m still not telling you silly-billies what I smell like!!!

So next time I write I’ll either be in Japan or heading there!! I can’t wait!!! And the group chat is really hopping too, everyone is planning and talking about what they want to do…  Chelsi wants to find a place to surf.  You know, I don’t even know if there’s a place to surf in Japan… though it’s at the ocean, so why not?  Yu wants to visit some shrines and learn about the culture.  I’m not sure she’s Japanese but hey, no reason why not!  Kari wants to see Tokyo Tower and the Sky Tree, and Umeda Sky Tower, she likes buildings and architecture.  I think she wants to see Seto Ohashi too, but truthfully I’m not sure if we can see EVERYTHING.  Maybe she’ll be happy with the rainbow bridge and the Statue of Liberty replica in Odaiba. Britni…  I’m not sure she’s quite figured out where Japan is, but she asked if there’s a Disneyland there.  There is, so… she wants to go there.  Not a bad idea, actually, though probably expensive.

I’m not sure what Crystal and Diana want to see…  I think Crystal’s just happy to get away for a while, and Diana’s promised to make some tacos for Ai and family.  That’ll be fun!!!  I wonder if they’ve ever had real life Mexican tacos!!!

Of course David wants to see Shinjuku, Harajuku, and Akihabara… of course he does.  There’s also some really nice parks in Tokyo we can see, including Ueno Doubutsuen (the zoo).  But I guess the real challenge right now is just getting there, and the rest will take care of itself.

Okay, I need to get some sleep, I’m tired from helping Allison move and tomorrow’s going to be a lot of driving and flying!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

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