This diary entry is part 21 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We’re in JAPAN!!!!

So the pilots actually landed at Tokyo Haneda airport – they can do that because it’s a charter flight!  We took the train to Asakusa station, and then had a bit of a walk to the hotel.  But it wasn’t too bad.  We’re right in the middle of Tokyo!!!

We got here and were hungry, so of course the first thing we did was check in, and get some food!!!

And then we had pretty much a full day, so we’re all completely exhausted because of the jet lag.  We napped, used the pool for a while, and then went off to get some food, again.  And now we’re getting ready to go to sleep.

Emiko, Aika, Mika, and I are the only ones who can actually speak Japanese, so…  all the other girls were actually kind of amazed.  I knew exactly where I was going and how to get there, and everyone else was just lost.  I could tell you how everyone reacted but there are 18 of us, so I think it’s enough to just say they’re all a bit overwhelmed.  Tokyo is so big.  But they like the trains and how clean it is, and everyone’s a fan of actual Japanese food.  Even Diana!  Tomorrow we’ll start doing fun stuff, but right now we’re all just so tired.  We have two beds and a cot, but we’re so used to girl-piling we’re just sharing the beds.  They’re very comfy.  I don’t know what Rebecca and her friends are doing but they’ll be okay.

Our room does have a view of Tokyo though!  It’s really pretty!!!

It’s time for bed now.

Love you all!!! ❤

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