This diary entry is part 14 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 35 - May 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!!

We took the day off today.

It was really sunny outside and I think too much practicing this close to the performance is actually detrimental, so I dragged the idols out to do something fun.  Classes at ACC are over anyway (Beth and I did pretty well, we passed everything, and I guess that’s all that matters). Beth gets to do more classes, but I’m done.

Beth says she’ll miss our rides to school, but…  another last, I guess.  I’ll miss them too.  We talked about a lot of stuff while we were riding to and from school.  I never really talked about it because it’s not all that interesting, just like when I don’t talk about Beth and I doing each others’ hair, but it’s good that it’s not interesting, it means it’s such an ingrained part of my life that I don’t think about it.

And now it’s gone.

Liz and Jack still have a week and a half left, as well as all the other girls.  Aww.

So Beth came along with us today.

Beth actually hasn’t gotten to spend a lot of time with them, and she had a lot of questions to ask them about being idols and professional singers/entertainers.  I don’t think she wants to do it as a career or anything, but to hear her say it, she has access to a unique perspective with all the idols I know that few other people have, and she’s going to take full advantage.

That makes perfect sense, actually.  I would too in her shoes.

So she peppered them with questions but we went to Buc-ees and they loaded up on snacks again (MORE beaver nuggets).  They also wanted to take another trip to Wal-Mart because they’re leaving next week and want to stock up.

Guess I don’t blame them.  You find Japanese treats at the konbini, and Texas treats at Buc-ees.   I wish there was more to do in Texas, but Sabby promised to take all of us to the waterpark on Sunday to celebrate the concert and my graduation, so yay!!!  It’s expensive but she wanted to treat us all.  I love Sabby!!!

And not just because she does nice things.

We went to K1 Speed too and did go-karting.  I haven’t done that before!  It’s fun!  But Sabby kind of yelled at me when I got home, she said that’s dangerous when we have a concert coming up and we should do stuff like that after the concert.  Dang it, she’s right again.  But we survived it, so it’s okay.

I also took the idols around downtown Austin.  They said it was a little like a smaller Tokyo with less Takoyaki.  I guess I can see that.  Funnily enough, not no Takoyaki, we found a food truck that sold it, along with dango and a couple of other Japanese treats.  That was cool!  And the idols seemed to like the taste of home.

Anyway…  time for bed, I guess.  Nothing really earthshaking today.  Except Sabby wants me to go to a fitting for a frilly dress.  I wonder why…

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

Oh, why would Sabby want Lily to try on a frilly dress?  Guess we’ll see.

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