This diary entry is part 14 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We’re in El Paso!!!

We got a couple of rooms…  Yuki, Liz, and I are in this room.  Jack, Grace and his parents are in their own, and Liz’s parents got their own room.  I guess that’s understandable.  Yuki and Liz are playing cards right now.  Liz is teaching Yuki some card games.  Like “Doodle”, that one’s fun.

It was a loooooong drive.  The “adults” (Yuki and Liz and Jack and I are technically adults so I mean the “real” adults) switched off driving and we all sat in the backseat and chatted and slept or whatever.  Grace sat in the same car as us and the adults (except for the one driving) stayed in their own.  West Texas is just a whole lot of absolutely nothing.  We stopped for lunch in a diner in one of the small towns, and got some snacks and took a bathroom break at rest areas and in some small town convenience stores.

Yuki was really interested – she’d never seen small town America before.  She says small town Japan is a little different, it doesn’t feel the same at all.  I don’t know if I ever actually visited a small town, but I guess?  After lunch we just spent all our time sleeping, though.  It’s really kinda monotonous.

But fun too.  Except Grace got a bit carsick.  Aww.  We got her some medicine and she slept it off.  That took a bit to clean up though.

In the diner, someone recognized Yuki.  That shocked everyone, but Yuki most of all.  She was gracious and gave them an autograph though.  It was a couple of teenage boys, they were kinda gushing but Yuki seemed flattered.  I think she expects it in Japan, but here it just hits a bit different I guess.  Maybe in a small town all you’ve got is YouTube, and you’re probably going to at least get a glimpse of Yuki there if you troll around there long enough.

We spent a little time in the pool after dinner, and now we’re going to turn in – we have to leave early again tomorrow.  This isn’t a really nice hotel, but it’s nice enough, and it doesn’t have to be nice for just passing through for a night.  I’m a bit more tired than usual, some sleep would be good.

Sabby’s being a worry wart but I’m sure it’ll be alright.

Love you all!!! ❤️


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