This diary entry is part 22 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

We arrived back this afternoon.  I’m very glad to be home.

The trip back from Amarillo was pretty uneventful, the hill country is really nice, a bit, well, hilly…  but it was alright.  Liz’s parents dropped everyone off then went back to return the cars they’d rented.  The girls were all at my house and there were lots of hugs and tears and “I missed you” and all that fun stuff.

I missed them too.  A lot.

Sabby had a big hug for me, too.. she told me she was really worried.  I told her it turned out fine.  She said she knows but she was still worried, and she’ll always be worried when stuff like that happens.  I guess I get it.  I had a big hug for Dave because he insisted on being so overprepared and that saved my pretty little bottom.  I’ll never be upset with him for doing that again.  Oh, who am I kidding, but now he has a really good argument that will probably shut me up very fast.  I don’t think I would have died or anything but having that medicine and soup was a big help.

I told Beth that she really didn’t miss a whole lot and there was nothing to be jealous of.  It wouldn’t have been a whole lot of fun for her if her friends didn’t come along too.  Camping really isn’t all that good if it’s not with friends, otherwise it’s pretty boring, I think.

Anyway, we’re going to have a sleepover tonight, but everyone has to leave early tomorrow for school, so…  we’re going to bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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