This diary entry is part 20 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s gonna rain tomorrow!  Maybe a lot of rain!  I like rain, just not every day.  And next week it’ll be cold!  I need to find my warm clothing!!!  My sweaters!!!  My leggings!!! My cute scarfs and hats!!!

I know it’s not going to be that cold but it’s gonna be cold!!!

But I have class tomorrow, so… aww.  Sometimes here, when it rains, it rains so hard that it floods.  Especially on the freeway.

Dave doesn’t like it when I drive in that kind of rain.

He always protects me.

Yuki’s over tonight.  Our classes together are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so she often comes over after class and we do fun stuff.  Liz seems to get a little jealous because she has lessons and it’s a school night, but she also isn’t really possessive.  She knows I’d love to have her over if she could.  She has violin lessons and has to practice and she wants to get into a good college too so she’s really majime about her studies.  It’s a wonder she finds time for us on the weekends, but she says it’s really important to make time for friends.  I love that about her.

It’s fun to practice Japanese with her anyway.  And she tells me lots of stories.  I’m glad I’m not an idol.  It doesn’t sound fun… most of the time.

She did tell me about a boy… if they’d caught her, maybe she wouldn’t have been an idol.  I guess he was her first love.  But it didn’t work out.  Aww.

You know that one girl?  Minegishi Minami?  The one who got caught with a man and shaved her head and released a groveling apology video?  Yeah.  Yuki’s a bit more…  free-spirited than that.  I think she would have flipped everyone off and gone down fighting.  But she never had to!

And boy can she put away the pizza!!!

Anyway…  I guess it’s bedtime.  We’ve got some hair brushing to do, the three of us, then it’s time for bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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