March 7, 2024

This diary entry is part 5 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 33 - March 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Yuki and I went to see the board of directors today.  As we expected, they weren’t exactly, well, receptive.  But they were fair.

The conductor introduced me as their upcoming soloist, and I introduced Yuki as a former Japanese performer who was very famous in Japan.

The conductor said he’d heard I was pretty famous too, while smirking.

I blushed.

Anyway, I explained my idea for introducing a couple of idol songs with real idols dancing, and played a YouTube of one of Yuki’s performances.

They watched politely, and then asked why I thought they, a classical music organization, would ask them to make time for something that was so, well, not classical music?

I told them that Yuki was really famous in Japan, I was a little famous, that when we put on a performance in our little live house that we had a full house made of mostly of people who flew from Japan just to see her, and that it was a pretty good bet that if they did something like that, that they’d have, if not a full house, than a pretty full house.  And also a very engaged and passionate audience, who would sit politely through the classical parts of the program and probably even enjoy them.

And that it would do a lot for international recognition of their organization.

They weren’t exactly persuaded, but they seemed more persuaded than when we started, so I guess that’s a good thing.  They said that idol performances seem to have a few dancers and singers, and that Yuki was only one – where was she going to get other dancers if they decided to do that?

She said she had that under control.  And winked at me.  She said she had to ask a few people for some favors, but that she’d have a lineup worthy of Tokyo Dome.

I hope she’s not thinking what I think she’s thinking.

really hope she’s not thinking what I think she’s thinking.

They thanked us for our time, and said they’d tell us their decision shortly.

I guess that’s all we can expect.

Yuki’s not telling me what she’s planning.  I really, really, really hope she’s not thinking what I think she’s thinking.

Lots of stuff happening this weekend.  The new single, “densha ni oneechan wo komarasanaide” (don’t embarrass your older sister on the train) is out tomorrow.  I guess otaku are already lining up to buy a blu-ray.  Yuki and I both had one show up unexpectedly at our door via FedEx this morning.  I haven’t got a chance to watch it yet, maybe I’ll watch it after the SATs on Saturday.  Yuki did watch it, and said it’s remarkably well made, if a little cheesy.  Which is about par for idol stuff, so no biggie.

Miki and group have a handshake event tomorrow with all the otaku who buy a copy, so…  hope they have fun.  And don’t catch anything…

Alright.  Gotta go.  I’m practiced out and studied out and tired.

Oh, hmm.  An email from the producer.  Wonder what that’s about…

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

So, it turns out, I pretty much made a “cute girls doing cute things” serial fiction before I even know that was a thing.   I guess liking cute girls doing cute things is universal, eh.

Lily is currently thinking about that and will say something about it soon.  She watched k-on and is starting to put the pieces together.

March 5, 2024

This diary entry is part 4 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 33 - March 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I’ve been so boring lately!! Awww!!! I mean, you come here for your dose of cute lily, but also to know what I’ve been up to, and all my sisters and family and stuff, and all I’ve been doing is practicing!!!  I just talk about practicing and Japan and a couple of other things!

But… I guess if you’re going to be with me on the really good things, like when I go to Japan or when I do concerts or when I eat chocolate… I guess you’re going to be with me on the boring things as well.  I mean, if we were real friends, it’d be the same way, right?  I’d be sitting on the bed with a book and you’d be flopped over on the floor with a music player and maybe we wouldn’t even say anything!  Then we’d get chocolate and go back to doing whatever we were doing!!!

So I guess it’s okay.  But it’s not, too!  You’re a guest on my diary!  I have to keep you entertained!!!

Well, I guess I can try.

I hope I do well on the SATs this weekend.  I took a practice test and I did alright, but I’m a little worried.  And there’s no Japanese on SATs!!!  Aww!!!  And no music!!!  Just Math and English…  But I’m sure it’ll be alright.

After the SATs I’m going to send in my application to Meiji and then maybe take a break.  Not from practicing!  But from the other stuff.  It’s been exhausting.

Speaking of exhausting… I guess bed isn’t a horrible idea.  Goodnight!!!

Don’t hog the blankets!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator

Lily kind of mirrors my feelings right now.  I feel like the story’s been boring.  Oh well.  Shouganai.

March 4, 2024

This diary entry is part 3 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 33 - March 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s already warm outside!!!  This summer might be bad again!  Awww!!!

So today was like usual – practice, practice, practice.  Aww.  And Beth wanted to practice her song too.  And…  I have to study for SATs too.  They’re this Saturday!!! So much to do…  I took one of those practice tests online though and did pretty well, so it should be alright.

Not a whole lot going on right now.  The conductor wants me to do have a meeting with the board of directors to pitch my idea, and he wants me to bring Yuki along too.  I guess we’ll do that this week.  I asked Yuki and she said it’s fine.  She’ll take any chance she can get to, well, shine as she puts it.  And the audiences here are much less… obsessive.

So, I guess we’ll see how that turns out.

I wish there were famous Japanese composers, I could learn a Japanese piano concerto and we could have a Japanese night, but I don’t think that will work out.  Honestly, I think the board will be a very tough sell.  And I don’t really blame them.  I’m suggesting something that’s a little, ummm… unusual.

But unusual isn’t always bad.  I think, anyway.  Boards of directors for symphony orchestras might think differently.

So, other news…  not much other news.  Everything’s just…  everything.  Jack’s doing alright, he’s still working pretty hard, and he’s kind of dedicated himself to his studies.  I’ve never seen him quite that dedicated, but it’s a good thing.  I’ll apply to Meiji when I get the SAT scores (assuming they’re good enough, I hope they are).  Anathema is settling into her new apartment, and Joe is treating her pretty well – in spite of her best efforts, if we’re being honest.  She kinda just wants him to jump her, and he’s absolutely and categorically refusing.

Good for him, really.  I can’t say I’d feel much different in his shoes.  Anathema is cool, but…  needs to learn some self control.

The shop is still doing pretty well, we’re having concerts pretty frequently… but I’m so busy I’m letting everyone else handle it.  Don’t tell Diana but I think we’ll have a job for her soon, if she wants it.  Not every band did well – a couple really tanked hard, but a couple are standouts and we’re inviting them back for as many gigs as they want.  We’ve even got an open mic the nights we don’t have anyone booked and that’s actually kinda popular now.  Yuki hasn’t been taking much advantage of that, but we’re scheduling another concert for her soon.

I just don’t talk about it much because there’s so much going on and I just don’t have time.


We actually had a girl group that dressed up like the “Bocchi the Rock” characters… and were actually pretty good.  The “Bocchi” character actually hid under a ripe mango box for the first set, which was actually pretty funny.

But they’re not doing that too often.  I guess cosplaying gets hot.  And not in the sexy way.

I haven’t been down to Houston to see Emiko in a while.  Really should fix that.  Maybe after the SATs.

Ummm…  what else.  Not a whole lot.  Marie’s having a blast because people throw the ball for her…  Cat doesn’t really care about anything but she and Marie get along pretty well now, and… well..   I guess that’s all for now.

Love you all!!!  ❤️

From the creator:

I do have some fun stuff planned, honest.  Right now we’re in kind of a lull.  Lily has a lot of fun stuff planned, but right now all she can really do is prepare and practice, and that takes a lot of time and energy.  Plus, she’s kind of learning some stuff about herself and some things in her environment.

I do not think she is going back to Japan before September, but…  I’m also not sure about that, so we’ll see how that turns out.

I wish I could shake the feeling that the story right now is failing, but…  in for a penny, in for a pound.

Lily is kind of suffering from the same thing many stories do – I have to take some certain liberties in order to move the story forward.  Crystal probably shouldn’t be advancing quite as fast as she is, for example, though I’m trying to keep it on the side of believability, even if just barely.  But it is what it is, and it has to be what it has to be.  Shikataganai.

August is, if things pan out like I think they will, going to be the best month of this story ever – just before it ends.

March 3, 2024

This diary entry is part 2 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 33 - March 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I went out with Jack last night and, umm… stayed out a bit late.  So I didn’t post much.  It’s alright, yesterday was kinda boring anyway.  I made up my mind not to do anything particularly productive, and the girls seemed to be very much on board with that idea.  So we went to the park and chased each other and the dog around, and then went to the convenience store and got slushies… you know…  all the stuff that we all keep forgetting to do because we’re so busy.

I… miss being younger sometimes.

You remember when I first started this diary?  One of the first things Liz and I did was go to a museum.  We haven’t gone somewhere like that in a long time.  Now she’s busy with lessons and prep tests and trying to get into her preferred college, and I’m kinda busy with the same, but tack on to that practicing and other stuff.  I kinda miss those days.  I didn’t have to worry about anything, it was just me and my friends, and now…  now there’s more friends and more sisters but more to do, too…  I miss those days.

And I’m only eighteen.  How will I feel when I’m fifty?  Will I look back on these days and think about how great they are?  Maybe I will.  Sometimes I catch Sabby looking wistful when she looks at us.

Maybe we should take her on a girls’ day our before we all go our separate ways.  Make her feel young again…

Today Crystal showed us some more of what she’s doing… and… wow.  She’s starting to figure out how to use some of that sequencer software…   I’m still the better musician and probably will be for a long time, but she… she can run rings around me when composing.  She whipped up a backing track for one of the songs she wrote, and it’s really, really good.  I mean, I could easily see Miki’s group singing to it.  In fact,  I called Yuki over and had her listen too.  Yuki…  well, she wants to perform it.  Not sure exactly where or how, but it’s that good.

Composing and performing are two entirely different things, y’know?

And she just started too…

Oh…  I went to church today, and did my thing up at the pulpit, and this time I had a message.  I can’t remember everything I said, but it was something about forgiveness being about understanding that you can’t change the past.  That guy’s (soon to be ex) wife was there… and she was sniffling through it.  I guess someone needed to hear it.

And then I told a bad joke to lighten the mood.

Yuki is starting to talk about going back to Japan for the summer.  I think she’s starting to come to terms with her time as an idol, and I think she misses home.  I guess I understand that.  I’ll miss her, but I’m sure we’ll meet again.  I mean, I’m going to Japan, too.  Hopefully.  Minami is staying with her parents right now, so maybe they’ll spend a little time bonding.

They’re starting to hype up Miki’s group’s new single now.  They’re performing it on morning programs (with someone else standing in for my role, aww) and it’s going over really well.  I caught a couple of the interviews, and they asked who I was.  They said I’m a friend of the group who came to Japan to help them film a video because it was based off my experiences, and now I’m everyone’s big (or little) sister too.

Awww.  I just seem to collect sisters.

Anyway…  another week and more practicing.  I hope I hear from the conductor so Yuki has some direction.

From the creator

I seem to have created a story where I can inject the occasional philosophical or theological observation in the literal voice of God.  That was not deliberate.  But it’s interesting.

March 1, 2024

This diary entry is part 1 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 33 - March 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s March!!! Time for the big boomies to start!!! And Beth’s birthday is this month!!! She’ll be seventeen!!! She’s getting so old!!!

Just like me…

Anyway, i asked the conductor today about what I talked about last night…  and he was… not very receptive.  I think it’s pretty clear she will not be dancing along with the concerto.  I didn’t really expect any less.

But he was curious as to why I’d ask.  So I told him all about Yuki and how she showed me that adding dance to things can make them a lot better, and about how many Japanese fans Yuki has, and, well, that I had too, and that I thought if we added some Japanese music to the roster we’d get a lot of people travelling in, and it would probably be a full house.

He said there were a couple of gaps in the program they still hadn’t figured out how to fill, so he’d like to hear a little more about it.  He doesn’t really get it so I don’t hold out high hopes, but maybe Yuki can do a little mini-concert anyway.  I bet there’d still be people that come from Japan to see her – they did for her concert at the shop.

We need to set up another one, by the way.  She seems to love doing that.

Anyway… seems like that’s all I’ve been talking about lately.  But it’s been on my mind.  Partly because of getting to know Miki, partly because of Crystal getting more into musical stuff (and finding out she’s pretty darn good at it), partly because of Yuki, and partly because I’ve been practicing so hard I’m starting to practice in my sleep. Aww.

Sabby made me promise not to practice this weekend.  She says forty hours or so of practicing is enough.  She’s probably right.  But I still feel like I have a lot to catch up on.  I at least got her to let me do an hour on my scales and exercises so I don’t lose my edge.

I mean… I’m part Japanese.  I am.  It’s literally in my blood.  I know I’m not a Japanese citizen and my adopted parents are as American as apple pie and dirty elections, but I am part Japanese.  I’m learning the language, I’m learning about the culture, I have some Japanese friends and family… it’s really not surprising that it would be a part of my life, right?  And it turns out that I… somehow…  have managed to get to know some idols.  Who knows how, it just seems like the luck of the draw.  I mean, really.  My little sisters play a prank on me and that somehow turns into making a music video on a Japanese train.  I just happen to go to school with a disillusioned idol.  It’s…  I dunno.  Life is weird somehow, isn’t it?

Oh!  That single is getting released soon.  Miki has promised to send me a blu-ray when it’s out.  I guess they turned the behind-the-scenes stuff we did into a whole documentary-like thing.  She hasn’t really seen it yet, but she knows we had a good time that day, so it’ll turn out fine.

This weekend a couple of other idols in Miki’s group want to get on a video chat with me, Miki, and Yuki.  I wonder what they want to talk about.


Otherwise… Crystal is still cranking out lyrics, and she’s getting better at it, too.  It’s like whatever’s on her mind she turns into a song, but she’s starting to be mindful of form and all that.  Girl needs to take some music classes.  She even wants to start studying Japanese so she can understand some of the idol music.

Well, more power to her, I suppose.

Japanese is not easy.  I told her that.  But, it seems, that girl does not shy away from a challenge if it’s something she wants to do.  Beth’s been studying diction and has picked up a bit, too, so maybe they’ll study together.

Anyway, the girls are over tonight (as usual for a Friday night).  Anathema is working, but Yuki is here.  Sometimes it’s really fun and noisy, but tonight, it’s kinda chill.  Everyone’s just doing their own thing.  Crystal’s on the floor with her legs against the wall reading a book (how??).  Beth’s sprawled over on the bed and Marie’s plopped on her chest, and she’s listening to music.  Liz and Yuki are chatting quietly about something.  Diana’s watching a telenovela on her phone.  And me, well, I’m typing.  Maybe I should go join the chill.

Love you all!!! ❤️