This diary entry is part 27 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 26 - August 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I was reading back some of my old diary entries from when I first met Jack, nearly two years ago.  Has it been that long already?? Wow!!!  But I read an entry soon after I got home, when we were facing the prospect of a long distance relationship, where Sabby said that sometimes you have decide what you want to give up for someone.

Sabby’s always right.  I hate that Sabby’s always right.  Especially about these things.

In a year, either Jack or I are going to have to give up something very important.  I may have to give up going to Japan for school, and I really want to.  I’m not exactly sure what he’d have to give up, but it’s something.  Either time with me, home, or… something else.  I don’t know.  We have a while to figure it out, but it’s going to happen, and I’m not sure how it’s going to turn out.

There’s a “nuclear” option but it’s one that neither of us are ready for, I don’t think.  I mean, spouses are allowed in Japan when one person is on a student visa…

I’m trying not to think about it.  We have a year.  But…  it’s just “kicking the can down the road”, as Dave likes to say.  Dave has all sorts of fun sayings.

Yuki and I have been texting, a little.  We both have a lot of homework and we’re in the same group, so…  she seems really nice.  I do need to ask her over soon.

Sabby wants to take me for a spa day on Friday, before my party.  I have classes, but I think we can work around it.  I love spa days!  I’m not sure why she’s making such a big deal over it, I guess we’ll see what the party is.  It’s weird, it’s not a surprise party, I know it’s going to happen, but I know absolutely nothing else about it.  Aww.  Girls are really, really, MADDENINGLY good at keeping a secret.  They even temporarily kicked me out of the group chat.  AWWWWW.

They said I can rejoin after the party.

Oh well,  Yuki’s nice to talk to I think.  I told Ai about her.  She wants to meet her someday.

Oh, it’s a bit cooler today!  Not COOL.  It’s still upper 90s.  But at least it’s not 105.  Small blessings and all that, I guess.

There’s been this anime/manga that’s gotten really popular lately and one of the main characters is named Ai.  I don’t think Ai likes that much, but what can you do?

Love you all!!! ❤️

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