This diary entry is part 4 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 26 - August 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We had another free day today.

There’s lots of stuff to do in Japan, but the truth is, this is an expensive trip, and we can’t be seeing every sight every day!  the Shinkansen is expensive, theme parks are expensive, the local trains aren’t as expensive but they cost a bit too.  And we’re also kind of getting tired, with all the heat and everything.  We’ve got about four days left and Robert still has some clients to visit (he’s also working on a new account, go him!) so we’re kinda just chilling today.

Pretty much all of the non-adults went over to the konbini and refreshed our snack stash!!!

So much stuff that’s only marginally good for us but better than the equivalent American convenience store stuff!!!

Sushi!  Onigiri!!!  Even pizza!!!  Takoyaki!!! OH YUM!!!  And of course, chocolate treats like pocky.  Can’t forget the chocolate!!!

After that, we just kinda played games and did random stuff.  Some of us went over to Akihabara again, but this time with the express purpose of buying omiyage!  Souvenirs!!!  And now that we know Katie’s baby’s gender, we got her some Japanese baby stuff too from Don Quijote!!!

That was fun.  We didn’t really go over there to do anything but shopping though, it was hot anyway.  And we’re starting to fill up our souvenir bags!!!  There’s no real baggage weight limit on a chartered plane, but we can’t go nuts!!!  Thankfully the dollar is really strong right now so we didn’t spend near as much as we might have!!!

I know it seems like we have unlimited money… we don’t!  We just have some pretty well off people in our group, and the rest of us have saved for this!  It all works out.  It’s a good thing we saved all that money on the hotel, etc!!!

Thanks Robert!!!

So something really funny happened.  Sabby told a random Japanese person her name, and they said “ohhh!!!  Sabby’s Treats!!!”  We all were flabbergasted.  Apparently cat-girl is more popular there than we thought!!!  He showed us an app on his phone that showed cat-girl getting dressed up in different outfits and walking out of Sabby’s Treats to model.

Sabby actually wasn’t happy about that.  I can see why.  But that might explain why we have so many Japanese tourists coming to buy stuff and see cat-girl.

Cat-girl better not have had anything to do with that.

I doubt it, though.  She often seems about as clueless about why as the rest of us.

Maybe we need to build our own app.

Anyway, the guy asked if we knew cat-girl, and when we said we did, he started gushing and saying things like “subarashii!” and bowing and just basically Japanese-style fanboying.  It was hilarious and just a tiny bit creepy.  But…  he’s welcome to come buy stuff, I suppose.

Note to self:  do not bring cat-girl to Japan.  That’s a terrible idea.  A horrible idea.  A profitable, er… no!  A terrible idea!!!

But I bet she could do a tour here and make lots of money.



Crystal put on her kimono this morning and went to the gardens and just sat there.  She looks so much happier when she comes back.  I need to figure out how to bring that to her when we get back to the US.

Oh… don’t worry about Katie.  Remember how I told you the pastor was working with her?  She’s got more casseroles and baby booties from old ladies in the church than she knows what to do with.  Someone came by and is helping take care of Sabrina so she can get a little rest.  I don’t always understand church but they are always there for people who need them.  That’s one reason I keep going.

It’s night now.  We had a pretty fun and thankfully rather quiet day.  We’re looking for a hanabi (fireworks) festival we can go to before we have to go home!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

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