This diary entry is part 13 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Well, Sabby did it again.

She and Dave decided they want to have a romantic getaway tomorrow for Valentine’s day.  They haven’t been able to do that for a while because Beth and David were young and they didn’t trust them on their own, even though Beth is probably old enough for that now.  But I’m here now!  So, They’re going to go somewhere tomorrow and come back the next morning.  And I’m in charge!

I’ve been in charge before – remember when we went to Houston?  But not quite like this.  I’ll have to make (well, order) lunch and dinner, and make sure everyone’s doing their schoolwork, and do mine, and take care of anything that comes up.  It won’t be a huge deal unless one of them throws a fit.  I hope that doesn’t happen.  Beth’s gotten a little more mellow since that time we had to go to the homeless shelter.  But David…  he’s still kind of… being David.  Not a bad kid, but…  wants things his way.  And he’s not really too happy about having to listen to me.

So we’ll see how it turns out.  I guess it’ll be okay.  Sabby knows I’m pretty responsible.

We had fun last night playing games!!!  We played twister!  We’d never played twister before!  Beth’s pretty flexible!  So am I!  Liz… isn’t.  She ended up getting a cramp and we all fell all over each other.  It was glorious!  Around 11 or so Sabby told us to cut it out, she’s trying to sleep.  We played a quieter game for an hour then made a girl-pile.  Did I mention I like girl-piles?  Everyone’s so warm and smells like soap!

Whenever I tell Jack about our girl-piles he’s strangely quiet.  Boys…  He’s a nice boy and I love him.. but.. he’s still a boy.  Sabby tells me boys come with… well, boy-ness, and we just have to deal with it and make sure they know what our boundaries are.  Jack’s been really good about that, but you can tell he still, well, thinks boy things sometimes.

Sometimes I’m glad for that.

Today Dave and David plonked themselves in front of the TV and watched the big game!  I don’t see what the big deal is!  Just a bunch of guys smacking into each other and throwing a ball!  But they were really into it!  Yelling and cheering and having a good time.  Their team won!

Anyway, another week starts!  It’s starting to warm up a little and the weather will soon change from cold fronts blowing through every other day, to cold fronts blowing through every other day and making storms!  Storms are fun!  Sometimes!  That hailstorm last year wasn’t fun!

I’m working on doing streaming and YouTube stuff!  I’ve been working on it for a while, but there’s a lot to learn!  I’ll get it soon!!!

Love you all!!!  ❤

This diary entry is part 12 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

And I’m full of chocolate!!!!

I blame Jack!!!

I ate so much chocolate today!!!

So of course this morning I worked.  I don’t mention much when I work because what am I going to say?  People come in, people pick out horrifically unhealthy food, people line up in front of me so they can worship at the altar of doot dooting, they put gas in their car, and go on their merry way!  Nothing much more than that!!  Sometimes things go a bit wrong, but for the most part, that’s all it is.  And when there’s no one lined up, I go in the back and get more unhealthy food and put it out so the whole thing starts all over again!!!

It’s a simple job, but I know how to do it, and I get along okay.

After I got home, Liz came over, and we all went to the mall!!!  No real reason, we just wanted to get out of the house.  I had a Cinnabon for Allison!!!  We walked around and bought a couple of small things but mostly just chatted.

Oh oh oh Sabby and David made up, sort of.  Sabby’s going to teach David how to cook, but not make us eat it until he gets good at it.  I asked her to teach me too, and she said she would, but David’s the one she needs to teach the lesson to, and I have enough going on anyway.

She’s probably right.

She doesn’t think it was a mistake trying to teach him to cook, but the way she did it was like trying to have him drive a race car when he had never even turned a key!  I told her it was a good thing to teach him to cook, but asked her if was going to teach him girls could do what boys could?

She said, no, but it would teach him that boys could do what girls could, and that’s a start.  She’d think of something else for the other way around.

Of course, that’s assuming he even manages to learn how to make edible food.

After we got back from the mall, we had dinner and after, chatted about girl things, like boys.  Liz has a boy she’s interested in!  But she doesn’t know if he likes her too.  She’s not besotted like I was with Jack, but she wouldn’t turn down a nice kiss.

I hope it works out for her.

What other things do girls chat about?  Well if you don’t know, I won’t tell you!  Girls have to have some secrets, right?

Beth and Liz and I are going to stay up for a bit and play games!  It’ll be fun!!!

Love you all!!! ❤


This diary entry is part 11 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!

And if Jack were here, I’d kiss him within an inch of his life!!!!!

He didn’t forget Valentine’s Day!!!!

And when I say he didn’t forget it – he REALLY didn’t forget it.  You know what that silly billy did?  OMG he sent me chocolate!!!  But not just chocolate!!!  Chocolate with cherry!  Chocolate with cream!  Chocolate with rum flavor!  White chocolate!  Pink chocolate!  Chocolate I’d never heard of before!  Sooooo much chocolate!  But he sent flowers with it too!  Lilies!  Lots and lots of lilies!!!

He got my present to him, too.  I didn’t write about it because it would tip him off.   But he has it now so I can tell you.  I know what he’d really like but I can’t give him that until we’re both eighteen, so I wrote him a story.  A very…  nice story.  About all the ways I love him, and all the ways I’d..  show it.

And I also gave him some very expensive cologne.

I think he liked the first gift better.  Boys.  Hahah!!

He got a job now, did I tell you?  It’s nothing special, he’s working after school at a local Krogers – it’s a grocery store up in Ohio, like HEB here.  I guess he’s doing bagging and cart-wrangling. He doesn’t have as many karens.  I wonder why.  Maybe in a grocery store, they go after the people that don’t work there.  Hmm.

I’m soooo glad he sent me something!  He loves me!!!

Anyway, David-cook-gate is still ongoing.   Why do we call everything -gate?  Dave tells me it was some kind of political scandal in the 70s, but I wasn’t even born then, so I guess it’s just a fitting word.  Cookgate?  Davidgate?  Sabbyscrewedthepoochgate?  She did apologize but David is clearly hurt.  I think he feels like Sabby set him up for failure.  And honestly?  She kinda did.

But I’m not talking to her about it.  I think she knows what she did.  There’s no point in rubbing it in.  I wonder how she’s going to make it up to him.

David certainly has a lesson to learn, but…  maybe a different way.

Anyway, tonight, we watched a movie anyway.  David was a bit sullen, but he watched it with us.  Liz came over too.  She asked what was going on, I just said that there was a bit of drama, but Beth and I were fine.  So we’re going to sleep over again!  I do hope this blows over soon.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 10 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

So I can’t fault Sabby’s intentions, but I think she backfired.

So she wanted David to cook dinner to prove that boys could do things that girls are stereotyped for? Well, it turns out that David can’t cook.  At all.  Not even a little.  He, apparently, has found a way to burn water.  Kid can play computer games and knows a lot about computers and tech stuff, but put him in front of a stove and, well, it was an unmitigated disaster.

The food served was pretty much inedible.  He tried to make macaroni and cheese.  He ended up with pasta and cheese soup, and the cheese made little balls that were crispy on the outside.  Ewww!

And Sabby was coaching him, too!

Dave took one bite, and said “Sabby, I know what you were trying to do, and David, I know you did your best, but this isn’t edible.  I’m ordering pizza.”  And he did.  The pizza arrived half an hour later and we ate in silence.  David looked mortified, Sabby looked upset, but at herself more than at David, Dave just looked a bit put out, and Beth seemed a bit gleeful that her little brother finally got a bit of comeuppance.  I…  just felt bad for everyone.

Though I do love pizza.

After, Dave and Sabby went up to there room, and there was muffled yelling, with Sabby doing most of it.  David just sat on the couch looking miserable.  I sat down next to him.

“Ok there kiddo?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

I frowned.  “Your mom embarrassed you, didn’t she?”

he nodded.

 “I don’t think she meant to.”

He just got up and went upstairs.  He’s nine.  He’s not very good at talking about his feelings.  It’s not that he dislikes me, he just… he’s David.

Boy, when Sabby messes up, she really messes up.

And I can’t really fault what she was trying to accomplish.  I know David’s nine, but he really does have some rough edges.  And apparently he thinks girls can’t do some things that boys can.  But if Sabby was trying to kill that idea, well, I don’t think she managed it.

Poor Sabby.

Poor David.

I hate family drama.

But on the bright side, at least I got some pizza out of the deal.  Is that a fair trade for being told I can’t do something because I’m a girl?

Nah.  But it’s a nice down payment.  I do love pizza.

Sabby’s in David’s room talking to him now.  And as much as he needs to be taught a lesson, well, she owes him an apology.  I hope she gives him one.

Tomorrow’s Friday!  YAY!!!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 9 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Lily lily la-lilly!!!

Banana nana fofana!!!

I’m dancing in my chair!!!  It’s squeaking!  Beth just came by looking at me funny!!!

Today was..  A wednesday.  Dave was off on a job site, but left some homework for us with Sabby.  I had my project to do with learning how a car engine worked, but we also all filed into the lab and had to build a simple circuit.  But the catch was, David had to keep his hands off and just tell us what we needed to do.

So…  that didn’t end well.  What was supposed to happen was, Beth and I were supposed to plug bits and pieces into the little holey thing as David told us, connect up a battery, and it was supposed to do stuff.  What actually happened was David told us to do something, and both of us refused to do it until he told us what the bit we were plugging in was, what it did, and why it needed to be where it was.  David lost his patience very quickly and stomped off.  Sabby came back, dragging David along a few minutes later, and said “I’m going to watch.  Do what you were doing.”

So we did.

After about a minute, Sabby stopped us.

“I’ve seen enough,” she said.  “David, Beth and Lily have every right to ask you questions and to understand what they’re doing.  Maybe you don’t have the answers but you’re being impatient.  We’re not just teaching you how to do electronics, we’re also trying to teach you how to work together, and David, you’re failing.”

“But they’re so sloooooow!”, he whined.  “And they’re girls!”

Sabby’s face turned thunderous.  “What. Does. That. Have. To. Do. With. Anything”, she asked, punctuating each word.

David had the sense to stay quiet.

“Do you think that girls aren’t as good at this as boys are?”

David turned red, but I couldn’t tell if it was from anger or embarrassment.

“I see,” she said.  “Come with me.  Lily, Beth, you can keep working on this if you want.”

We did.  Both of us knew better than to get in Sabby’s way when she was working up a good rant.  It took us a bit longer, but Beth and I figured it out finally.

We could hear Sabby yelling through the door.

When we had dinner, Sabby told us that since David thought boys were better at some things than girls, it stood to reason that girls were better at some things than boys too, so David was going to be cooking dinner for the next week.  I wasn’t too happy at that announcement.  Why punish us with bad food?  But I kept quiet.

As I said, you don’t want to get in Sabby’s way when she was working up a good rant.

Truthfully, I wouldn’t mind learning to cook too, but let’s let David get through this first.  This oughta be a fiasco almost as bad as Cookie-palooza.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 8 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Genuine Lily Parts!  Oh, ummm…  should probably leave that one, huh?

It’s been quiet.  Too quiet.

Last year, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it just seemed to be one thing hitting after another.  I went to Disney world with Liz and her family, met Jack, fell in love (against my better judgement), said “oh no” a lot, discovered who my birth mother was, met her, had Christmas, Jack came back for Christmas, had a date…  all that stuff happened.  And since the new year I… well, took driving lessons and had my floppy bits honked.

I like the quiet, but it worries me.  What else is life going to throw at me?  There are still a few unresolved plot points.  I mean, my life is a bit like a story, right?  The plot points can’t stay unresolved, can they?  Who adopted me before Dave and Sabby did?  What happened to them?  Why do I have a few hundred thousand dollars?  Why did I lose my memory?  Why was I found where I was?  I’ve found the answers to a few questions, but not really the big ones.  Why can I play piano and knock fully grown men onto the ground?  What other skills do I have that I don’t know about?

But the question of who I was before I was found isn’t as important to me anymore.  I have my family now.  I have Jack.  I know my given name and birthday.  Do I really need to know?  I mean, really truly?

It’d be nice if I did, but I guess it’s not really all that important anymore.

And my life isn’t perfect, either.  I love my family, but they are flawed.  Sometimes Sabby or Beth go off for no reason, or David gets in trouble, or Dave withdraws into himself and gets a little surly.  Heck, sometimes I get in a stinker of a mood.  Life isn’t perfect.  But people who love you make it better.  Don’t you think?

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 7 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022


A thoughtful, sad Lily today.

I keep thinking about Crystal. That poor girl. She didn’t ask for anything that happened to her. Her parents fell on hard times and she ended up homeless. What choice did she have? I mean, it’s nice that Dave was able to help her and everything, but did it come too late? She’s so sad sometimes. I mean sometimes I see glimmers of that feisty, spunky girl who shoved food in Beth’s face, and it was truly a joy to see her running around chasing Allison and Beth, but I wonder how much time she spends by herself crying. Probably more time than any of us would like.

And maybe her parents couldn’t do anything about their situation, but maybe they could have. Do they share some blame for what happened to her? Is she mad at them? Should she be mad at them? Does she resent them, even if she doesn’t know it?

I want to talk to Sabby about it but I don’t know what to say. “Sabby, I’m worried about Crystal” – she knows that, and she kind of knows why too. “I think Crystal is hurting” – she knows that too, but what’s to be done? She’s seeing her therapist, what are we supposed to do about it? I think the worst thing is, there’s nothing I can do. She just has to lean on her parents and her therapist and the pastor. But will it be enough? Is it ever enough? Is anything enough? We can spend some time with Crystal. I like spending time with Crystal. But isn’t that just a distraction, really? What can any of us do to help her? We can’t give her back what she lost. What was taken from her.

Dave wanted to play in the lab today and I said fine, if he tells me what he’s doing and why he’s doing it. He seemed put out, but I told him that those are the rules, and he can follow them or not. So we went into the lab and I sat next to him and watched him play around. He had a little board called an “arduino” and was programming it to flash lights and so other silly stuff. It was like a different language, what he was typing into the computer. But I guess I learned something. Maybe I’ll play around with it soon.

Dave’s actually pretty wise, I think. Even if there’s a bit of strife for now.

Oh, it’s getting warmer again! All the ice is gone! Finally! That wasn’t fun!!!






This diary entry is part 6 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!


I am Lily, hear me roar!  ROAR!!!!

Ohhh I love nice, quiet days.  It’s warmer!  Ice is almost all gone!!!  YAAAAAYYYY!!!  I worked this morning, and it was mercifully karen-free!  Where do all these karens come from anyway?  Is there a school they all go to?  Do they have “speak to the manager 101”?  “How to make a royal pain of yourself to get what you want 302”?  “Bob Cuts For Fun And Profit”?  I don’t know!  But it’s like there’s a school somewhere!!!

I hear that some women named Karen are upset about karens being called karen!  It’s a title!  Not a name!  You can be a Karen without being a karen, and you can be a karen without being a Karen!!!

Funniest thing:  Karen is a name in Japanese!  It means lovely!!!  So maybe you can just tell a Karen (not a karen) that their name means “lovely”!  Then they won’t have to speak to the manager!  HAHA

So I was curious about something today.  I’ve been playing on this computer for a while now, ever since Dave bought it for me last year, and you know what?  I don’t know how it works!  So I asked Dave.  Dave thought for a bit, and said it’s based on some really simple principles, but it’s hard to explain in one afternoon.  He said it’s just a bunch of really small switches flipping around very, very, very fast.  But he said he’d have to think about how to explain it.  I shrugged.  It does seem pretty complicated!  It’s hard to make something so complicated seem so easy!

So what else.  Not much.  Crystal was here, but she seemed a little subdued.  I asked her why.  She just said simply, “It was cold this week.”

I was confused.

“If your dad hadn’t helped my dad, I might have had to be out in it.”

Aww.  I gave her a hug and I could feel her shake a little.

“If I hadn’t been…  hadn’t been…  then he wouldn’t have…”

I just held her tighter.  What else could I do?  I think it’d bother me too if Dave and Sabby hadn’t taken me in like they did.  Would I be homeless too?  So I just rubbed her back and told her everything would be okay.  But I frowned.  Will everything be okay?

I hope so.  Maybe I’m making a promise I can’t keep.

I fed her a cookie and she seemed to perk up a bit.  Chocolate always helps.

It’s funny how life can be such… how did Ellie put it on Contact…  full of such beautiful dreams… and such horrible nightmares.  Crystal had to live a nightmare, and I can’t really make it better.  Except maybe just by being a big sister.  Maybe that’s enough.

She went home with her parents.  Do they realize how much she hurts?  I should ask them.

Or not.  Maybe I’ll talk to Sabby about it.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 5 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!

And I’m in a good mood today!!!

It’s still a little chilly outside but it’s getting warmer.  And Sabby had hot chocolate for me when I got home!  Any day with hot chocolate in it is a good day!!! I picked up the mug with both hands!  Now I just have to eat yogurt on a bench in my workout clothes!!!

Haha!  What kind of women are in those advertisements anyway??

But it was good hot chocolate!  Even had those tasty little marshmallows!  I love them!!!

Otherwise it was a boring day!  A boringly boring day!  I went to work, I doot dooted and karen wrangled… oh!  I saw a real karen today!  Most of the time karens are just these wannabe karens, but this one was the real deal!  She got so angry that we wouldn’t give her a discount that she tried to slap the owner!  Well, the owner is a big guy, and he held her down while I called the police!  Maybe that’s why I’m in a good mood!  A karen got arrested!!!

No, it’s the chocolate.

Chocolate always makes me feel better.

I’m such a girl!!!  But I like being a girl!!!  Yes I get moody sometimes and cry a lot, but I get all sorts of friends and get to have fun with them!  Boys just kind of insult each other and ogle girls like me!  It’s much better to be me, I think!!!

Anyway, Crystal came over while I was at work, and she’s here now!  She and Beth are in her room talking.  I guess I’ll go see how they’re doing after I write this.  They really have become good friends!  She doesn’t take any stuff from Beth, and I think Beth appreciates that.  Remember how they met?  Crystal calling her a spoiled rich girl and shoving food in her face?

Well, not much to talk about today, but that’s good!  When there’s a lot to talk about, bad stuff happened!!!  I’d rather days be boringly boring!!! Like this one!!!


This diary entry is part 4 of 27 in Lily's diary dated 08 - February 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

So today was a little warmer.  Water was drippily dripping off the roof, and every now and then ice would slide off (crunk thunk whooooosh PLOP).  The roads were pretty bad in the morning, but they got better throughout the day, but now they’re bad again.  Sigh.

Beth and David were working on their project.  I’m not sure what it is, but they seemed to be getting along – most of the time.  Every time David tried to take over, Beth shut him down.  “I know you know more about this stuff than I do,” she said, “but dad put us together because I’m supposed to learn too, so if you can’t slow down and let me figure it out then go get a cookie or something.”

Of course, he didn’t like that much, and went to Sabby, who came over and read him the riot act.  I think I see why Dave put them together.  David doesn’t work well with others, and I think Beth, and maybe I, don’t include him as much as we could.

David wanted to play in the lab but I said no.  I don’t understand half the stuff in there, and until Dave can teach us how to be safe I’m not going to risk it.  David got really upset with me too but I stood firm and Sabby backed me up.  “Think of it as a school lab,” she said.  “Would you be allowed to just do whatever you wanted if a teacher wasn’t in the room?”

“No, But Lily’s not a teacher.”

“She’s not.  But she’s a high school student.  You’re an elementary student.  That doesn’t always count for something, but it does here.  You’ll have plenty of chances to work on stuff.”


“No buts.  I’m not going to have you getting hurt because you don’t know what you’re doing.”

As for me, I was putting together my model.  Man, that was hard.  But I got it!  The parts moved up and down and around and it was kinda mesmerizing watching it do its thing.  Now I just have to learn what all the parts are for.

Dave was working again today, but he was working from home.  So later in the day he took me and Beth into the lab (without David) and started giving us some pretty intense lessons on how electricity works.  He taught us about AC and DC, and even showed us on one of the gadgets what AC looked like.  He taught us about voltage and amperage, and what’s safe and what isn’t safe.  He even deliberately popped a circuit breaker – what a spark!

After we were done he asked us what we learned.  I said “Don’t let David near the wall outlets.”  He said “Well, you shouldn’t be near that either right now, but if that’s all you took from it, I guess that’s good enough for today.”

“What are all these little parts?,” I said, pointing at the bins.

“I’ll explain that later,” he said.  “I think you’ve learned enough for today.”

I guess.

I asked Sabby if David chose a language yet.  She said she’s giving him until Monday before she chooses it for him.

Liz came over, we had dinner, and then watched a movie.  After the movie Beth, Liz and I went up – time for another slumber party!  Why do we girls like slumber parties soo much?  Who knows?  They’re funnnn!!!!

Love you all!!! ❤