This diary entry is part 13 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 32 - February 2024

HI! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s Valentine’s day!!!

…. not that that means too much, really.

I’ve been practicing my tushy off (yes, it’s still cute) and Anathema is still hanging around for a little while.  Guy was released from the hospital and is in jail now, and the judge denied bail.  So there’s that.  Turns out that “not doing anything” isn’t an excuse when you’re clearly ready to do something.  Anathema filed for a restraining order too, which she got pretty quickly.  Those don’t do much but make sure he’s certain to get arrested if somehow caught near her.

I think Joe’s pretty close to confessing.  He’s not leaving her side except when he has to, and he’s really doting on her.  It’s cute.  He did bring her some chocolates today… after all, it is Valentine’s day, and he said “if anyone deserves chocolates today, it’s her”.  Can’t argue that.  He’s still guarding the shop, but our play to get more cops to show up with free pastries is working pretty well, there’s a steady influx of cops eating pastries and chatting the girls up.  As long as they’re respectful about it, they don’t mind.  I actually think skintight-girl has a thing for them.  It’s funny, she starts blushing whenever one talks to her.

… even the female ones.

It’s a good thing she’s wearing a maid uniform, I have a feeling skintight outfits might be a bad idea…

Anyway, Jack was working today (aww) but he did bring over a giant box of chocolates, which was the bare minimum I expected!  Haha!  Kidding!  Well… not really, but mostly.  I appreciate the thought, but I would have been put out if he hadn’t.  Rule one of being a good Lily boyfriend is bring me lots of chocolate.  That may not be true for all women, but it’s true for me!  We’ll go out for real soon when he has a day off.  He’s been studying a lot, too.  He’s getting pretty good.

I took one of those practice JLPT tests and passed!  Yay!  It doesn’t mean a whole lot but at least it means I’m progressing, so yay me!

Anyway…  Not much happening other than that, so…  I’m going to go read or something.  Miki wants to chat tonight (morning for her), so I’ll see what she wants later tonight.

Oh oh oh…. Crystal is working on a new song!  This one’s she’s calling “I hate you don’t leave me.”  Girl’s got some issues, clearly, but it makes for some killer songs.  Seriously.  I still hope she does something with “I love you you pink frilly bitch”.  That really does sound fun.

Love you all!!!  ❤️

Especially today!!!

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