This diary entry is part 16 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

HI! It’s me! Lily!!!

And it’s still too hot!!!

But other than being too hot, it was a boringly boring day.  I went down to the shop to catch up a bit, everyone’s getting ready for that catering event I was telling you about.  All the girls showed me their maid outfits – they were cute!!!  I think even the other girls liked them.

They sure do like dressing up.

Anyway, I kinda camped out in the back and did some accounting stuff, we have to take all the records to the accountant soon to do quarterly taxes…  quarterly taxes suck.  Aww.

I’m going to take Crystal to the thrift store soon to pick up some stuff for her trip.  She needs a suitcase and a few other things, and buying new just doesn’t make sense.  So I guess we’ll take care of that before we leave next week.

Okay, short entry tonight!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

Series Navigation<< July 17, 2023 – Too Hot!!!July 19, 2023 – Plans >>