This diary entry is part 7 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Subscriber only content in this post.  You know the drill.

And Katie’s baby shower was today!!!

I’m…  actually a bit confused, if I’m being honest.

So all the girls from the shop, and Sabby and Beth and I, and a few other folks showed up, and we all had gifts…  and truthfully, I think the gifts were the whole point.  She got cribs, and bottles, and diapers, and all sorts of stuff you’d need for a baby.  And there were games, like “pin the tail on the baby” (not a real baby) and some other games that required a lot of squealing women to play.  Katie seemed a little down, though.  I waited for a quiet time when all the girls were stuffing their faces with cake and asked her what’s wrong.

She sniffled a bit…  “It’s all becoming real now”, she said.  “I’ve been pregnant, but…  soon I’ll have an actual baby.  And…  and I don’t think I’ll be a good mother.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because I don’t have a good job or a degree or even a boyfriend, and I can’t really afford to have a baby.  I don’t know what I’m going to do,” she sniffed.

I gave her a hug.  “You’ve got us,” I said.  “We’re not going to let you fail.”

She gave me a big hug and I could feel her sobbing against me.  Aww.  But then she wiped her eyes, found a tissue, blew her nose, smiled wanly, and we went back out to get some cake ourselves.

I told Sabby what happened, and what I said.  She told Katie we’re not going to let her fail, and that’s a promise.  And more sniffles all around.

It’ll be hard.  Maybe we should try to find Katie a boyfriend.  One who likes babies.

It was a pretty fun time, though.  My ears were ringing from the squealing,  Dave went over to her apartment after and put the crib together for her.  That was nice of him.

I think Sabby’s gonna be doing some baby sitting.

Sigh… I think we’re all going to be doing some babysitting.

I have no idea what to do with a baby.

Well, I guess time to learn.

I think I’m going to talk to the pastor tomorrow.

Anyway, Jack and I had a date tonight, and it was fun.  I went over to his new house, and his parents had taken Grace to the kid’s pizza place.

OMG I missed him.  He, ummm…. did that thing with his tongue I love so much.  My body just gets so hot and it feels so good….  and after I helped him with his “little problem” too, taking all the precautions, of course.  I don’t want to end up like Katie.  But aftwards, when he just holds me close to him and runs his hands down my body… I don’t know if there’s anything that feels that good.  And when he tickles my floppy bits… OMG.  And then he finds my girly bits and rubs them so perfectly…  I lose myself in him.  Aww.  It feels like he sets me on wonderful, wonderful fire and the fire just comes right out my girly bits.  Soooooo, soo good.

I wonder so much how it would feel to have him moving around inside me.  I bet it feels even better than when he uses that buzzy thing he bought.  Shivers.  That never fails to get me going.  Hard.  I love him so much, but I can’t deny I also really love it when he just goes for it and makes me completely lose my mind with pleasure.  And each time he does, he learns a little more about how to make me scream.  And then I learn a little bit more about how to drag it out for him, you know, bringing him right to the edge and then slowing down and making him wait a little… he seems to absolutely adore that.

He loves doing that for me too.  He told me it makes him feel like a man.  Awww.  He’s my man.[/um_loggedout]

We watched a movie and had some dinner.  Lily decided to lay across both of us, it was really cute.  She’s a good dog.  Then his parents came home, and Grace wanted to play a game before bed.  So we played a game of “hungry hungry hippo” with her.  Such a strange game, but she loves it.  She had so much to tell me, and she did make some new friends!!!  Just like I told her!!!

Of course she did.  We all know, say it with me – everyone loves Grace.

And now I’m home, ready for bed, and I feel so relaxed.  I don’t spend enough time with Jack.. but maybe I spend just enough time with Jack for right now.  Oh, he got a new job!  I guess he could transfer to a different HEB!!!  He likes it there too.

His parents want to send him to a vocational camp.  I told him that’s a great idea.  He doesn’t seem enthused.  But he’ll be alright.

Japan’s coming up!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

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