This diary entry is part 24 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Jack’s sick now, and so is Grace.  I guess they got whatever I had.

So yesterday I made some soup (Sabby helped, I’m not a great cook) and took it over to him and pampered him a little.  It’s the least I could do.  I read Grace a story too.  She wasn’t really in the mood to do much but she seemed to enjoy the story.  Kids her age always do.  I chatted with his parents a little too.  I told them thanks for letting him take care of me.

They said it was either him or them, and of the three of them, he was in the best position…

Strangely calculated, that was.

But I didn’t write last night.  After I got back from Jack’s, the girls wanted to talk about the band, so we… talked about the band.  Crystal’s kinda raring to go, but I told her that I wasn’t going to be a part of a band that wasn’t at least a little competent, and that’s my price for participating.  She pouted a little but showed me a little of what she can do now.  She really is improving.  Not band quality at all, even bad band quality, but… she’ll get there.  Eventually.

I also checked in on the shop.  Everything seems to be humming along.  Now that we have a little more cohesive identity than “that cookie place with all the girls that wear cute outfits”, we seem to be getting a few regulars.  That’s kinda neat… if a little sad.  They seem lonely.  There’s this one guy who comes around pretty often and the girls have taken a liking to him, they kind of dote on him.  It’s cute, but that’s really all it is.  Even cat-girl learned her lesson, thankfully.

It’s like a “Cheers” with maid outfits.

We got a band that wanted to play.  We told them we couldn’t pay, but they could have some cookies and drinks, and we’d advertise a little.  They seemed to think that was a fair trade, so we’ll be having a little concert this weekend!  We’re also debating an “open mic” night, but we haven’t figured out all the details yet.  I guess we’re a live music house now too!  Fits, for Austin.

Band’s called “Death to Kawaii”.  Hah!

I went to Jack’s again today and made sure he was well fed.  He seemed to appreciate that.

Okay…  going to bed now. 

Love you all!!! ❤️

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