This diary entry is part 22 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

My car still isn’t fixed.  Awww.  But the window repair people did say they could come out early next week – they have the windows, they just need to find the time to come out.  They have a lot of business right now.  Awwww.

There’s a lot of damaged cars and windows and roofs around the neighborhood.  It’s not like snowpocalypse where you hear lots of chainsaws and stuff, though there is a bit of that because of the winds that came with it, just a lot of tarps over cars, etc.  I guess that’s what happens.

So Yuki, Sabby, cat-girl, and I have been negotiating about her job and what she is supposed to do.  We all went down to the shop and just talked it out.  Yuki suggested maybe we have some small karaoke rooms, but Sabby shot that down because she doesn’t think it’d be profitable, and she’s probably right.  I suggested we set up a few tables and chairs, and put up a stage like in Akihabara, and everyone could dress in maid costumes and sing and dance to idol songs.  Cat-girl wasn’t dead-set against it, but none of the girls know how to sing and dance, and she thinks it’d be a bit humiliating.  She’s probably right.  So what we eventually came up with, is that we’re going to turn it into a maid cafe, but Yuki will sing and dance and idol all over the place (we’ll schedule times and stuff) and otherwise the girls will do everything they used to, except they’ll say “irasshaimase goshujinsama” and be a little simpy.  We could all live with that, and cat-girl didn’t think it’d be a problem with the other girls.  We’ll have to have the servers wear the maid outfits too, though.  The costumes are pretty enough, but consistency is key.  And maybe we can have a cosplay night every week or so where the girls can let loose.  Cat-girl really liked that idea!

And of course if any of the girls want to learn to idol, Yuki can teach them.

Basically it’s a part time job for nearly everyone so no one has huge expectations, but it should be pretty fun.  I imagine all we’ll have to do to advertise is tell a couple of the Japanese tourists that somehow make their way over, and it’ll be all over Japan by the end of the day.  Hahah!!!

Yuki is really concerned about people getting out of hand, but I told her that all we expect from her is to sing and dance and do idol-like stuff, but all the lies and stuff that an idol is expected to do?  This is the US.  We don’t do that.  She seemed relieved.  If she’s not having fun it’s not worth doing.

I talked to Sabby on the way home.  She still has a few reservations, but she saw how popular the maid cafes were in Japan, and she thinks it could be a success if we market it correctly.  I mean, not like they’d market it in Japan.  This is Texas.  And at least it’s better than a bikini bar.

So we pretty much have to remodel the front end of the store, but we’ve made so much, it shouldn’t be a problem.  Just have to find the time to do it and shut the store down for a week or so while we do it.  Aww.

I think it’s kind of fun, though.  I’m trying to source some Japanese treats, I think it’d be cool to have some of those for sale too.  And Sabby seems interested in learning how to make some Japanese treats, like mochi, daifuku, and crepes.  Yum!!!

Okay.  Enough of that I suppose.

I didn’t go to church on Sunday.  I’m a bit scared to, to be honest.  No one’s pushing me, though.  That’s nice.

Maybe if I’d prayed the hail wouldn’t have hit.  No, bad me.  Don’t think like that.  That’s too much pressure.  Even when… that… happened… I wasn’t really the one praying.  I don’t think.  I’m so confused.

Anyway…  guess I should go to bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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