This diary entry is part 6 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 26 - August 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!!

We’re on the plane to go home!!!

We had a long family discussion and decided to just wait in LA for the plane and fly home.  Grand Canyon is a very long drive on not very good roads, we’re already very tired from two weeks in Japan, and…. we all just want to go home.

Sabby was a bit disappointed but she was outvoted and understood.  We can always take another trip.

But we have a day to wait, so we’re not sure what we’re going to do while we’re waiting.  We don’t have a car rented, there are probably too many of us for standby tickets, we might just see if we can get rooms in a hotel next to the airport for a night.  Robert offered that we can stay over there but there are a lot of us and Sabby doesn’t want to impose.  Because there are a lot of us, transportation would be a challenge.

But we’ll solve that problem when we get there, I guess.

Maybe we’ll just stay in the airport and eat junk and play games.  Hahah!!!

Anyway, it’s a nice flight.  We’re pretty much following the sun all the way home!!!

I loved Japan!!! Even though it was hot!!!  I love eating the food and seeing the sights and speaking the language and…  I just love Japan!!!  I hope I can go to college there!!! Even if it makes things with Jack a challenge.  We’ll figure that out.  I’m glad Crystal could find a little peace, Diana wants to make Japanese tacos (I’m not sure how she’ll pull that off but if anyone can, it’s her), David will probably be dreaming about maid cafes, and Dave and Sabby said they have some really good memories and really liked the trip.

Beth is usually pretty low key about things in general, but she loved Enoshima, and Liz just loved going to the konbini and pigging out.  They both loved the museums in Ueno too.

Something for everyone!!!

Rebecca and her friends had a great time, too.  Chelsi is so happy she was able to go surfing in Japan, Yu learned a lot about the culture, Britni.. well, who knows about Britni now, but it was eventful for her too, I guess, and she had a good time all told…  Kari loved the museums in Ueno, and Rebecca… well, she just had fun in all the weeby places.  I don’t know if everyone got to do everything they wanted to do, but it worked out.  Rebecca’s mother just seemed to enjoy watching everyone have fun and doing a few fun things herself, and while we didn’t see much of Robert, he tells us it was a very successful trip for him and well worth what the company paid for the flight, etc (even though we chipped in).

Emiko and family had fun too, and those of us who knew Ai and Hiroshi and Ojiisan and Obaasan (and Ojisan and Obasan too) really were glad we could spend some time with them.  Even Rebecca and gang thought everyone was pretty cool, and they enjoyed spending time with actual Japanese people.

So… everyone had a good time!!! That’s the important thing.

I still haven’t forgotten that I owe them all!  Muahahaha!!!!!

And I won’t let them forget it either.

I’m not too upset anymore but I will have revenge.

Everyone’s pretty much sleeping right now.  I guess a ten hour flight is a really good place to decompress from a vacation, especially because we have nice seats and places to actually lie down.  I don’t know if we’ll ever get to go charter again, but I wish we could!!! It’s amazing!!!  Crystal, Beth, and Diana are all clumped together, and Yu’s head is on Rebecca’s shoulder and drooling!  It’s cute!!!  But don’t tell her!! Hahaha!!!

How much did we spend?  Oh, look at the ocean!!!  It’s so pretty!!! Yeah, I know.  We spent less than we could have, but it was expensive.  We knew it would be, though.  It is what it is, and everyone got good memories.

I bought something very nice for Jack, too.

I think sleeping isn’t a terrible idea.  I think I’ll do some of that too.

Love you all!!! ❤

And thanks for sharing the trip with me!!!

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