This diary entry is part 15 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Oh no!  I wasn’t able to update for a few days!  I got a little sick late last week and Sabby insisted that I stay in bed.  She even made me some chicken soup!  Don’t worry, it wasn’t the virus (I was tested), just a little something going around.  Unfortunately, I had to put off starting the job though because the test didn’t come back until Saturday.  They let me start on Sunday though!

It’s a… job, I guess.  Not a bad job, not a really fun job, just a job.  They taught me how to use the cash register and gas pump machine, and gave me a little uniform and everything!  It’s not cute, but it’s cute on me, because I’m cute!  Modest, too!

After a couple of hours I got the hang of it and was pressing buttons along with the best of them!  I had a few problem customers but I learned that just looking innocent and not saying anything until they run out of steam, and then pretending like they didn’t say anything, works pretty well.  They get all upset again and I just do it all again.  Finally they ask for my manager, and, well, he’s standing right there and tells them to get out.  He’s a little strict, but he seems to look out for us.  He doesn’t take it from customers, and I love that!

But maybe that’s just how you get after years of owning a convenience store.

One perk is, I get to eat a sandwich or something for lunch!  The job doesn’t have many perks, but like I said, he has an attitude of “you take care of me, I take care of you”, and a free lunch is a part of that.  I have to be careful not to get fat now!

Dave is a little worried because sometimes people rob stores, but I think it’ll be okay.

Don’t worry about me!  I’m feeling better!  And I have a job!

Love you all!!!  ❤️

This diary entry is part 14 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Have you ever just woken up in a bad mood?  That kinda happened to me today.  I don’t know why.  I woke up, my hair was frizzy, my pjs were rumpled, the cat was on the foot of my bed licking its butt, and I just… couldn’t.  I dragged myself up, and I went for a run, and it didn’t really help.  I just felt cranky.

I guess a girl’s allowed a cranky day.

Sabby was all cheerful this morning for breakfast and I was just having none of it.  I just robotically ate, and then went to take a shower.  That helped a little too but, still.  I was just cranky.  All day.

Finally Sabby asked me what was going on, and I said I had no idea, I just hated the world at that particular moment.  She sighed and went for the chocolate pudding in the fridge.

“You know when I do things like this I feel like I’m playing favorites,” she said, sadly.  “But I can’t think of many things that chocolate doesn’t fix.”

I sighed and took a bite.  It actually helped!  I ate the rest of the pudding.  “Why do you feel like you’re playing favorites?”

“I never did this with Beth.”

“Beth’s a different person.  And a little younger.”

“True.  Maybe…  maybe I haven’t been fair to her and David, though.  You’re so much like me… and they’re not.”

I was quiet.  I scooped out another bowlful of pudding and ate slowly.  Chocolate really does fix almost everything.

She kissed my forehead.  “Take your time and get back to school when you’re ready.”

This evening she took Beth out for girl time, just the two of them.  I didn’t mind.  Everyone needs some girl time.  Except maybe David.  And she spends so much time with me, I can hardly complain, can I?  I just sat in a chair and read a book.  I think I see why Beth likes that so much.  Then Dave and I played a board game.  Now it’s time to brush Beth’s hair.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 13 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me, Lily!

It was a boring day!  Boringly boring!  Oh, don’t get me wrong, school is usually interesting, I get to ask lots of questions and learn lots of things, but it was still boring!  Nothing interesting happened!  So that’s boring!

So what do you say on a boringly boring day?  I guess some political stuff happened.  Oh well.  I guess some people were born and some people died and some people lived and, well, that’s life, right?  People are born and live and die?

I don’t understand people though.  I don’t want to talk politics here so I won’t but I’ll talk health.  I don’t understand people who won’t get the vaccine.  It makes no sense to me.  I mean, they could get sick, and without the vaccine they won’t get sick, so why not take it?  I don’t understand.  Oh well.  People don’t make sense sometimes.  Two of Dave and Sabby’s acquaintances just died because they wouldn’t take it.  Why?

Oh well.  I hear they’re trying to make the vaccine mandatory for some people.  I don’t really understand that either.  If they don’t want it, why force it on them?  They’re the only ones who’ll get hurt.  Us vaccinated folks will just sit here and have a party.  But then some people can’t, and, well.. maybe they’re being selfish?  I don’t know.

I know I know but I’m a sixteen year old girl!  Really, what do you expect of me?  A nuanced discussion of all of the relevant data?  I brush my sister’s hair, Sabby makes breakfast most mornings, and I wear pajamas with unicorns on them.  Give me a break!  That’s about as deep as I go!

I might be kidding about the pajamas.  I told you I wasn’t gonna tell!

There’s a tropical storm around and it cooled stuff down!  Yay!  It’s a little more humid but that’s what happens when storms fling water around.  I almost wish it had tracked a bit west so we could get more rain.  I like rain!  It’s nice to run in it!  As long as there’s no lightning!

Well, I’m writing this late and need to go to bed.  Nite all!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 12 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Dave’s doing a bit better today.  I guess some days are just harder than others.  Sabby wasn’t upset at me.  I didn’t think she would be, but I’m still a little careful.  Maybe I shouldn’t be, but I am.

You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been truly angry when I’ve written here.  Hurt, yes, sad, even frustrated…  angry at the virus, maybe, but no one’s ever made me angry enough to want to vent here.  I’m just not an angry kinda girl, I guess.  What’s the point in being angry?  You hit something, or someone, or yell, or scream, and generally things are worse than when you left them.  But, I guess anger can be a good motivator.  Sometimes when Sabby’s pissed off stuff gets cleaned.  There’s no clean like rage-clean.  Dave just goes quiet and walks away.  Somehow that’s worse, because you get the feeling that he’s barely controlling himself.

But he does and that’s the important thing.  He usually snaps out of it.  But it can take a little bit.

Of course, I’ve seen Beth angry.  We won’t say any more about that.

There’s so much to be angry at, but why?  I can’t think of a single thing that will get better by getting angry at it.

Anyway, I started looking for a part time job today.  Well, that’s how the day started.  It’s an odd world out there right now, Dave tells me I’m in a really good position, I’ve got pretty much my pick of jobs, just for the taking.  There are help wanted signs everywhere.  So I decided I didn’t want to do fast food if I could avoid it, instead I went down to the convenience store down the street and applied there – you know, the one Beth hangs out at.  It’s a nice store, with a gas station, well lit, all that kinda thing.  I just basically walked in and said “I need a job, are you hiring?”

I thought the owner was going to roll the red carpet out!  His only questions were “can I depend on you?”, “what hours can you work?”, “are you legal to work?”, and “when can you start?”  He’s gonna pay a really good starting wage, and will train me up!  It’s a little scary, but I think it’ll be alright!  Dave’s happy for me.  He took me aside and gave me this advice:  “Showing up on time and working your full shift really is half the battle, the rest will just determine how well you can advance.”  I didn’t really believe him, but he said “I’ve been working for many years, trust me.  Just be dependable and willing to learn, and any good manager will bend over backwards to keep you.  And if they don’t, then they’re a bad manager and move on.”  Both he and Sabby said they’d have my back if I keep my end of the bargain and it doesn’t work out.

I really appreciate that.

So I start next weekend.  Yay!  Their lawyer tells me that being adopted by them makes me legal to work, there’s just a few hoops to go through, but should be a piece of cake.

I’m only going to work weekends for right now.  The manager wanted me to work more but school comes first, and we’ll see how it works out.  Maybe once I’m trained up I can work a few hours a week in the evenings.  I’m limited by state law how much I can work anyway.  I just got the feeling he just needed a warm body.

Plus I get to keep an eye on Beth and her friends!

Anyway, I should get some sleep.  I’m not gonna stay cute with bags under my eyes!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 11 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

People seem sad today.  I was looking at some videos of what happened twenty years ago, and I can see why.  It just seems so senseless.  People dying for no reason other than some other people were jerks.  I guess Dave knew some people who died, and he’s not having a really good day.  He doesn’t have any hair to brush, sadly, so all I could do was bring him his favorite drink and asked him if he wanted to talk.  He didn’t, but he seemed to appreciate the gesture.  I did rub his shoulders, and he seemed to appreciate that too.  If Sabby wants to get upset about that we’ll have words because he’s my new father and I love him.  If I can hug her and brush her hair, I can rub his shoulders.

But that was before I was born, no matter what my actual birthday was, it was twenty years ago, there’s really no point in being sad all day.  So we had a moment of silence and then moved on.  Dave decided he wanted to grill, that seems to calm him, so he barbecued some stuff up, and it was delicious, as usual.  He just seemed… sad.  But he seemed to get a little better as the day went on.  I guess some things stay raw, even after twenty years.

Sabby mostly made herself scarce, today.  She went out with some friends and had lunch.  I think she just wanted to give Dave a little space this morning.

Liz and I spent some time together today, we played board games.  We let Beth join in too, and she seemed grateful.  The mood in the house was just too somber, and it was good to just have a little girl fun.  Well, if you call scrabble girl fun, but whatever.  I have homework to do now, so I think I’m going to do it.

For those of you who are sad, it’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to remember, but you can’t bring back the dead.  Try to make your life worth something out of respect for those who didn’t get the chance.

Oh, and my tech friend is teaching me about something called SEO.  Great, another thing to learn.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 10 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

It’s getting cooler!  Yayayayayay!!!!!  It’s not cool, it almost never gets cold, but cooler!  It was in the mid 60s this morning!  It was a nice run!!!  Liz even ran with me before she had to go to school!!!  She wants to keep being able to fit into her cheongsam!

I’m tired, I’ve been sooooo busy.  So much to do.  I learned even more about the space shuttle.  Turns out that there’s more computer power in my smartphone than in all their flight computers!  Though their computers were much more rugged!  It was such a complicated thing!  I’m still amazed at the boosters!

Beth is really getting into her Saturn V project.  They had some pretty amazing technology, too.  She found some YouTube videos of a guy who rebuilt one of the Apollo flight computers and actually ran a flight sim using it!  And those rockets were so powerful too!  Apparently they were going to try to resurrect one and gave up.  That’s sad.  But I guess technology from sixty years ago maybe should stay dead?  I dunno.

I don’t think I want to be an astronaut, though.  I have a hard enough time with waterslides!  Keeping my top on!  Oh, Sabby bought me a joke sign, I’ll have to post a picture soon – it says “Swimsuits optional beyond this point”. har har har.  I’m laughing on the inside.

Oop, gotta go!  Time for the family movie!  We’re going to watch an anime!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 9 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!  Your favorite Lily!  Unless you know another Lily!  Then maybe she’s your favorite!  Yay!

I’m in a good mood today and I don’t know why.  Maybe it’s because I have a full belly, David actually talked to me yesterday, I learned something at school, and…  no, don’t ruin it!  No, don’t tell me about all that political stuff!  I don’t want to know!  LALALALALALALALA

I’m putting my fingers in my ears!  My ears are cute!  And a good place to put fingers! Well, maybe.

It’s starting to cool down a little!  The days are still hot, but the mornings when I run are much nicer!  I still sweat, but the air feels much better!  It’s getting cool!  Hopefully we don’t get another ice storm, though!!!

Sabby saw my post and said I was right, if I were to try to get away with a maid costume she’d make me clean in it.  She was smirking, though.  She did know that Halloween is coming, though, and thanked me for reminding her.  Halloween isn’t a big thing in the Smith family but they do like to at least decorate the house a bit.  I told Sabby we should just put up a twelve foot picture of her with a stern look on her face.  She told me in return that I don’t need a maid outfit to clean.  I shut up.

Sometimes with Sabby shutting up is the wise thing to do.

Sometimes not, though.  She’s pretty fair.  If she’s wrong, she’ll fess up.  Just not always immediately.

She thought my comparison with Claire Huxtable was hilarious though.

I’m tired.  I still have some homework to do.  Did you know the Space Shuttle was a pretty complex piece of equipment?  I’ve been watching videos of it taking off.  It’s amazing.  The sparks, then the ignition… then the solid rocket boosters ignite and the whole thing just leaps into the air like Dave when I sneak up on him!  Challenger was sad, though.  I wonder what kids thought in schools when they were watching it explode.

Oh well.  That was a long time ago.  Before I was born.  Long before I was born.  Assuming I’m not some kind of immortal deity that came to earth as a cute sixteen year old girl and lost all her memories!  I think the chances of that are kinda low though, don’t you think?

But not impossible!  That’s the beauty of it!  Could you imagine the look on Sabby’s face?

Well, I’m through being a silly billy for tonight!  I’m silly!  Time for bed!  Goodnight!

Love you all!!!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 8 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!  Your favorite sixteen year old with no memory!!!

I had my Japanese class today.  Sensei wants me to keep practicing the “k”, but she added another line now.  This is hard!  But I wanted to do it, so ganbarimasu.  I learned that!  It means “I’ll try my best!”

Well, it seems like it’s a little more final than that, but oh well.

I want to go to Japan someday!  I want to see mount Fuji!  Maybe take a picture!  Hahaha!  Fuji film!  Hey, how did I know that??  I want to see Tokyo!  Shibuya! Akihabara! Maybe I’ll buy a maid costume and give the boys a heart attack!  KIDDING!  I know Sabby reads this!  I think she’d kill me!  But Halloween is coming up, so I have to think of something

Maybe I’ll wear the cheongsam!

Actually what would probably happen is she’d say “if you’re going to wear the maid costume, I might as well put you to work”, and then I’d have to clean, in high heels to boot, and that wouldn’t be any fun!  I wouldn’t put it past her!  I saw how Claire Huxtable dealt with the girls who thought they had a singing group!  “Flinging parts from one end to the other!  I won’t HAVE it!”

No maid costume for me.

So, what else.  David actually asked me today why Allison was so mad at him!  Me!  So I asked him what he did.  He looked embarrassed, and said he pulled her hair.  Yeah, that’ll do it.  I told him that even though he’s nine, girls don’t like their hair pulled, and you have to show you like them in a better way than that.

So, he asked, what’s a better way?

I had to think, because I’ve never thought about it.  I don’t really think about boys.  I don’t want to be swept off my feet, I don’t want a boyfriend, I just don’t.  Like I said, I like boys, but I can’t think about that right now.  I don’t think girls that age would like flowers, or anything like in the movies.  Finally I just said “treat her nicely.”

“How do I do that?”

I facepalmed.  Of course he wouldn’t know.  He’s David.

“You know all that stuff you do to Beth?”


“Do the opposite.”


I can’t believe that worked.

“What do you like about her anyway?,” I asked.

“Well,” he said, clearly embarrassed.  “She’s pretty, and… and…  she likes some boy stuff.  Like swimming.  And baseball.  And mud.  I like mud.”

That’s not really boy stuff, but he’s nine, so I let it pass.  “You know she likes girl stuff too, right?”

He nodded.

“Then maybe try to understand what things girls like.  It won’t kill you to smell a little better,” I said, and ruffled his hair.  He looked embarrassed.  “Anyway, you’re young and there’s lots more girls out there.”

“I guess,” he said.  “I’m going to go play Roblox.”

And he did.  I was just happy he talked to me for once.

Dave tells me I need to start looking for a part time job.  Sigh.  But he’s right.  I have a car to maintain now.

Love you all!!!❤️

This diary entry is part 7 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Well, it was back to school for me today, but that’s okay!  I learned things!  The space museum was fun and it was school too!  Beth has to give us all a presentation on how the Saturn V worked, because she got that book!  Those were such huge engines too!  I’m looking forward to it!

Of course, David had to say it was powered from tacos…

I have to give a presentation too, I have to give one on the Space Shuttle!  That was interesting!  I wish I could remember seeing it actually launch, but there are YouTube videos.  The engines aren’t as big, but they’re pretty cool too!!!

David’s presentation is going to be on the moon landing.  Of course it’ll be age appropriate, he can probably get away with a lot more than Beth and I can.  It’ll be a lot of work, but it seems like fun!

It was nice to meet Allison, she was a cool kid.  I don’t know what David did to piss her off so much, maybe I’ll ask him.  Rule #1 of finding a girl:  don’t piss her off!  I guess it’s good to learn those lessons while you’re young.

Oh, the grilling was great!  They were thunderstorms around but thankfully we didn’t get rained on until everything was grilled and we ate our fill.  Beth can really pack it away!  After we ate, we played board games and watched a movie.  It was a really good holiday weekend.

Well, off to bed now!  Toodles!  Toodaloo!  Auf Weinersain!  Sayounara!  Goodbye!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 6 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

So Allison’s mother came to pick her up.  She was glad to go home, but it was sad too.  She gave me a big hug and told me how much fun she had.  She gave Sabby and Beth one too.  She shook Dave’s hand in an all grown-up way, and gave David the stink-eye.  I’m not sure what he did, but I’m sure he did something.  Her mother told her to be polite, and she said, very primly, “Goodbye, David.”  I think she would have thrown mud at him if she could have.

He looked sad, but I’m sure that’s not the last time he’ll get his heart broken.  He probably deserved it for something.

I know I sound like I hate David, but I don’t!  I really don’t!  But sometimes he’s a little jerk.  It’s not fair to say, but it’s true.  I hope he grows out of it.  I’d like to be his big sister, but all he wants to do is play computer games and torment his sister.  I’ve asked Sabby about it, and she just said to give him time, he’s little yet.  And she’s right.  But still.

Turns out, though, she forgot her gift from the space museum.  I guess I’ll have to figure some way to get it to her.

Otherwise, it’s Labor Day!  It’s Barbecue Day!  Dave loves to grill!  So he’s out in back right now with the grill, hopefully not singeing his eyebrows off, but he’s happy as a clam!   He can be a bit clumsy sometimes, but he does know how to grill!  My mouth is watering with the smells already!  Hamburgers and hot dogs and chicken!  I can’t wait!  I know I sound like I’m picking on Dave too but I love him!  He’s like my father!  But what good is a father if you can’t pick on them for being a little clumsy?  He gets me back, too.  More than once I’ve been woken abruptly by a prank.

I deserved it, too, frankly.

Well, the smells are driving me nuts, so I think I’ll go out and see how Dave’s doing.  Maybe Sabby needs help with the potato salad.  Bye for now!!!

Love you all!!!❤️