This diary entry is part 11 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today there was an eclipse!!!

But it was an annular eclipse.  No one got actually dark, though the sky did get really dim.  Dave got some of those eclipse glasses for us, and we sat outside staring at the sun and watching the moon take a huge bite out of it.  It was pretty cool.  I guess the last one was in 2017, and… well…  I was still Yuriko then.

It’s amazing how much light the sun gives off even when there’s only like ten percent of it showing.

Anyway… I didn’t post yesterday.  Honestly, I haven’t posted on Friday nights very much, but that’s because that’s usually the night when we girls spend all our time together, and while sometimes I can post, girl time is more important.  Besides, I can tell you everything I want the next day, right?  Last night we all went over to the shop, which is ready for its grand opening this weekend, and Dave and team did a great job!!!  There’s a stage where a blank wall used to be, and it has all sorts of musical stuff, like amps, etc., and there’s even a lighting rig.  David might have a job, too…  we need someone to operate all the stuff!  You know, a PA-san of our own.  He actually seems excited to do that and spent some time just playing with all the sliders and stuff.  Sabby promised to pay him in game credits and stuff if he does… and to take away his games if he doesn’t.  “Time to do something to pull your weight,” she said.  Guess she made him an offer he can’t refuse.  That’s my Sabby.  Remember when she threatened to hogtie beth and drag her to the homeless shelter?  That’s how she met Crystal, so Sabby’s not often wrong, anyway.

So Yuki stood up on stage and we piped in an “off-vocal” youtube video of one of her songs and she nailed it.  Singing and dancing, and a lot of the girls were just standing there open-mouthed.  They’d never seen her in her natural habitat before, and her aura…  it’s amazing.  She had everyone eating out of the palm of her hand, and she wasn’t even trying.  I guess…  when you’ve been trained in something, and you’re famous across an entire country for it, you’re going to know a few things.  After all that, we stuffed her with some of the leftover sweets we’d probably just have to toss out anyway, and chatted for a while.  The shop has a whole different atmosphere now, and I actually like it.

Then we all went up and sang some karaoke.  That’s not necessarily something we’ll offer, but it’s nice to know we can if we want.  Dave even set up a projector!  Beth sings pretty well – her lessons have been helping.  Diana just sang some random Mexican song that sounds pretty good but no one understood.  Sabby sang some older person’s song but it turns out she’s not a bad singer.  Dave just flat out refused.  Haha!  Crystal… well, girl tried.  Liz refused too, but said she’ll bring her violin someday. I…  I tried to sing “idol”.  It wasn’t great, but of all of us, only Yuki can speak Japanese better, so I kinda pulled it off.  Then Yuki went up and… did it right.  Hahaha!  She’s actually not bad, though songs like that aren’t her specialty.

Anyway, it was lots of fun.  We should do that again sometime.

Anyway, we all went home, and were kind of wires, so we ate chocolate and watched anime until we couldn’t keep our eyes open, then went to sleep.

Other than the eclipse, today was pretty boring.  It was so nice outside though.  We all took Marie for a walk, and went over to the park and just threw stuff and let Marie catch it.  Then we all just kinda flopped over and let the cool air ruffle our hair.  What a nice way to spend an afternoon.  It’s nice that it’s not hot anymore.  Tonight’s low might be in the 40s, believe it or not!!!

The shop’s soft grand reopening was today, but we’re already working on a concert-ish thing by Yuki.  She can’t use her old group’s songs for copyright reasons, but…  we’ll figure something out.  Maybe I’ll try my hand at writing something.

Anyway…  I’m sleepy.  It was a pretty nice day but even nice days can be tiring.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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