April 18, 2024

This diary entry is part 11 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Yuki’s friends are on their way!!!

They should be here tomorrow.  We’ll head to Houston tomorrow to pick them up.

They’ve never been to the US before, and their English is not very good, so this should be interesting.

Otherwise, it’s a pretty quiet day.  Not much going on.  Tomorrow Yuki and I (and maybe her friends) are heading to the symphony to do some practice and/or rehearsal, and Yuki’s going to want to start doing training for the choreography and stuff too.   I imagine she’ll be busy.  But that’s okay, she seems to really love doing this kind of thing.

It’s sad that doing what she loves also causes her so much trouble.

Crystal’s new band is coming over Sunday and we’re going to all meet each other.  Even though the band kinda broke up in its current form, she’s still really interested in what we think, and we all appreciate that.

Anyway, it’s going to be an early day tomorrow – their flight comes in super early, so I’m going to bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

It’s always fun writing people who are away from home and exploring.  Lily and family are good hosts, so it should be interesting to write the next month or so.  Hopefully Yuki’s friends don’t have too much culture shock.

And hopefully they don’t recognize Lily as train onee-chan… oh, who are we kidding, they totes will.

When I first wrote that scene where the girls were taking the mickey out of Lily, I didn’t have any of this in mind.  I just thought it’d be really funny.  But some really fun stuff has come out of it.  Most of the things I write aren’t planned, they just seem to work out.

And, a few… well… don’t.

Anyway, that particular plot point is not done yet.

April 17, 2024

This diary entry is part 12 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! it’s me! Lily!!!

I’m not going to write much tonight.  Not a whole lot has been going on today.  You know, running, practice, all that stuff.  But I thought I’d check in and tell my readers I’m still alive!!!  So I am!!!  I’m Lily and I’m alive!!!


And I’m tired.


Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

I started taking Japanese lessons again tonight.  Apparently I’m not very good but I’m understandable.  It’s… something, anyway.  But at least they’re not expensive.

I’ve also got a couple of other things going on, which I’ll talk about in due time.  Nothing bad, but education is important no matter how old you are!

April 16, 2024

This diary entry is part 13 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And today was pretty boring.  Just the usual.  Practice, school…  the usual.  We’re in that time of year in Central Texas where it’s neither too hot nor too cold, just right, and that lasts… not very long.  It’s also a stormy time, but today was nice.

Yuki came over today.  She’s…  thinking about going back to Japan this fall.

She likes it here in the US, and she feels like she’s learning a lot of English, and that’s one reason she came here.  But…  she’s kind of come to terms with her time as an idol, and… she’s a little homesick.  And she kind of misses the idol life.  She knows she can’t go back to being an idol like she was, but there are some opportunities for her, and she kind of misses not being able to work.

I guess I understand.

So she asked me when I’m going to Japan, and she might come with me.

Not gonna lie, that would be really nice.  To go with a friend…

She’s not really sure, though.  It’s just something she’s thinking about.

I asked her if she’ll regret not finishing her schooling here, and she just kind of pffted.  “If I came here only for school, I’d have gone to a better school then some community college in Austin, don’t you think?  I came here to get away from the fame, and this seemed like a place where no one would know me, and the school quality was okay.  I can finish my schooling in Japan if I want.”

Can’t argue with that, I guess.

Come to think of it, I never really asked her why she chose Austin Community College, of all places.  I mean, that’s a reason, but otherwise it just kinda seems like she just rolled a die and ended up here.  I’ll have to ask someday.

I mean I’m glad she did because I met her, but…  it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I asked Jack what he thought of the prom, and he said it was fun, but only because he went with me.  He seems like he can take or leave most of his classmates, and mostly leave.  He’s also a little ticked at all those girls making a scene over “train onee-chan”, but I think that’s mostly because he wasn’t expecting it.  Even now, there’s a lot of chattering going on when they think he doesn’t hear about how he won the girlfriend lottery.  They’re not being mean or anything, it’s not like they’re saying “why’s a hot girl like her with a loser like him?”, but they are a little confused by the whole thing.

And so is he, really.  Like, why are they so interested in train onee-chan?  I just went to Japan and did a stupid video.  It’s not like I’m a celebrity or anything.

Well, not a major one.  I guess the fact that they all knew me and stuff kind of makes me a minor one.


After school friends idol light music club has moved on from that video, but they still perform the song every now and then at their concerts.  They’ve taken to putting the video up on the big screen, and interspersing it from footage of the actual event.  So…  quite a few of my sisters have their faces all over the big screen at a concert, and no one even knows who they are.  Isn’t that weird?

Well….  heh.  Lips zipped.  I haven’t told them.  Maybe someday soon.

Anyway…  oh!  We’re having an actually legit popular band at the shop this weekend!  There’s not a lot of room and the tickets are already sold out, but it sounds like fun!  Sabby’s really on board with getting a bigger venue now.  We don’t want to be too big, but too small a live house and we don’t make as much money.  It’s not one of those household name stars, but they’ve got a lot of followers on social media.

Anyway, lots of words for there not being much to talk about.  But that’s me!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️


From the creator:

The next few weeks are going to be interesting, story-wise.  I don’t have any kind of day to day framework set up, just some events.  Yuki’s idol friends are coming to the US, there’s going to be a lot of practicing and rehearsing and all that stuff, a concert or two are coming up soon, and then Anathema’s wedding.  Poor Joe – she’s going to take all her frustration out on him that night and he’ll be lucky if he can keep his eyes open the next morning.  But I doubt you’ll hear him complaining.  Mission over all!  Hah!!!

And all while the reality of Lily leaving for Japan continues to sink in deeper and deeper.  Poor Lily.  But it’s time for her to leave the nest.

I’ve really been vascillating lately on the subscriber content thing.  A part of me really wants to go whole hog.  The other part just can’t be bothered, and it’s not important anyway.  So… oh well.

April 15, 2024

This diary entry is part 14 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s tax day!!!

I don’t really have any taxes to file.  I mean I have some investments, and…  oh.  Well, I guess I do.  But the accountant took care of that, so there’s that.  We have our accountant do all the taxes now.  I did them for a while, but everything got too much for me to handle, so we pay someone to do that now.  Especially for the shop.

Taxes stink.  Especially when you think about what they use them for.

I’m still a little melancholy about the prom.  I don’t know why I get this way, but I do.  It’s everything in life just seems to exist to tell me how little power I have.  So many things happen to me that I have no control over, and even the stuff I do… it’s like I’m playing some otome game where there’s some sexy anime guy with sparkles, and I get to choose every now and then but then the game just kind of moves forward based on that choice and there’s little I can do between choices.  And sometimes the choices get made for me.  Maybe that’s how it is for everyone – you only get a few actual choices in life, and everything else is watching it play out – the same way you watch the scenery in front of you as the roller coaster crests that first hill…

I chose to go to Japan for school, and now that’s playing out.

Was that the right choice?

I think so.   I hope so.  I…  I don’t know.  I guess I won’t know until it’s played out and I’ll know in hindsight.

They say hindsight is 20/20.  And I don’t think they meant looking at butts.

Jack’s still sticking with me…  somehow.

Crystal found the rest of her bandmates.  They’re coming over so we can meet them.  I hope they’re not like drunk senpai from Bocchi (they’re high schoolers, so they’d better not).  She has a drummer, a bass guitarist, and she even found a keyboardist.  I guess keyboardists are a bit rare in rock bands, but I guess she got sold hard and, well, worse case she’s not needed.  But I saw k-on, and a keyboard can really add a lot if you use it right.  Beth’s going to keep doing vocals, though.  It’s not her first choice, but she loves Crystal, and she likes to sing, so she says there are far worse things she could be doing.

She’s probably right.

I guess it actually wasn’t a hard sell.  She just showed some videos of our last performance, and said that half the band decided to move on, and, well…  she’s good enough that they thought it might be fun.

Do I feel bad about that?  No.  Not at all.  It was the right choice.  I love Crystal too, but she has to stand on her own two feet.

Anathema and Joe set their date.  It’ll be before the baby comes, probably in a month or two.  I asked Anathema how she feels about getting married while she’s pregnant.  She said she’d of course have preferred to have her cat-girl body, but it is what it is, and she’d rather be married when she has the baby than to not.  She’s a little worried about if Joe will have to deploy at some point, but that comes with marrying into military, I guess.  For his part, Joe’s being very doting and attentive. He has the same “red line” I do, and it’s really frustrating Anathema, but even Anathema agrees it’s the right call.

Anathema has really changed.  Really, really changed.

She’s talking to us about leaving the shop, though.  Awww.

We’d be sad to see her go, but we understand.  She wants to focus on her studies, on her upcoming wedding/marriage, and someday getting a better job so she can help support her new family.  She’s still working for us for the time being, though, and she’s trained the other “maids” well.  It’ll all work out.  The “cat-girl money printer” has stopped printing money, but neither Sabby nor I ever really relied on that.  It was nice while it lasted, but we like Anathema better this way.

Anyway, that’s probably enough updates for now.

Isn’t my life weird?

I think it is.

Love you all!!! ❤️

April 14, 2024

This diary entry is part 15 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So yesterday I went to the prom with Jack.

It was… well…  I’ll explain.

Jack picked me up, even gave me flowers.  He didn’t have to do that (I mean, he really didn’t have to do that, I’m not really one for the kinds of token gestures), but I accepted them anyway.  They were pretty and smelled nice.  He even gave me a nice corsage and put it on my wrist.

He cleans up nicely, he wasn’t wearing a tux but a very nice suit, and I’ll take that.  Tuxes are overdone anyway.

Anyway, we got there, and it was, well, a typical prom.  Students just kind of milling around, inexpertly dancing, you know, kind of how you’d expect a prom to go.  Jack and I had a couple of dances, and, well, it kinda went south.

I saw a group of girls hovering around a phone and looking at me.

Crap.  They recognized me.

“Jack?”, one came up to him.  “Your girlfriend is train onee-chan?”

I sighed.  “Yes, I’m train onee-chan”.

Then they literally squeed, and soon I had a crowd of girls around me, and it kept getting bigger.  Apparently someone started showing people the music video, and I heard the chants of “onee-chan! onee-chan!” from the YouTube of that time they played that greeting video of mine in the arena…

I signed a bunch of autographs.  And a few guys were slapping Jack on the shoulder and going “Lucky dog!  She’s HOT!”

Sigh.  I admit I was blushing a little.

I went outside and just kind of stood there.  I wasn’t mad or anything, but I wasn’t really happy either.  I guess I kind of brought it on myself, but I can’t even go to a prom with my boyfriend without being mobbed.

I guess that’s how Yuki feels, right?

Anyway, Jack came out and stood next to me.  We were at a facility that, well… didn’t have any really great scenery, but the air smelled really nice.. and so did Jack.

“I’m sorry,” he said, sadly.  “I didn’t know that would happen.”

I sighed.  “I should have expected it.”

“This isn’t Japan…”

“No, but you’d be surprised how many weebs there are in high schools.”

“I guess.”

He was quiet for a bit.

“I just wanted to give you a good time.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“No, but…”

“It’s not your fault,” I said, turning to him.  “This is just what it means to be me… and what it means to be with me, and…  well…”

“I wouldn’t still be with you if I couldn’t accept that.”

“I know,” I said, a little morosely.

He reached over and grabbed my hand.  It was warm.  I just kind of leaned into him.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“Let’s go back inside,” I said, softly, after a little while.  “This is who I am.  This is who I always will be.”

And, so we went back inside.  There was a little more murmuring, but then it quieted down and we had a few more nice dances.  I did meet a couple of his friends.  I wouldn’t say we hit it off, but they seemed decent enough.

And then came time for the prom king and queen.  And guess what?

I’m prom queen.

I’ve never even set foot in that school before.  But apparently all the girls who know who I was voted for me.  Some popular girl was really, really pissed off, but hey.  I had nothing to do with it.  I didn’t campaign or anything.  I just sat in a train while my sisters took the mickey out of me (I think that’s how you say it).  So I just accepted the crown, acted as demurely as I could, and then… well.. that’s it.

At least Jack got to be prom king too.  He’s not very popular but the same girls decided that if I was going to be queen, he was going to be king, and… that’s that, I guess.

The popular girl tried to confront me, you know, like in those stupid high school movies, but I just sighed and waved my hand, and those girls just came and took her away.  Just like that.  I don’t know what they did with her but I didn’t see her again.  I think she’s alright, they’re just high school girls… they probably forced her into a car and drove her home.

She smelled of booze anyway.  What kind of school is that?

Good to be the queen.

So, eventually we went home.  I don’t feel like making this a subscriber only post, so…  let’s just say we did some stuff together that would make it one if I told you and leave it at that.  I missed him.  I really missed him, and it’s been too long.

I know it’s my fault.  It’s all my fault.  I was the one who told him he needed to buckle down and take his studies seriously if he wanted to be with me, because I wasn’t going to be with someone who couldn’t take care of our kids.  I’m the one who somehow became a minor celebrity in Japan, and apparently amongst the Texas weeb community.  And now he’s taking his studies seriously and I’m taking my studies seriously and we don’t have as much time with each other as we used to, and when we do try to have a nice evening together I get recognized.

And September is coming fast.  Very fast.  Way, way too fast.  And then I’ll go to Japan, and he won’t… and what will become of us?

I mean, I think we’ll still be together… but…

I guess I wouldn’t blame him if it all became too much for him at some point.

It was a nice memory.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  And yet… it was another last.  All the lasts are coming together and piling up and pretty soon will come the last hug and the last kiss and the last subscriber post, and I’ll be on a plane to Japan and he’ll be driving to whatever college he settles on here, and…  and that’s it.  At least for a while.

I wish I didn’t feel so sad and helpless every time one of these lasts hits.

Anyway, today I spent all my time practicing.  I think I’ve pretty much got it.

Yuki’s friends have their tickets now, and we’re pulling some of the futons out that we scrounged up for when the aidols came over, and, well…  it’s going to be a full house for a while.  I don’t know what kind of visa they needed, but Yuki got it all sorted.  I had no idea she was so efficient.

And David already got “the talk”.  Two Japanese women staying with us, he’d better keep that bathroom door closed.

Speaking of the aidols… Minami is still having a blast in the after-school friends idol light music club.  She’s been checking in every now and then, and she’s having a great time.  She says it’s hard work but they’re all looking out for each other and having lots of fun singing and dancing.  She and Miki have become pretty good friends (even though Miki is her senpai) so they’re extra-special looking out for each other.

I’m glad.

Love you all!!! ❤️

April 12, 2024

This diary entry is part 16 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I didn’t post yesterday because I was so busy.  Jack’s prom is tomorrow, so I had to get my hair and nails done…  I mean, my hair will probably be a bit messed up anyway, but it’ll be better than it was!!! Also, lots of practicing, Yuki and I went to rehearse with the orchestra.  It went pretty well, I’m getting better at it.  It’s a pretty challenging piece, but more musically than technically.  Basically I was wiped by the time the day ended, so I just went to bed.

Not a whole lot of news today.  Yuki’s idol friends are coming late next week.  I can’t wait to meet them!  She told me their names, and I looked them up – they’re pretty famous in Japan.  I’m not starstruck, but it’s still pretty cool.

The girls are over tonight so back to the fun!!!  Diana found a drummer for her band.  So they need one or two more people, but maybe she can pull it off.  Girl is driven.

I may not post tomorrow.  I’ll be at Jack’s prom.  I’m a little nervous, but not really.  Other than the fact that I’ll be spending time with Jack (and we haven’t spent a lot of time together lately) it’s not like it’s actually important or anything.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

Google domains is transferring all my domains to Squarespace against my will.

I don’t want to be a Squarespace customer.  I don’t trust them.  They haven’t done anything to me, yet, but I don’t want to take that risk.  So I’m transferring all my domains proactively to Dreamhost.  I don’t really trust them either, but I’ve been their customer for a few years, so at least I know what I’m working with, with them.  I’m quite annoyed, okay, I’m really annoyed and this pretty much cemented that I will never become a Squarespace customer again, but shouganai.  I’m not quite as annoyed as I was when RedHat introduced that damn abomination systemd which I hate SO much that I changed careers, but I’m pretty annoyed.

This is a somewhat expensive proposition up-front, and it could cause breakage.  I’m particularly worried about email when I transfer the lovelylilylives domain over, I may take that time to fix it to use the lilysamazinglife domain instead.  Lilysamazinglife has already transferred, and that was pretty seamless so far, so at least there’s that.

Anyway…  Yay for companies selling you around for no good reason.  Well, I’m not playing that game.  If you want to get on my bad side, well, do that.

April 10, 2024

This diary entry is part 17 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

What a weird week it’s been!!! So weird!!!  I mean, on Monday, we get an eclipse.  On Tuesday, garbage bins grow legs and walk down the street. Today, well… nothing too weird happened.  A bit of rain this morning, then it became partly cloudy, and the clouds were really pretty.

Unlike yesterday, when they were just annoying.

I don’t really mind a storm.  I don’t like that kind of storm.

Liz is still a little scared of storms, but she’s been getting better.  She doesn’t call me in the middle of it with a trembling voice anymore.  But I think she still hides under her blankets and shivers a little.

Well, they can be a little scary.

We’re all growing up, aren’t we?

I try not to think about that, but it’s unavoidable.  We’re all growing up.  All of us.  Even the adults, they’re still growing too.  I mean, Sabby wanted to keep her drumming a secret, and then one day, BAM.  She’s a drummer.  She made it very clear that was a one-off and she has no interest in getting back into being in a band, but… she did that for me.  She’s grown up a lot too, especially when she tells me how she used to be, a long time ago, before she met Dave.

And I guess that could have been me, too.  Well, maybe.  Maybe my “gift” would have made that impossible.  But maybe not?

Crystal tried to off herself two years ago.  And now she’s running around trying to get a band off the ground and showing a prodigious talent on guitar.  Who would have thought it when she was laying on a hospital bed with beepy machines and things coming out her nose, and we were all both angry and crying?

Who would have thought Beth would mellow out how she did from when we first met and she bullied me and was very mean to me?  Now we’re as close as real sisters.  We still brush each others’ hair every night and we know things about each other that no one else does.  I mean, I don’t talk much about the hair stuff, but we still do it most nights, and we still zone out just like we always have.

Even David?  He still has his “girlfriend” and they’re showing no signs of separating.  Kid’s like eleven now.  Remember how much trouble he used to get into?  Well… he kinda still does.  But you can tell he’s growing up, too.  He’s less boy and more man now, if that makes sense.  Maybe in a couple of years he’ll be protecting me.  I don’t know.  Well, I’ll be in Japan, but you know what I mean.  I heard him one night on his games telling one of his playing buddies that if they talked bad about me he’d go over to their house and date their sisters.  Or mothers.  Whatever, he was really crude about it, but you could tell he was seriously defending me.  He doesn’t let people talk bad about me or Beth when he’s around.

He didn’t say “date”, actually, but I didn’t tell Sabby.  It was a nice thought, even though it was really crude.

He got a big hug for that, whether he wanted one or not.  He didn’t at first, but, well, he’s a boy and his head is at about chest level, and, well, I let him squish my floppy bits a little with his head.  He stopped struggling, haha!!!  But I think out of shock more than anything.


This weekend’s going to be a really busy and a bit weird weekend, too.  Hope everything works out.  Jack and I have been doing our dancing lessons, and we’re getting okay at it.  He won’t be embarrassed, and neither will I, and that’s about all we can hope for, I guess.

Well…  time for bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

April 9, 2024

This diary entry is part 18 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

BOOM!!!! FLASH!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!

Lotsa storms today!  Some this morning, some this evening… I didn’t even get to run.  Don’t you love it when you put the garbage out and the wind blows the bins all over the place?  And then you have to go outside and chase yours down, sometimes as it’s scooting away from you like it hates you?

Well, it’s garbage.  Maybe it does.  Maybe it resents you for throwing it away and wants you to get really wet.

Eclipse yesterday, storms today…  a little normal weather would be nice!  But it’s okay!  We need the rain!!!

Apparently Crystal’s been asking around her school to see if there’s anyone who wants to play in her band.  No takers yet.  But her school is pretty large, so… maybe she’ll find someone.  I feel bad about what we did, but I don’t at the same time.  It’s not fair to anyone.

Jack has his prom Saturday night.  Yuki tried to teach me how to dance.  She ended up teaching me how to idol dance, which is something very different.  So Sabby took Jack and I to a dance lesson today.  She says if I’m going to get dressed up and go to a prom, I’m not going to embarrass her by not knowing how to dance.  I guess we’re at the bare minimum now to not embarrass each other, but we’re going a couple more times this week.

I hate going out in the rain, but sometimes you have to.

But otherwise, not a lot going on.  Still studying (but not as hard as I did for the SATs), still practicing, still…  Lilying, I guess.  What’s Lilying?  Well, being me, I suppose.  I’m pretty good at that.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

That garbage thing happens way too often, doesn’t it?  I went outside this afternoon to find my bin because the wind pushed it all over the place.  It hadn’t gone too far, but there was a (full) plastic garbage bag right next to it for some reason.  It wasn’t mine.   So I just stuffed it in a random bin and hoped for the best.

And got really, really wet.

It’s not fun to be outside in a thunderstorm.

April 8, 2024

This diary entry is part 19 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And today was WEIRD!!!!

So around noon we all went outside and watched the moon take a bite out of the sun, and it just kept getting darker and darker and darker…  and then the lights went out!!!  It was cloudy, but there were enough breaks in the clouds that we could see the sun, and it looked like a moonlit night, but it was like the moon had a big hole in it!  It looked so weird!!!  And there was a bright spot on the bottom of the sun while the moon was over it!  Dave said it was a prominence or flare or something.

It was like it was night, but it wasn’t.  Everything was quiet.  All the neighbors were out looking at the sun too…  I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.  It was amazing.. but so weird!  And when it finally hit everyone on the street was going “WOOOOOOWWWWW”.

And then a few minutes later it was all over and things went mostly back to normal.

The next eclipse is in 2044.  But that one I probably won’t see.  Maybe I’ll see the one in 2045, but it won’t come anywhere near here.  I mean, who knows where I’ll be by then.  Maybe I’ll have kids of my own to give glasses to and tell them to NOT LOOK AT THE SUN.

Anyway, other than that, I practiced a lot today, but not a whole lot else got done.  It was like a holiday in some ways.  It’s not every day the sun goes out.  I can see why ancient people thought it was an omen.  It certainly has that feeling to it.  I actually felt a little off while it was happening.  Like something was happening that was an affront to nature.  Even though that’s the pinnacle of nature…

And then it started storming.

Umm…  I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.  Today was just so weird.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

Lily’s experience mirrored mine.  Except on my street parents were spanking kids because the kids kept trying to run into the street.  I think one of my neighbors is a drill sergeant because afterwards one of the boys had to do a crab walk…

I’ll keep my opinions on that kind of parenting to myself.

This is one of those unusual situations where Lily can speak in my voice and it will detract nothing at all from the story.  Trust me.  That does not happen often.

It really was an extremely liminal experience.  It was kind of like it was night, but there was something very, very wrong with it.  I don’t think anyone who sees an eclipse can forget it.  I’m sure I won’t.

April 7, 2024

This diary entry is part 20 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 34 - April 2024

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Looks like it will be cloudy for the eclipse tomorrow!  Aww!! Well, that just means the sky will get REALLY dark for a little while.  Maybe it’ll be like night for four minutes.  Still should be interesting.

We went to church today.  The pastor announced Joe and Anathema’s engagement.  Everyone applauded politely – even the (soon-to-be) ex-wife of the guy who attempted to, well, assault her.  I don’t know if she’s forgiven or not, but she seems resigned to the situation.  She at least seems to realize that it’s not really Anathema’s fault.  No one forced him to do any of the things he did.  (For his part, he’s still rotting in jail, and it looks like that will be the case for the foreseeable future.)

I stood up and did my thing.  I had a message but I don’t remember most of it.  It had something to do with forgiveness again.  Something that seems to be on God’s mind lately.  But Dave has been feeding me bad jokes, so after, I fit one of those in too.  Something about a catholic chicken.


After that the girls were over for band practice… and we didn’t practice at all.  We got some sweets and chocolate and tea and basically pulled a K-on.  We wanted to talk about our future.  I don’t think I mean just the future of the band, I mean… our future.  The whole thing.

Beth and Crystal and Diana and I sat around the table and talked it all out.  I said that I was going to Japan in a few months and they had to figure out how to do without me.  Crystal just looked at me with doe eyes and started bawling.  All I could make out between her (very deep) sobs was that she didn’t really care about the band, she just wanted her big sister.  I started crying too.  After all that, we talked seriously about what we all wanted to get out of the band, and it turned out that Crystal was the only one that really wanted anything out of the band… just as I suspected, honestly.  Beth likes to sing, but she’s not too keen on playing guitar, and Diana doesn’t really care about the band at all, she just cares about Crystal, and all of us think Crystal’s far too good (or at least has too much potential) to be held back by us.  Frankly, Diana wants to be a cook/chef.

So the band basically broke up.

It’s not because we don’t want to be sisters anymore, it’s because we want to be sisters more than we want to be a band, and… it’s just not working out.  Crystal has to make this work on her own.  But… she has all of our support, and she knows that.  So she seems this weird combination of heartbroken and raring to go.  We told her we’d help her find new members, and even help write songs and stuff when we have time, but…  our heart isn’t in it and she doesn’t really deserve that.  Especially as good as she has the potential to be.

I’m not heartbroken at all, at least not about that.  My heart was never really in it.  I’ve got too many other things going on.

Beth said she might stick around because she does like to sing, and she is Crystal’s best friend, but they’re going to have to be the core of something new.

The first casualty of time…  and there will be many more, even in the next few months.

So we all went out and had a farewell-to-the-band dinner.

I think we did something good.  Playing drums was fun.  But…  it’s not what I want to be doing.

Oh well.

Everyone’s home now.  Everyone has school tomorrow, but it’s eclipse day so it’s gonna be a weird day.  A really weird day.

Anyway…  I guess I should to to bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️

From the creator:

I used a JSON export plugin and about thirteen lines of python to import this whole thing into obsidian (that turned a months long task into about an hour), and now I just have to make all the links and tags and stuff.  I’ve already identified four plotholes or dangling plot points, and I’m only a couple of months in.  There is going to be a serious amount of retconning going on over the next few months while I prepare to turn this into something a little more permanent than a serial fiction.  I’ve been avoiding retconning as much as I can, but it’s not avoidable now.  I much prefer to leave things as they are, warts and all, because that gives the story flavor and fits into the paradigm of a slightly flighty teenager pretty well…  but the structural stuff is its own problem.

I also identified a few more posts where I got the date wrong that I didn’t catch the first time through.  There should be absolutely none now, but… famous last words.

Let’s be honest:  by all measures but one or two, this serial fiction has been an abject failure and an utter waste of time.  In the three years I’ve written it, I have very close to zero readers.  I have no idea how to get more readers.  I have no idea how to make it so readers want to keep reading.  Once I’ve retconned this, finished it up, and turned it into a PDF, I really don’t want to put any more time or effort into this.  If no one’s seen it in two and a half years, they won’t start now.

But in the one or two measures in which it counts, I guess it was worth doing.  It helped me to work out some stuff in my own life, I created a good character and an okay I guess story, and…  even if no one ever sees it, I have a work out there that I can be somewhat proud of.  I guess there’s that.  People can say I couldn’t write, but no one could say I didn’t write.

And it’s also time for me to start thinking about the next project.  Which may be Lily related.  But it’s not going to be this story.  That’s almost done with, now.