This diary entry is part 5 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!

So this morning, Allison spent a little time in the pool, then we packed up and headed home.  There was a lot of traffic, I guess because of Labor Day, but we made it safe and sound!  Once we got home, we unpacked.  David ran right over to his computer and made up for lost time, Beth just seemed tired and wanted to go read a book.  But we still had a young girl to entertain.  So I called Liz, and Sabby took us to the mall!!!

We haven’t been to the mall in a long time!!! I love the mall!  All the sights and sounds and smells!  Allison wanted a cinnabon, so we bought her one, and then just took a walk around as she munched on it.  There’s usually a little train, but it’s not operational because of the virus.  There are little robotic horses that children can ride, though, so we bought her a ride on one.  She loved it!  She was scooting all over the place!

Liz wanted to buy something Chinese, so we went to the Gift World, and she bought a cheongsam!  I love cheongsams, they’re so pretty!  Sabby bought one for me too!  But she told me that’s all I’m getting.  I’m okay with that!  Liz joked that I was appropriating her culture, then she laughed and said she didn’t care.  She thinks I look good in one too!

Sabby did buy a small anime figure for David though, and some incense for Beth.  She thought they’d enjoy that.

So we came home, and Sabby called Allison’s parents to find out when they were coming to get her.  They needed one more day, so I guess we have company again tonight!  That’s alright, I like Allison!  I’m just keeping her away from mud!!!

It’s thundering outside now!  How fun!  A little scary, but fun!  I think Allison is a little scared, but I told her that if you hear the thunder, the lightning has already struck.  She seems happier now!  She’s watching the lightning!

See you tomorrow!  Love you all!!!  ❤️

This diary entry is part 4 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!  From Houston!

Oh wow that was so much fun!  We went to see the space museum, and the rocket farm, and, and, all that cool stuff!! Some of those rockets and engines are HUGE!  I think Beth was gonna faint!  We spent the whole day just getting the tour and looking at all the cool stuff, and then we ended up in the gift shop and they bought each of us a gift!  I got a Saturn 5 keychain!  Beth got a book about how rockets work!  David got something cool he likes, I forgot what!  And they even bought Allison something too!

After that we went to get dinner, and we had sushi!  Allison loves sushi!  I have no idea how so much sushi can go into that little stomach!  David just went “ewwww” and would only eat cooked stuff, and Beth poked at it for a bit until she tried it, and then was happy.  It turns out I know how to use chopsticks!  For dessert we had mochi.  It was delicious!

We’re back at the rooms now and we’re getting ready for bed.  We drive back in the morning.  What a fun trip!!!  It’s just what we needed!  Houston is cool!!  Well, it’s hot and humid, but cool just the same!!!

Allison and Beth and I all are going to brush each other’s hair, and David, well, he’s kinda bored, but I think he’s a bit sweet on Allison, so it all works out.  He’s got a book to read, so he’s not completely left out.  I guess that’s how it is being a boy with three girls.  I don’t think Allison returns his being sweet on her, but such is being young.  They’re both really little anyway.  She just wants to swim, but the pool is closed.  Maybe she can hop in the pool before we leave tomorrow.

Well, our hair isn’t going to brush itself, so off I go!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 3 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

OH MY GOD can Sabby keep a secret!  Yesterday, after we got off school, someone arrived at the house!  Apparently, one of her friends from church has a sick family member and they needed to find someone to watch their kid, so Sabby offered to take her for a weekend.  Her name is Allison!  She is around 7 or 8, has brown hair, and is a lil shorty!

I don’t think David knows quite what to do with her. I’m not sure if he has a crush or hates her.  But he’s David, so all bets are off!

After she arrived, Sabby told us to pack for a trip!  We packed up, made sure the cat had plenty of food and water, and then hopped in the car, and drove to Houston!  We got two rooms at a reasonably nice hotel, one for the kids and one for the adults.  Me, being the oldest, was put in charge of the kids.  There was a bit of grumbling but they know I’m fair, so they accepted their lot in life without too much complaining.  Allison went straight for the pool!  I’ve never seen a girl move so fast!  I had to put my swimsuit on really fast and follow her, she can’t swim without supervision.  But she’s pretty good at it!  I just kind of lounged around in the pool and let her have fun.  David and Beth joined us shortly after, and there was much squealing and splashing to be had.  David wanted to play his computer games but Dave and Sabby made him leave his consoles at home.  Poor kid.  Not.  He’ll make do.

After that, we went to dinner.  We ate at a nice but not too fancy place, and everyone had something they enjoyed.  I had lasagna.  I love lasagna!  But it’s time consuming to make, so Sabby doesn’t make it often.  I got to know Allison a little bit.  Apparently she likes to play in mud!  I need to be careful around that one, that’s not far away from throwing mud.  Oh well, better not give her ideas.  She also likes to read graphic novels.  I told her about manga.  There’s so much manga!!!

We got a cot for the room so Allison could have her own bed, we thought having her sleep in the same bed as David would be a terrible idea, the kid is a hellian.  The cots are super comfy though!  Beth and I shared a bed, David got his own, and Allison got her cot.  Everyone was pretty happy with the arrangement, though I woke up in the middle of the night and found Beth sprawled all over me, out like a light.  It was cute, but I hadda go to the bathroom!!!

So this morning, we ate breakfast, and we’re about to head to the Space Museum!  Oh, that sounds like so much fun!  I hope everyone likes it!  That’s one small step for a girl, one giant leap for girlkind!  I’m glad I got to meet Allison, she seems like a sweet kid!

I’ll tell you how it all goes after we get back.  Love you all!!!  ❤️

This diary entry is part 2 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me again!  Lily!

I’m such a Lily that I’m a Lily!  That makes no sense!  Oh well.  I don’t have to make sense!  I’m a girl!!!

But boys don’t make sense either.  All that fighting and stuff.  But they don’t make sense in a different way!

Some stuff arrived today from that company that ships lots of stuff and is named after a river!  Textbooks!  Japanese textbooks!  Math textbooks!  Science textbooks!  I’m swimming in textbooks!  Sooooo many textbooks!  And some of them are heavy too!

I leafed through the Japanese one.  I can’t believe I’ll learn all of that!  It’s a hard language!  It’s funny to find Japanese things and use the google translator camera function.  You know that in Japanese the negation is at the end, right?  So if you aim the camera wrong it says the exact opposite of what the sentence says.  In English it’d be like “I’m going to the store!  Not!”

Oh well.  Japanese gonna Japan.

That made no sense.  But I said I didn’t have to make sense!  I’m a girl!

Sabby seems a bit happier lately.  I dunno why.  Maybe she’s just had some time to think it over.  She and Dave were making eyes at each other this morning, so maybe that has something…  err…. no.  Just no.  LALALALALALALA

Not thinking about that!

LALALALALAA!!!!!!!  Sunshine!  Moonbeams!  Rainbows!  Hamburgers! Skittles!  Cats that don’t wash their butts! LALALALALAA!!!!!!!!!  I can’t unsee it in my mind!!!!! hahaha! Oh well.  I guess Sabbies gonna.. er… Sabb?

Am I in a good mood?  I dunno!  I’m not making sense!  Maybe I am!  Maybe I’m just having a girly time!  You’ll never know!  MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA hey where’s the cat, I need to pet it and make evil noises, MUAHAHAHAHAHAA

Sabby still hasn’t spilled the beans.  She’s annoyingly good at keeping a secret.  I’m good at keeping a secret too, but not like her.  She’s on another level!

Oh well.  It’s late.  Time for bed.  Goodnight! Oh did I ever tell you about my pajamas?  They’re the most comfiest pajamas with little hearts and unicorns and rainbows and cats farting rainbows!!!  Or not.  You’ll never know.  Why do you want to know about my pajamas anyway?  Oh, you didn’t?  I brought it up?  Haha!  My bad!

Love you all!!!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 1 of 23 in Lily's diary dated 03 - September 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

It’s September!  Can you believe it?  September!  It seems like just yesterday it was August!  hahaha!  It was!

Sabby told me what “hump day” means!  Like the week is a speed bump, and Wednesday is the top of the speed bump, and then you go down from there.  Or a roller coaster!  I love roller coasters!  You get over the hump and then speed down!!!  That’s Wednesday!  When you climb the coaster and pause and down you go!

Sabby hates roller coasters.  I don’t know why!  What’s not to like?!

Or I think I like roller coasters.  I’ve never been on one.  But I think I like them.  Why do I think I like them?

Today was another boring day, but Sabby told us that we’re going somewhere special this weekend!  But she wouldn’t tell us where.  The waterpark?  But we go there all the time.  I don’t know.  I guess it’ll have to be a surprise.  Sabby’s scarily good at keeping a secret.  Even all my cute begging wouldn’t get her to crack.  Though she did smirk at me and say “nice try”.  And I threw everything at her too.  Batted my eyelashes and everything.  I guess that only works on guys.  Hey, maybe Dave would be an easier mark!

No, I’d better not.  Using my feminine wiles on Dave is a baaaaaaaaaad idea, no matter how innocently devilish I’m being.

And don’t you girls out there get any ideas!!!!  Batting your eyelashes to get what you want.  How rude!!!

And you’ll probably do it anyway, right?

Yeeeah, you’re a buncha silly billies.  I know you!  Silly billies!  All of you!!!  Willy Nilly Silly Billies!

I’m in a good mood today and I’m not really sure why.  I just am.  Why not be in a good mood?  It’s better than being in a bad mood!  I’m dancing in my chair!  Dance with me!  Wiggle to the left… wiggle to the right… wiggle to the right… gotcha!!! You wiggled to the left!!!  You’re awful at dancing!!!

I guess I need to do homework.  September is homework month!  And so are all the other months too!  Awwww!

Love you all!!!  ❤️

August 31, 2021

This diary entry is part 30 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 02 - August 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Today was a pretty boring day.  A boringly boring day.  I ran in the morning, we did school, had lunch, did more school, did “homework”, ate dinner, watched the cat wash its butt…

But not every day can be exciting and full of fun, right?

I had a Japanese lesson today.  I learned some useful phrases.  “tadaima” means “I’m home!”.  “ittekimasu” means “I’m leaving!”  “gomen nasai” means “I’m sorry!”  I also learned that this is called “romaji”, and it’s not really a great way to learn Japanese.  They just kind of start us off with it so we can feel like we’re learning something.  My sensei is really cool, but a bit strict.

I was given five characters to practice writing and memorize:  ka ki ku ke ko (かきくけこ). Oh did I mention my tech friend taught me how to enter in Japanese characters?  That wasn’t easy!  And there are a lot of them!  Oh well, I guess I’ll try.

There is an anime convention in my area in a couple of months, actually, at the local resort!  When I found out about it I begged Sabby to go.  But she’s not sure.  She is all for my learning Japanese, but she thinks the things people get up to at those conventions can be a bad influence, like cosplaying, etc.

Truthfully, I kind of agree.  But only kind of.  I saw some lady on Youtube who was into “kawaii” dresses. It has another name, but that name has a different (and harder to explain) meaning in English than in Japanese, so I’ll leave it at “kawaii”.  It’s just cute, frilly, old fashioned dresses with lots of bows and headbands and ruffles and stuff, and I really like it!  I want to see if I can find someone with those kinds of dresses there!  Sabby isn’t sure, because they look expensive, but maybe I can learn how to make them!  Maybe I can take Sabby with me, and she can learn about it too!  What I don’t understand is the cat ears.  I just don’t get that.  Why would I want to be a cat?  All ours does is laze around and wash its butt.

But I won’t hold my breath. I love Sabby, but she’s not really too experimental.  I guess that’s understandable, given her background.

I feel a little bad for Sabby, if I’m honest.  She puts up a strong front, but she’s got a chewy center.  I hope she can find healing someday.  I’m not sure she likes how much detail I put here, but if she wants me to tone it down or stop, I’m sure she’ll tell me.  It makes a good story, and I think she appreciates that.  Besides, she’s important to me.

Oh well.  Wednesday approacheth!  And so doth September!  People call it hump day.  I’ve never been able to figure out why.

Love you all!!! ❤️

August 30, 2021

This diary entry is part 29 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 02 - August 2021

Hi, it’s me!  Lily!

So, Sabby read yesterday’s diary.  I don’t know why I keep doing that.  Maybe I want her to see it.  I don’t know.  Truth is, I wasn’t too hurt, but I was a little bit hurt.  I had a question, and she didn’t answer it.

Before school, she told me that she thought the Bible study was a bad idea and she probably shouldn’t have done it.

“Why?  Did you hate my question that much?”

She hung her head.  I’d never seen her quite like that.  She looked a little…  vulnerable.

“No, Lily.  I didn’t hate it.  I couldn’t answer it.”

“So you just shut it down?  You could have just said ‘I don’t know'”, I said, with just a touch of bitterness in my voice.  “There’s lots of things I don’t know, you don’t have to know everything.”

“It’s not that,” she said, with the same touch of bitterness in her voice.  “Your question was a good one.  It was too good.  How am I supposed to answer that?  Even ‘I don’t know’ wouldn’t have been a good answer, because then… then I’d be admitting I follow something I don’t understand.”

I was quiet for a bit.  “You don’t like to look weak, do you, Sabby?”

“I don’t care about looking weak, I don’t want to be weak.  Especially… especially in front of you.”

I was surprised.  “Me?”

She sighed.  “I raised Beth and David from babies.  Of course I did, because they came from me.  I don’t have anything to prove to them.  I’m their mother.  But you…  you don’t have to like me.  You don’t have to respect…”

glomped her.  “You’re my mother too.”

“I am, but…”

“Stop it!,” I said with a raised voice, and let her go.  “Just stop it!  Don’t you remember what I said to the judge?  That if I could get my memories back, I’d want you to be my real mother too?  Just… stop.  If you don’t know, you don’t know, but don’t shut me down because you don’t know something!  You see me weak all the time!  Let me see you weak too!  It…”  I sighed.  “It means a lot to me.”

She was quiet.  “I don’t know how to answer your question.  I…  I have doubts too,” she said quietly.  “I have faith, but…  I don’t always have faith.  I don’t understand it… the Bible, I mean.”

“Then why do you…”

“Because I have nothing else!,” she nearly shouted.  “I’ve got no other answers!  Life is hard, don’t you see that?  Of course you do…  Of course you do.”  She put her head in her hands and sobbed.  “Look who I’m talking to, asking her if she sees life is hard…” she chuckled darkly, tears in her eyes.

I rubbed her back.  “Do you remember that movie, Contact?”

She was silent.

I recited as best as I could from memory.  “Your species is an interesting mix.  You are capable of the most beautiful dreams, and the most horrible nightmares.  You see, Ellie, in all our travels, we have found that the only thing that makes the emptiness bearable… is each other.”

She looked at me.  I’d never seen her look so lost.  Then she grabbed me and held me so tightly I couldn’t breathe.

“Sabby… air…”, I gasped.  She relaxed her grip a little but didn’t let me go.

“No more Bible studies,” she said.

“No more Bible studies,” I repeated.

“But,” she said, “if you’re reading it and you get some kind of an answer…” her lip quivered… “tell me, okay?”

I nodded.

“I love my family,” she said.  “I love Dave, and Beth, and David, and… you.  And the cat.  But…  maybe you’re the most like me.  Or maybe I just want you to be the most like me.”

I was quiet for a bit.  “Being an orphan…  you haven’t forgotten, have you?”

She shook her head.  “And I never will.”

“The only thing that makes the emptiness bearable is each other.”

She sighed.  “I’m sorry, Lily.”

“I love you, Sabby.”

She kissed my forehead.  “And I you.  Thank you.”

We stood up, and school started.

Love you all!!! ❤️

August 29, 2021

This diary entry is part 28 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 02 - August 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!  Yes, THE Lily!  Accept no imitations!

Late entry, and I’ll probably have to go to bed shortly.  This morning we did have a Bible study, and it didn’t turn out well.  I had so many questions!  We started with the first part.  “In the beginning”, and so on, and so forth.  I asked how there could be light if the sun hadn’t yet been created?  After all it said he separated the light from the darkness on the first day, but the lights weren’t put in the sky until the fourth day – after he produced all the vegetables.

Sabby sighed.  She rubbed her forehead and said she wasn’t a pastor and was too old for this.  She closed the Bible and instead got out a board game.

Honestly, I thought that was a fair question.  But I guess that was the deal.  We’d have Bible studies only if I could ask any question I wanted.  I asked, and the Bible study stopped.  Malicious compliance, I guess, on both our parts.

That actually hurt a little.  I asked a fair question.  But oh well.  Sometimes adults are silly billies.

After we spent some family time, I went over and spent some time with Liz.  We walked over to the convenience store and got some treats.  I saw Beth hanging out with her friends, but she looked sad.  I met her friends.  I guess they were nice enough girls, but Beth is way too smart for them.  They were ogling boys and were perfectly made up, and Beth was… well, Beth.  Poor girl.  Liz and I invited her to go with us, and she gratefully accepted.

We walked back to the house, and Dave offered to take us to practice driving.  Even Beth.  I didn’t mind.  We found an out of the way parking lot (not many of those around here, but lots of businesses are closed now because of the virus and because it’s Sunday, so we pretty much had our pick).  We took turns giving Dave a heart attack.  Poor Dave!  But we all came out of it in one piece, and Beth was surprisingly good!  Though she won’t be able to drive legally for a while yet.

For dinner, Sabby ordered pizza.  That’s not something Liz usually likes, but we found a place that makes a veggie pizza that doesn’t offend her sensibilities, so we chowed down.  Then we did homework.  I almost forgot to blog, but here I am!  Silly Billy Lily at your service!

School tomorrow!!!  Love you all!!!!! ❤️


August 28, 2021

This diary entry is part 27 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 02 - August 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

It’s been a long day.  Dave and Sabby decided that we needed to get out of the house, so we took a drive.  There’s a large city near us with a nice place to walk and shop, so we drove there.  It was about an hour to get there.  It was fun!  There was some guy in a flowerpot in a suit that looked like a bush and scared us all!  I think we’ll be on YouTube!

I’m glad I was wearing my cute dress!  And had just used the bathroom!!!  That was SCARY!!!  We stood and watched for a while as a bunch of other people got scared too.  Some of those women are so excitable!  Screaming and squealing!  Like I’m any better!  I thought Sabby was going to fall on her ass – or kick him between his legs!  But she caught herself, and just told him he was lucky.  He laughed, I think he knew he was lucky.

We got some ice cream and they bought us some cheap but fun souvenirs!  David wanted a new computer game.  He got sunglasses.  Poor kid.

Anyway, we just got home, and we’re tired, but I think everyone feels a little better.  It’s nice to get out of the house.  Though that freeway is full of really bad drivers!  I’m not sure I want to learn how to drive now!  KIDDING, of course I do!  But it’s still scary.  I don’t know how Dave manages to do it without giving people naughty hand gestures!

Anyway, it’s time to do our nightly stuff.  Our hair isn’t going to brush itself!  Oyasumi nasai! I learned that!

Love you all!!! ❤️

August 27, 2021

This diary entry is part 26 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 02 - August 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

I don’t have much time to talk because we’re about to watch our family movie.  Liz is coming over to watch with us.  I don’t know what we’re going to watch but I told Sabby to pick something funny.  She agreed that that sounded like a good idea.  Liz is here!  She says hi!  Or ni hao!  Hahaha!  She tells me I learned something useful after all!

Sabby still isn’t herself but she seems in a little better mood.  I asked her what her hobbies were.  She said she doesn’t really have them.  I told her that she needs one.  I mean, I’m learning Japanese (kanban wa!), surely there must be something that interests her too!

She said she’ll think about it, and not to call her Shirley.

Movie starts in a few minutes, so I gotta go!  Hopefully I can write more this weekend, school’s been crazy!  Church is cancelled for the foreseeable future, so I guess we’ll find something else useful to do.  Maybe we’ll have a family Bible study, or so Sabby tells me.  I’m not sure I like that idea.  They told me I only had to go to church, not participate.  But I can’t very well rock out on my headphones in a home Bible study.  Oh well.  I told Sabby that I’d go along with it if and only if they would allow me to ask any question I wanted, no matter how silly or… heretical.

She looked puzzled, but agreed.  She says if any belief can’t withstand questioning it’s not worth having.

Oop.  I hear the movie starting.  Gotta go watch it!

Love you all!!!! ❤️