This diary entry is part 15 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We made it to the campsite.  It was another long drive, but we’re here.  There’s cell service but it’s spotty and I’m having a tough time writing this, but it’s working, kind of.  It was another day of the same, you know, endless driving, etc.  But it’s really pretty out here.  I didn’t know the desert was so pretty.  We set up a few tents.  There’s a bathroom but it’s shared, and a shower we can use but it costs a buck or so.  Fortunately they take credit (how’d they pull that off in the middle of nowhere?).  There’s a little gift shop and cafe too but it’s not really all that.  I guess, what did you expect from a campsite though?

It’s pretty cold but the sleeping bag is warm and there’s a place to have a campfire, so that’s nice.  They set one up and it’s really nice.

I’m… feeling a bit off, though.  I slept most of the way and I’m still tired.  I’m going to sleep.

This diary entry is part 14 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We’re in El Paso!!!

We got a couple of rooms…  Yuki, Liz, and I are in this room.  Jack, Grace and his parents are in their own, and Liz’s parents got their own room.  I guess that’s understandable.  Yuki and Liz are playing cards right now.  Liz is teaching Yuki some card games.  Like “Doodle”, that one’s fun.

It was a loooooong drive.  The “adults” (Yuki and Liz and Jack and I are technically adults so I mean the “real” adults) switched off driving and we all sat in the backseat and chatted and slept or whatever.  Grace sat in the same car as us and the adults (except for the one driving) stayed in their own.  West Texas is just a whole lot of absolutely nothing.  We stopped for lunch in a diner in one of the small towns, and got some snacks and took a bathroom break at rest areas and in some small town convenience stores.

Yuki was really interested – she’d never seen small town America before.  She says small town Japan is a little different, it doesn’t feel the same at all.  I don’t know if I ever actually visited a small town, but I guess?  After lunch we just spent all our time sleeping, though.  It’s really kinda monotonous.

But fun too.  Except Grace got a bit carsick.  Aww.  We got her some medicine and she slept it off.  That took a bit to clean up though.

In the diner, someone recognized Yuki.  That shocked everyone, but Yuki most of all.  She was gracious and gave them an autograph though.  It was a couple of teenage boys, they were kinda gushing but Yuki seemed flattered.  I think she expects it in Japan, but here it just hits a bit different I guess.  Maybe in a small town all you’ve got is YouTube, and you’re probably going to at least get a glimpse of Yuki there if you troll around there long enough.

We spent a little time in the pool after dinner, and now we’re going to turn in – we have to leave early again tomorrow.  This isn’t a really nice hotel, but it’s nice enough, and it doesn’t have to be nice for just passing through for a night.  I’m a bit more tired than usual, some sleep would be good.

Sabby’s being a worry wart but I’m sure it’ll be alright.

Love you all!!! ❤️


This diary entry is part 13 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We leave tomorrow morning!!!  Early!  So I can’t post for long tonight!!!  We’re all packed up and have the cars and everything!!!

I’m going to say goodbye to everyone tonight so I can just leave without waking everyone up.  Yuki is staying over tonight too.

Sabby’s being a worrywart and making sure we made a list and checked it like fifteen gazillion times.  Finally I had to tell her that checking it once more isn’t going to change anything.  She grumbled but backed off a little.  Sometimes you have to tell her she’s being a little extra, but at least she listens.

Going to post from El Paso tomorrow night hopefully!!!  We’ll probably get there a bit late because you can bet there will be bathroom breaks, and some food breaks probably aren’t a horrible idea.  The cars are pretty big, but it’s still nice to stretch your legs.  I don’t think I’ll be able to run tomorrow either.  Aww.

Anyway…  wish us all luck!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 12 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Because we’;re all going to be out all next week, we had a girls’ night out tonight!!! It was fun!!!  They didn’t come over, but we went out.  We all went to the main event over on 183 and played a few games, then we went to get some fast food.  Fast food isn’t the best, but it’s nice once in a while.  I like a good burger.

Crystal was telling us how good she’s getting on the guitar!  Truthfully, I don’t believe her.  I mean, yes, I absolutely believe she’s improving – you can’t practice as much as she does (her fingers are mush, aww) without improving, but it’s still only been a few weeks.  And she doesn’t really know how to read music or anything.  She just knows how to play some chords and some of the notes.  I mean, that’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want her thinking she knows more than she does.  Always more practice needed.  She’s not gonna be shredding.  At best she might be able to play a simple three or four chord song, and probably haltingly.

Again – it’s great!!! I know she’ll get good.  I just want to keep her realistic.

Beth, Crystal, and Diana are planning their own mini-outing next week.  They have to be home for Thanksgiving, but Beth has her full license now (yay Beth!) and so they can go places.  They can’t rent a hotel or anything so they can’t stay overnight, but they can find lots of fun stuff to do next week.  They haven’t decided, but they’re leaning towards going to San Antonio to the riverwalk for a day.  Sabby’s really nervous about that, but she also knows that she can’t keep Beth little forever, so she’s being a worry-wart.  They’ll be okay.  Beth can handle herself.

Doesn’t stop Sabby from annoying the snot out of Beth, though.  And Beth has to take it or Sabby might say no, and Sabby’s kind of looking for an excuse anyway.  Beth knows how to behave when it’s in her interest though.

The other parents are okay with it too, but apparently they’re being just as much of a worrywart, and there’s lots of phone calls and texts going on between Sabby, Maria, and Desiree about all the preparations and making sure the car is good and Beth’s up to a long drive and all that.  Apparently Crystal and Diana are getting the riot act about behaving in the car and not distracting Beth, and Beth’s getting read the riot act about being responsible, keeping her eyes on the road, etc.  Wouldn’t surprise me at all if Sabby puts in a dashcam and points it inward.

Crystal and Diana aren’t really old enough to drive yet, so…  it’s all on Beth.

I’m half expecting Sabby or another of the parents to tag along, and that might yet happen.  I think they’ll let Beth drive, but…  they haven’t really decided yet.  I don’t think I’d blame them.  That’s a long first trip for Beth.  And also they can bail them out if something bad happens.  Well, we’ll see.  I’ve got my own stuff to deal with, I guess.

Anyway, it was fun.  I wonder if I’ll be able to sleep tomorrow night.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 11 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So much stuff to do, and I have to deal with school too!!!  Aww!!!  Dave gave me a present today, he bought one of those really honking big lithium batteries that can keep my phone and other stuff charged.  I mean it’s massive – apparently it can charge a phone for like fifteen times, and it has a solar panel too.  So everyone gets to charge their phone.  Everyone’s happy!!!  I guess we’ll see if we get reception, but at least it’s one less thing to worry about.  We’ll put the solar panel out during the day and charge our butts off at night.

It cost a pretty penny too, I guess Dave’s a little worried.

He wanted to buy us a starlink too, but it looks like they’re backordered, so we’ll just have to make do.

Dave actually took us shopping, and he had a really big list of stuff we hadn’t even thought of.  Liz’s parents are really grateful that he took charge, they’ve never been camping before, and Dave’s pretty thorough at this kind of stuff.  We almost forgot a can opener!!! Aww!!!

I’m bringing my tablet too.  I hope I can make good use of it, but if not, I can at least play games, I guess.  Dave told me that I should only use it when I need, the whole point of camping is to go hiking and spend time with people, everything will be here when we get back.  Dangit, he’s always right.

He also suggested we bring along some medical stuff.  You know, just in case.  He’s kind of being a worrywart but he helped make up a medical bag.  He got some dehydrated chicken soup packets.  Guy thinks of everything.  We have common medicines, like aspiriin, cold medicine, etc.  Hope we don’t need it.

Anyway…  just a couple of days to go!  I’m excited!

Love you all!!! ♥

This diary entry is part 10 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I didn’t post last night because we were busy making preparations for our trip!!!  There always seems to be more to do.  Last night all of us went out into the backyard and practiced putting tents up.  It’s hard work!!!  Even Jack was confused.  Dave had to come save the day.  He’s an engineer!!!  After he did what every engineer who’s a man hates to do and read the manual, we figured it out pretty quickly  He made us put them up, stow them, put them up again, and stow them again, until we all knew pretty much what we were doing.

Dave’s a pretty good engineer and an okay teacher.

But then it was late, everyone went home, and I went to bed.

We’re all looking forward to it.  I’ve heard great things about the Grand Canyon.  It’s a… ummm.. big hole.

At least that’s what David calls it.

He’s not really wrong.

But saying the Grand Canyon is a big hole is kind of like saying I’m a woman.  I am, but I’m much more than that!  I’m a Lily!!! And the Grand Canyon is a Grand Canyon, not a big hole!!!

And if you call me a big hole I’ll smack you!!!

We leave Saturday morning.  It’ll be fun!! I hope.  But…  but I still don’t know if I’ll have net there.  Maybe I will.  If I do, I’ll post something!  Or maybe I’ll tell Sabby how to post here and send her my entries if everything’s spotty!!!  Maybe she won’t mind.

Maybe I’ll have to bribe her with chocolate milkshakes.

It’s worked before.

I’m the chocolate monster, but she’s not far behind.

Anyway, I’m sleepy.  I guess I’ll go to bed now.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 9 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today was pretty fun.  I decided to take Beth on a sister-date day.  After they all got home from church, I told her to put on something cute, and so did I, and we both went out for a sister-date day.  It’s like a date day, but with sisters, and no goodnight kiss.


Yeah, you silly billies, any kisses are cheek kisses.  I swear…

Anyway…  we went to the mall and I took her around and we bought a few things.  Then I took her to a nice place to eat and we had a dinner – no mall food court for that girl!!!  Then I took her to Main Event and we did bowling and some other stuff.  She likes the coin pusher games – they’re pretty fun actually.

I haven’t forgotten what she told me earlier – about wanting to be included.  Sometimes I really can’t.  You know, like with the trip Liz’s family is taking.  They include me for a reason, and they don’t include Beth because that reason doesn’t apply to her.  It’s not that they don’t like her – they really do – but this is something for family, and… for some reason, they made me family.

But she and I need to spend time together sometimes.  And days like to today are really important.

After all that, we went just spent some time chatting.  I don’t get to spend enough time with her, just chatting.  She puts on a brave front, but she gets scared and worried sometimes just like everyone else.  She really worries about Crystal.  Crystal seems to seek me out sometimes when she’s having a tough time – I am her onee-chan – but I think that leads to Beth feeling left out, and she is Crystal’s best friend.  I guess I understand.  Sometimes you need a best friend, and sometimes you need an onee-chan.  But sometimes… the best friend wants to feel like she makes a difference too.

Maybe sometimes I should direct Crystal to Beth.  Not because I don’t want to be there for Crystal, but because Beth does.

Otherwise… a pretty quiet day.  Sabby’s making plans for Thanksgiving.  Even if I’m heading out to the Grand Canyon with Liz, well, life goes on here, right?  She’s going to have a big shindig and everyone’s invited.  Sometimes I wonder how Sabby fits all the people in the house, but she always finds a way to make it all work.

Yuki is a little bummed about not having fried chicken, but, well… we’ll be at a campsite in the middle of nowhere.  No KFC.  I’m sure she’ll survive.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 8 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I didn’t post last night!!!  My net went out and I didn’t get it back until we were all in bed, and then it was too late!!!  Usually the girls and I watch youtube videos or anime or zoom and we couldn’t do any of that!!!  So…  we just played board games.

Crystal is vicious at monopoly.

And Liz is just as vicious at scrabble…

I didn’t post the night before because, well, I was busy.  I can’t post every night.  But I wanted to last night!  Promise!  I just couldn’t.

Otherwise, it was a nice, cloudy, and cool Saturday.  Not too cold, not too wet, not too dry, not too warm… just great.  We all bundled up a bit today and went to the park.  We took Marie along and threw the ball.  Marie loves it when you throw the ball.  She goes and gets it and brings it back, and she’s really proud of herself, too.  I mean, ball fetching is hard work, right??

We also had a little more shopping to do for our trip, so we went to the mall and the sporting goods store.  We’re going to fill up the back of one of the SUVs!!!

Ai is a little jealous.  She wants to see the US too.  But…  I don’t know how that’s going to work.  Maybe we’ll take her up to Dallas to visit Rebecca.

Oh!  Did I mention???  They figured it out, and all the aidols are coming on Christmas!!!  I don’t know how we’ll find room, but we’ll make it, I guess.  Maybe I’ll set up an indoor tent like Rebecca has and we’ll put sleeping bags down.  It won’t be too different from the bed rolls they’re used to anyway.  Or maybe just forget the tent and put sleeping bags down.  Or we’ll all just make a pile… but Japanese people aren’t usually all that keen on close physical contact if they’re not doing, well, adult stuff.  So…  we’ll see how it goes.  I told Ai to warn them that there’s no KFC.  She laughed and said she’ll tell them.

Oh, did you know that?  KFC is a big deal for Christmas in Japan.  Apparently some marketing guy lied and told some Japanese people that KFC is a huge tradition here, and, well, it stuck. They take pre-orders and everything.  I can’t decide if that’s cool, hilarious, or a little weird.  It’s true!!!

I think they are looking forward to meeting Yuki, too.  I’ve warned them ixnay on the orshipway, but I guess you can’t completely shut it down.  But joke’s on them, Yuki might be going back to Japan for the holidays.  Don’t know, though, guess we’ll see.  She tries to avoid it, but she does have family, and they’re not on awful terms.  She really hates getting mobbed at the airport and on the train, and maybe it’s too much to ask that she’s already been forgotten.  She’s trying to bring them here to visit instead.  It might be fun to meet her family.

I’d go back with her to support her, but…  well…  the aidols are coming.  That’d be rude.

Oh I told Yuki why they’re named “aidols”.  She busted out laughing.  It’s funnier because she actually knows one of the idols they’re named after.  Not close or anything, but they’ve met.

Anyway…  it’s a pretty nice weekend.  I’ve never tried chowder, and I’ve heard it’s good for days like today.  I asked Sabby if she’d get some.  She thought that was a great idea.  She said it’s no good unless you pronounce it “chowdah”, though. Haha!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 7 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today was.. a Wednesday, I guess.  It’s only about a week and a half (or so) until we all head for the Grand Canyon.

I learned a little more about our itinerary today.  We’re going to stop in El Paso on the way, because, well, it’s a long way away.  Texas is a big state.  Then we’re going to the campsite on the grand canyon.  That should take a whole day to get to.  Then we’re going to spend a couple of days there.  We’ll hike and, well, do grand canyoney things.  I don’t know what those all are, but hey.  First time for everything.

Then after a couple of days we’ll head back – we’re probably going to catch a few miles of route 66, at least to Amarillo, then head back home from there.  Yuki wants to see some of the Route 66 attractions (it’s really famous in Japan) and it’s not too far out of the way, so why not.

There will be a lot of us, so we’re taking a couple of large cars.  Let’s see… there will be Liz’s family, the three of them, then me and Yuki, then Jack’s family…  that’s nine people  We’ll need either two SUVs or a party van.  Haha!!!

I guess we’ll make it work.  Liz’s parents are pretty smart.  And between everyone, I’m sure they’ll figure it out.

They’re renting a few tents too.  They’re a little…  what’s the word…  well, they’re really overpreparing.  I guess you can’t be too prepared in the wilderness… even if it’s a campsite so the “wilderness” will probably have wi-fi.  Haha!!!

I’ve never been to that area of the country, at least not that I can remember.  I’ve been to LA, but never the actual desert.  I hear it’s really pretty, though.

Anyway, I think it’ll be fun…  and there won’t be a whole lot to do but maybe read and talk and play games.  Which isn’t an awful thing.  I’ll take lots of pictures for all the girls and find some souvenirs too.

Anyway…  gotta go to bed.  That’s still a while away.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 6 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 29 - November 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

The weather was really nice today!  A little warm, but sunny and the air felt really nice, especially this morning when I ran!!!

I don’t really remember when I started running, actually.  When I was found, you know the story.  But at some point my psychologists and social workers told me it’d be a good idea if I exercised.  So I started running.  It wasn’t easy for a while, because running is hard, especially long distances, but I got used to it.  Now I run a couple of miles every morning.  It’s not always easy and there are a few days where I’m just too depressed or something, but most days it’s run run run.  Every now and then I take Marie with me but truth is she cramps my style. She prefers to stop and smell things and do a doody, but I need to keep going.  But she does seem to enjoy it when I do, she just gets easily distracted.  She is a dog, I guess.

Liz runs with me sometimes but usually she prefers to do her own exercise.  And Beth… well, you couldn’t wake her up early enough.  She’s definitely kind of a night owl.

I always feel better after a run though.  It wakes me up.

Dave has some other exercise equipment that he uses sometimes but I don’t bother.  I don’t need to bulk or tone up or anything, and the running’s enough to make my legs look good!

Jack runs too, but not as much as I do.  He’s not really athletic, but he tries to keep in shape.  That’s how I met him, remember?  In the exercise room in the hotel at Orlando.  Well, after he got an eyeful of me in my swimsuit, anyway.

I guess I’m babbling because I don’t have a lot to say.  Things are moving along.  I practiced drums today.  It’s not hard.  I’ve already been trained in rhythm for the piano (even if I don’t remember how) so it’s just remembering where all the different clangy and boomy pieces are.  It’s kind of fun, I guess.  Not something I would have chosen for myself, though.  They say drums are like the “engine” for a band… which is funny to me, because classical musicians like me not only don’t need drums, they kind of get in the way.  Did you know a piano is a percussion instrument?

Anyway, guess I should go.  I’m sleepy.

Love you all!!! ❤️