This diary entry is part 18 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 28 - October 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Today was an okay day.  I did my normal morning stuff.  Took Marie for a walk, went for a run, ate breakfast…  the family went to church but I didn’t.  Sabby’s not pushing that, thankfully.  I think she realizes that’s kind of a red line for me right now.

It was pretty cloudy today.  No rain today, and it was a little hot, but cloudy can be nice sometimes, especially here in Texas where it seems we get nothing but sun, constantly.  Dave grilled this afternoon, which was really nice.  I think he’ll grill a little more because it’s less than 100 degrees.  Man, that was a tough summer.

Crystal’s… ummm…  really thrown herself into the guitar.  I mean, really thrown herself into it.  Bocchi levels of throwing herself into it.  She practiced like three hours today.  Something’s gotta be driving her, but I don’t know what, and she’s not really saying.  She just really wants to be in a band for some reason.  She says her fingers hurt but she’s doing it anyway.  Awww.

I almost want to take up drums to help her, but… no.  I just don’t have enough time for that, especially not with a potential move to Japan coming up next year.

Beth is still taking her voice lessons, though.  Maybe she’ll be a singer.  I don’t know.  She’ll do what she wants to do, I suppose, but Crystal is her best friend.  I wonder how that’ll turn out.

Otherwise, it’s just been a Sunday.  Nothing really interesting going on.

Liz’s family still hasn’t told me where they’re going, though they have some ideas.  A Grand Canyon camping trip is being tossed around.  That might be fun.  Sabby would be jealous, though…

I’ve never really been camping before.  That I can remember, anyway.

Anyway…  Goodnight.

Love you all!!! ❤️

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