This diary entry is part 15 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And it’s TOO HOT!!!

It was 105 degrees today!!!

That’s too hot for anyone!!!

And it’s not even a dry heat!!!

But it is what it is.  It’s supposed to cool down a little bit by the weekend.  Hope it does.  I think some politicians melted.


So Crystal did come over today for a little while, and she and Sabby went up in a room and talked for a while.  When she came out, she gave me a hug, said “thank you”, Sabby fed her some lunch, and took her home.

That girl can really pack it away, did I tell you?

Other than that, it was a pretty boring day.  Beth and I went to the mall and had some yummy but bad for you food court food, and kind of wandered around for a bit.  Then we came home, I practice piano, Beth practiced singing, and it was a boringly boring day.

It’s Marine Day in Japan!!!  I remember last year on Marine Day we went to Enoshima!  What a nice place!!!  We’re all talking over trying to make a schedule, but with nineteen of us it’s proving to be a real challenge.  Well, eighteen – Robert’s going to be going off talking to clients.  He’s got business to do.  But the rest of us will be scattered to the four winds, as they say.  We’re actually considering making a few small groups and going off to do what interests us.  Like, we could have a waterpark group, and a rabbit island group, and a samurai castle group…  lots of things to see and do.  But we haven’t quite figured that out yet.  And of course I want to spend some time with Ai too – she and Hiroshi might come along on some of our tours, that would be fun.  Maybe even some of her school friends.  OMG it’ll be a crowd!!!

But crowds can be fun!!!

Ai actually has a couple of school friends who are curious about gaijin like us, so she wants to at least introduce us.

I’ve been teaching Rebecca and group some basic Japanese words.  You know..  sumimasen, arigatou, kusodasai…  haha!!!  Just kidding about the last one.  Yu is soaking it all up, I think she has an inner weeb she didn’t know about.

Anyway, I guess bedtime.  It was an emotional weekend.  I think sleep is a good idea.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 14 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So this morning we all piled in the car and went to church, and Crystal and her parents were there.  She looked like she’d been crying, but she dressed in her new outfit and she was really pretty.  She’s actually really pretty, it’s just the haunted eyes, I guess.  The sermon today was about fresh starts, and halfway through she ran out sniffling.  I went out after her.  Her parents looked a little grateful, they were going to but I just whispered that it’s time to be a big sister.

They don’t really seem to mind that I take that role sometimes.  It’s not that they’re neglectful, but there are things you can talk to a big sister about that are a bit harder with your parents.  They seem to understand that.  They’re not bad parents…  I think a bit over their heads sometimes.  She can be a handful.

I found her crying in the corner of the narthex, on one of the red plush benches.  I sat down next to her and she clung to me.

“Do you… do you think it’ll ever get better?”, she asked.  “I…  I… ” snif “He’s talking about fresh starts, and…  and…  it’s all ruined.” She sniffled some more.  “It’s all ruined and I’ll never get it back.  Any of it.”  snif  “I’m ruined!”, she said, and started crying again.

I hugged her and thought for a bit.  “You’re only ruined if you think you’re ruined,” I said.  “Why do you think you’re ruined?”

“Because…  because I’m… I’m not a…”

Oh.  There it was.

“And you think no one will want you now.”

She nodded.

“Who told you that?”

“No one..  I…  I just…”

“You just what?”

“I…  I didn’t want any of it to be like this.  I wanted to meet someone and fall in love and get married and have two and a half children and… and that’s all gone now!”, she wailed.  Well, she wailed quietly, we were still in a narthex.

“You still can,” I said.  “Those two men already took a lot from you – don’t let them take more.  Meet a boy and fall in love and get married and have your two and a half children.  In fact…  you know… you should talk to Sabby.”


“Her story to tell… but she’s a lot like you.”

“She.. she is?”

Is this what’s been bothering her all this time?  I mean, I don’t blame her, but…

“She is.  I think I can tell you this much – she was a lot like you, and then she met Dave, and she knew she wanted him the moment she met him, and she won him over, and they’ve been married for years now and are very happy.   It’s not about your past, Crystal… it’s about your future.  Don’t let your past ruin you.”

She sniffled.

“It’ll be okay, Crystal. I promise that any boy worth having won’t care, he’ll just be happy to have you.”

Church let out at that moment, and my family and her family made a beeline for us.

“Are you okay?”, her mother asked her.

She wiped her eyes and smiled a little.  “I’m better.”

Her mother gave me a hug.  “Thanks for being her sister.  I… I wish we’d given her one now.”

Then there’d be two… no… don’t think like that.  “I take my sisters seriously.”

Crystal impulsively hugged me, and then they got up to go out to the car.  I looked at Sabby.  “She… she might have a question about how you met Dave.  Please tell her the story if she asks.”

“That’s a bit personal, Lily.”

“Please.” I said.  “She needs to understand that…  that she can still have the life she wants.  Even after…”  I let my voice trail.

Sabby’s face turned to one of understanding and she nodded.  “Let’s get some chocolate pancakes.”

And…  we did.  And they were delicious.

It was a boring and very hot afternoon.  It was too hot to go on a date with Jack to any place outdoors, so we just chatted onlilne and I talked a bit to Grace too, who’s having a pretty good summer break.  She likes her new house and has made some new friends too.  Yay Grace!!!

Last year around this time we left for Japan, but we’re leaving next week this time.  I’ll be home for Lily day!  Though I don’t know if we’re doing anything except the “shoving in of Chocolate” ceremony.

I love my sisters.  Have I told you that?  All of them.  Every single one.  Beth, Ai, Rebecca, Liz, Crystal, Diana…. even Allison.  All of them.

And you all too!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 13 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I didn’t write last night.  But I had a good reason.

Crystal came over.

Well, all the girls did, but Crystal especially.

She… ummm…  needed a big sister, I guess.  Beth is her best friend, but not her sister.

Diana and Liz came over too, but Crystal just wanted to talk to me.  So we found a quiet place and let them all play games for a while.

It turns out she was with her “boyfriend” by choice… and not by choice.  It was pretty complicated.  He started out by paying her lots of attention and she really liked it,  but he wasn’t a nice person and by the time she figured it out she was in too deep.  He… ummm… had pictures, and was threatening to make them public.

But she did like the attention, and…  I guess it was complicated for her.  When it finally came out she was mad, but… relieved because she knew he wouldn’t be able to hurt her anymore.

And he did hurt her.


But she said he was nice in some ways too.  He…  well, he was, shall we say, “experienced”, and she, well, did like that I guess.  I mean, every girl wants a man who knows what he’s doing, right?  And, well, he did.  So there was that.  But it didn’t make up for the other ways he treated her.

I told her she was really irresponsible for getting herself in that position.  Of course, it was his fault, but he got the pictures somehow…

She started crying.

So all I could do was hold her.

She told me they had all the evidence they needed and she didn’t need to testify, besides, they don’t make underage victims testify unless they absolutely have to.  They have his behavior when he was confronted, they found the pictures (which in itself is enough to put him away for a long time, that’s very illegal), and they got a statement from Crystal saying what he did.  She was wondering if she could even go out of the country, but they told her the trial would be in a few months anyway even if they did need her, so have fun.  There’s that.

But I’ve rarely seen a girl cry that much.  It was like she’d sob, and then gasp, and then sob again, and then gasp again…  she was sobbing so hard she could barely take a breath, and it lasted for…  quite a while.  Poor girl.  Poor, poor girl.

So finally I took her back to the room and made her get in her pajamas, and then called for a girlpile.  But…  Crystal was to be the guest of honor this time.  So we all just got into bed with her and let her cry it out.  All of us.  Finally she fell asleep, and we all just stroked her hair, and were sniffling a bit ourselves.

Poor girl.

We woke up and she seemed a little better, but still morose.  Aww.

We went to the mall and bought Crystal a new outfit and lots of chocolate.  That…  helped more than you’d think.  People say women are complicated, but buy us stuff and give us chocolate…

All the girls went back home this afternoon.  It was too hot to really do anything anyway.  105 degrees?? Awww!!!

But I’m sad.  I’m sad for Crystal.  Everything bad seems to happen to her.  She’s way too young to have to deal with this stuff.

But on the bright side, the guy didn’t get bail.  He’s in jail right now.  And they tell me that people like him…  don’t have a good time in jail.


A part of me wishes he could see what he did to her.  A part of me wishes we all could hold him down and Crystal could kick him where it hurts.  But…  none of that will happen.  It never does.

Maybe that trip to Japan will help her.  I’m not sure how but I feel like it will.

I spent the afternoon after that over at Liz’s house… and frankly… I had to cry it out a bit as well.  It’s hard being a big sister sometimes.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 12 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So I have news.

Last night, Sabby did her mother thing.  I guess she heard me crying, because she came in and let me cry on her chest.  It is so nice when she does that.  She’s so comforting.  We talked for a little while – I don’t know if she really understood what was bothering me, but she listened anyway.

So today I talked to a bunch of people.  First I talked to Robert, and made sure there was enough room for a couple more people.  Then I talked to Crystal’s parents.  I invited Crystal to Japan with us.

They were really…  not cool with the idea to begin with.  She’s supposed to be grounded.  She’s going to be rewarded with a trip?  But I said it wasn’t going to be like that.  It wasn’t supposed to be a reward, it was supposed to me a…  I couldn’t really find the right word.  She’s had a hard life, especially recently, and I thought it wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world to kind of make that up to her.

It took a bit, but I think they understood.  They said they can’t afford it.  I said I’d front them for the ticket, because after all it’s a charter flight and there’s plenty of room.  They just have to pay for her food and incidentals.  But, I said, the flight leaves sooner than later, so they’d better get her an expedited passport.

They still didn’t seem 100% happy with it, but I think they saw things from my point of view, and decided it would be a good experience for her.

I made the same offer to Diana as well, I didn’t want her to feel left out.  She already has a passport so that’s not as big an issue.

Sabby was a little upset with me, but I told her that I couldn’t think of a better use for a relatively small amount of money, and I trusted them to pay me back.  She agreed, but said she would front the tickets.  After all, the business is doing well enough that she can take a little profit out.

So, Crystal and Diana are coming along.

I think it’s the right thing to do.

No one else is, though.  I really want to take Jack, but his parents really don’t want him going overseas with me (and if you think about it, you’ll know why) and I have a very specific reason for wanting to bring Crystal along.

I got a chance to talk to Crystal too, to tell her the news.  She was still pretty upset with me but she also seemed oddly relieved – I think she got in over her head and she’s mostly too proud to admit it.  Then when I told her she’s going to Japan with us all the anger melted away,, and she squealed and hugged me.  Her parents told her that they thought it would be a good experience.

So…. that’s nineteen people in our little tour group.

Allison’s moving into her new house next weekend!  I’m going to help her family move – Japan is in a couple of weeks, so plenty of time.

I’m continuing to study Japanese too!!!  I’ll be even better this year!!!

Sabby and I have to send Robert a lot of money to pay for our seats and hotel…  but it’s worth it!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 11 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Life’s not fair.

Life’s really not fair.

Oh, I’m not saying it’s not fair to me.  It might not be, but I’ve got a pretty good life.  Something took all my memories, but now I have a good life.  Maybe that’s a fair trade.  But what’s fair for, say, Crystal?  Poor girl didn’t have a choice.  Her parents fell on hard times, they ended up in a shelter, she got, well, assaulted, and maybe none of that would have happened if she hadn’t been in the shelter.  But she was fourteen.  What could she do about it?  Run away and find herself in an even worse position?  It’s not her fault!

But she has to suffer for it.  And I think she is suffering.  She’s not talking to me, but when I heard about the kind of guy her “boyfriend” was…  there’s only two options there.  Either she was with him voluntarily and put up with his abuse, or she wasn’t and got dealt another bad card.

She just gets dealt bad cards all the time.

And what can we do about it?  Maybe her parents can do something… and maybe not!  Sometimes when she’s over you can see it in her eyes…  the hauntedness.  If that’s a word.  You can see the scared little girl.  And then it gets covered up with a dirty joke or…  or something else.  I mean, she’s nice, and she wouldn’t ever hurt anyone… but you can see it.

I wonder if people ever see that in my eyes.

I see it in Jack’s eyes sometimes.

I even sometimes see it in Sabby’s eyes.

Life’s not fair.

And even if I got a pretty good deal… for every me, there’s a Crystal.

Life’s still not fair.

I think I might go stare at a wall for a while before I go to sleep.  Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll cry a little.  Or… or a lot.

This diary entry is part 10 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Boy, Crystal sure can pick ’em.

So her parents confronted the “boyfriend”, and he got possessive and…  started threatening.  The police were called, and, well… looks like someone’s going to prison.

Apparently, he’s kind of abusive.

I’m not sure Crystal’s making good choices.


You know, other than a couple of Karens and a couple of stupid guys, I’ve been pretty lucky.  But there are some awful guys out there.  I wonder why she’s acting out, or whatever she’s doing.

I don’t really think I want to post any more tonight.  This is depressing.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 9 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And I screwed up!!!  But maybe I didn’t!!!  I don’t know!!!

So you know how Sabby reads this diary?  She read what I wrote about Crystal last night (which wasn’t anything really bad) and then she called Crystal’s parents and told them, and…  well…  her “boyfriend” is old.

I mean, really old.

Like, Dave old.

She’s fifteen.

Ummm…   I feel bad.  I didn’t mean to get her in trouble.  But… she kind of got herself in trouble.  So apparently they’re grilling her pretty hard to find out if he did anything that would need, well… police.  But that’s the kind of secret that shouldn’t be kept, right?


Crystal’s kind of mad at me.  But she’s a lot less mad at me than I’d have expected her to be.  She texted me and cussed and swore a little and told me I betrayed her…  but then she said “thank you” and I haven’t heard from her since.


I keep forgetting that people I know actually read this.  That’s my bad.  But how can I tell you my story if I don’t tell you what’s happening?  I don’t know.  I don’t know how to answer that.  Especially when I don’t know what’s going to cause trouble!  I didn’t know what kind of trouble that would cause!!!

Crystal’s a good girl that’s been dealt a very bad hand.  Remember last year when she tried to… what do they call it now…. unalive herself?  She failed, thankfully, and she got help, but she’s still got issues and I’m not sure if she’ll ever entirely resolve them.  And I don’t know what to do to help.  I wish Crystal knew we’re all on her side.  Even her parents.  They seem like okay people who’ve had some really hard times and maybe made some bad decisions.  But they want what’s best for her too.  They still blame themselves for what happened to Crystal at the shelter.  And… and maybe they should.  But you can’t change the past.  You can only move on.  And Crystal will have to live with it for the rest of her life.

She doesn’t seem to resent them, though.  Would I?  Maybe.  Maybe I would.

I’m not sure she’ll be coming over for a while.  If not because she won’t want to see me, because she’ll probably be grounded until she’s her “boyfriend”‘s age.


I mean, Dave’s nice, but someone his age?  Eww.

That’d be like me and that “Texan Tinkerer” guy.  He’s smart and nice and has always treated me well, but…  but EWWW.

Oh well.  It’ll blow over.  Or it won’t.  What’s done is done and hopefully it will turn out for the best.

Love you all!!! ❤

Even you Crystal!  Don’t hate me forever!!!

This diary entry is part 8 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s was a nice, quiet day today.  We went to church this morning, and Katie came with us.  Oh, were the old ladies happy!  “When are you due?” was a question that was asked a lot.  She’s not really into religion, but I told her that’s okay, neither am I, but they really do support their own.  And she told us after that she kind of felt that.  I asked her if she wanted to find another boyfriend… she just looked down at her stomach and said “who’d want me?”

Someone will.  I know someone will.

Beth is pretty much back to normal now.  So that’s good.  Turns out Crystal has a boyfriend too, but she’s not telling us much about him.  I wonder why.  I’m not sure her parents know, and I’ve got a bad feeling about it.  But not really my business, is it?

Diana’s not interested in boyfriends, though.  She’s just kind of humming along, making tacos.  When she gets old enough we might hire her at the shop to make tacos.  I bet she’d like that.

Sus tacos son muy deliciosos!!!

Con o sin carne!!!


So this afternoon was just quiet.  Sabby went on a cleaning binge, and I had to clean my room a bit too, but it wasn’t too bad.  I keep it pretty clean.  Marie’s kennel needed a bit of a clean though.  I think Marie likes it when she has fresh bedding, she went right in and plopped down.  To us it’s a cage, to her it’s home.  Funny how that works, isn’t it?

But as she’s grown up, she’s allowed more to sleep on my bed with me, and sometimes I’ll wake up with a dog sprawled on my chest, and sometimes Cat joins in the fun and is sprawled over my head.  It’s cute but really annoying.

I want a hamster someday, but not as long as cat’s here.  Hamsters are pets, not lunch.  Those pics of hamsters on twitter are so cute though!!!

So this week, I guess we’re preparing to to go Japan.  It’s coming up soon!!!  I can’t wait!! And Ai can’t wait either!!!

I want to eat konbini snacks!!!  Japan has the best chocolate!!!


Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 7 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Subscriber only content in this post.  You know the drill.

And Katie’s baby shower was today!!!

I’m…  actually a bit confused, if I’m being honest.

So all the girls from the shop, and Sabby and Beth and I, and a few other folks showed up, and we all had gifts…  and truthfully, I think the gifts were the whole point.  She got cribs, and bottles, and diapers, and all sorts of stuff you’d need for a baby.  And there were games, like “pin the tail on the baby” (not a real baby) and some other games that required a lot of squealing women to play.  Katie seemed a little down, though.  I waited for a quiet time when all the girls were stuffing their faces with cake and asked her what’s wrong.

She sniffled a bit…  “It’s all becoming real now”, she said.  “I’ve been pregnant, but…  soon I’ll have an actual baby.  And…  and I don’t think I’ll be a good mother.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because I don’t have a good job or a degree or even a boyfriend, and I can’t really afford to have a baby.  I don’t know what I’m going to do,” she sniffed.

I gave her a hug.  “You’ve got us,” I said.  “We’re not going to let you fail.”

She gave me a big hug and I could feel her sobbing against me.  Aww.  But then she wiped her eyes, found a tissue, blew her nose, smiled wanly, and we went back out to get some cake ourselves.

I told Sabby what happened, and what I said.  She told Katie we’re not going to let her fail, and that’s a promise.  And more sniffles all around.

It’ll be hard.  Maybe we should try to find Katie a boyfriend.  One who likes babies.

It was a pretty fun time, though.  My ears were ringing from the squealing,  Dave went over to her apartment after and put the crib together for her.  That was nice of him.

I think Sabby’s gonna be doing some baby sitting.

Sigh… I think we’re all going to be doing some babysitting.

I have no idea what to do with a baby.

Well, I guess time to learn.

I think I’m going to talk to the pastor tomorrow.

Anyway, Jack and I had a date tonight, and it was fun.  I went over to his new house, and his parents had taken Grace to the kid’s pizza place.

OMG I missed him.  He, ummm…. did that thing with his tongue I love so much.  My body just gets so hot and it feels so good….  and after I helped him with his “little problem” too, taking all the precautions, of course.  I don’t want to end up like Katie.  But aftwards, when he just holds me close to him and runs his hands down my body… I don’t know if there’s anything that feels that good.  And when he tickles my floppy bits… OMG.  And then he finds my girly bits and rubs them so perfectly…  I lose myself in him.  Aww.  It feels like he sets me on wonderful, wonderful fire and the fire just comes right out my girly bits.  Soooooo, soo good.

I wonder so much how it would feel to have him moving around inside me.  I bet it feels even better than when he uses that buzzy thing he bought.  Shivers.  That never fails to get me going.  Hard.  I love him so much, but I can’t deny I also really love it when he just goes for it and makes me completely lose my mind with pleasure.  And each time he does, he learns a little more about how to make me scream.  And then I learn a little bit more about how to drag it out for him, you know, bringing him right to the edge and then slowing down and making him wait a little… he seems to absolutely adore that.

He loves doing that for me too.  He told me it makes him feel like a man.  Awww.  He’s my man.[/um_loggedout]

We watched a movie and had some dinner.  Lily decided to lay across both of us, it was really cute.  She’s a good dog.  Then his parents came home, and Grace wanted to play a game before bed.  So we played a game of “hungry hungry hippo” with her.  Such a strange game, but she loves it.  She had so much to tell me, and she did make some new friends!!!  Just like I told her!!!

Of course she did.  We all know, say it with me – everyone loves Grace.

And now I’m home, ready for bed, and I feel so relaxed.  I don’t spend enough time with Jack.. but maybe I spend just enough time with Jack for right now.  Oh, he got a new job!  I guess he could transfer to a different HEB!!!  He likes it there too.

His parents want to send him to a vocational camp.  I told him that’s a great idea.  He doesn’t seem enthused.  But he’ll be alright.

Japan’s coming up!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 6 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 25 - July 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

It’s Friday!!!

I’m over at Liz’s, and all the other girls are over at Diana’s.  I guess she wanted to make her famous tacos, and who’d turn that down??  Liz and I are just chatting and snacking and playing games.  We ordered a pizza and that didn’t last very long.  Haha!!!  Tomorrow is Katie’s baby shower, and Jack and I have a date tomorrow night, but tonight’s for Liz and me.

Funny thing happened at the shop today, we got an order to cater!  It was a pretty large order, but the thing is, they wanted cosplay girls to come and serve!!!  It’s a cosplay convention of some kind!!!  So we quoted them a high price and they paid it!!!  They’ll all wear maid outfits (you know, the sexy kind) for the event.  Sabby might have to as well.   She’s not really happy about that, but it was a lot of money.  She ordered her costume, but we’ll have to figure out where all the pieces go.

I promised Jack, so I’m not going to.

Skintight-girl would rather wear her EVA outfit, but she’ll take one for the team.  Anime girl, well, it’s not a bad fit, and basically…  they know what they need to do.  They’re fine with it.

Besides, we’re paying them a rather large bonus for going off site.  And they get to keep any tips.

I taught them how to say “irasshaimase, goshujinsama” so I’m sure they’ll do fine.

But we’re going to have to have a talk with cat-girl before the event – she’s representing us so she’d better behave herself!!!

Anyway, Liz wants to go to bed, and I’m kinda tired too.  She wants her big teddy bear,.  Aww.

Love you all!!! ❤