This diary entry is part 6 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Did you like Liz’s guest post last night?  She’s so nice!  And I love her too.

And it’s sooo hot outside!!!

Today it went over 100 degrees, and it’s supposed to do that for the next few days, anyway.  I go to work in the morning and it’s already 80!  Booo!  But at least work is air conditioned.

Oh did I mentioned I talked to my Japanese grandparents?  Obaasan and Ojiisan!!!  Well, they wanted me to call them that.  They don’t speak a lot of English, but with their English and my Japanese we made it work, and Emiko translated the stuff that we couldn’t communicate.  They didn’t know about me either, and there was a little bit of tension between Emiko and her parents (I guess she was kind of a wild child, at least by Japanese standards) but they were happy to meet me anyway.  When I go to Japan, they want me and Emiko to stay with them.  I don’t know if we’re taking Aika and Mika, but Bill’s staying home.  He’s met them already, and he has work too.

Sabby called the camp to see how David’s doing…  well…  he’s calmed down.  See, there’s this girl.  Not kidding, actually.  It’s just one of those ten year old crushes but he’s following her around like a lost puppy, and is toeing the line to impress her.  I’m not sure if she’s impressed, but the counselors say they’re thick as thieves right now, so maybe that’s the ticket?  As long as he can keep from pulling her hair.

Anyway more work today, and I’m tired.  And Marie needs walked, while it’s cooling down a bit.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 5 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Liz!!!

I know, I know.  I’m not Lily.  Lily’s my favorite too.  She’s pretty, and smart, and.. .what was that other thing, Lily?  Haha!

Lily offered me to guest post today, and how could I refuse?  So here I am!

I don’t really read Lily’s diary much, if I’m being honest about it.  I know she writes in it every day, and I did read it when we were in Florida and she was making out with my cousin.  I mean, really!  My cousin!  But, I guess, I have to admit that other girls might think he’s kinda hot.  Not me!  I’m his cousin!  We don’t do that kind of thing!  And he is a pretty nice guy.  I remember when I was little, when we all lived in Dallas, he would come over all the time, and we’d play games.  And now he has a little sister.  She was such a surprise when she came!  Jack didn’t know how to deal with her, he was like 12 at the time, but I guess he grew into it.  Lily seems to love her, and she seems to love Lily.  I’t’s the weirdest thing, she just took right to Lily.  Started calling her “Auntie Lily” and acting like she was another big sister.

But Lily has that effect on people.  It’s the weirdest thing.  She’s a girl who you can meet on an off chance and feel like you’ve known her for a hundred years.  I don’t know anyone who hates her.  I mean, I’m sure there’s someone, but they don’t know her.  I met her on a zoom call for school, and…  she just seemed so lost, but confident at the same time.  I both felt sorry for her and wanted to be around her at the same time.  And we became best friends!  I mean, I didn’t have many friends before, but she’s just… Lily.  Sweet, beautiful, wonderful, mostly innocent Lily.  And I love her.

And then that time when Lily found out that I wasn’t happy, and told Sabby, and they went over and gave my parents what-for!  I’ll always be grateful for that!  My parents aren’t perfect, but they are at least good enough to know when they messed up.  It’s just too bad it took that for them to figure it out.  But they’re making it right.  I love my parents, I really do.  They’re not bad people.  They’re just…  sometimes not good people either.

I hope Lily and I are friends for the rest of our lives.  But… life has a way of screwing us sometimes, doesn’t it?  I’ll go to college, and she’ll go to college, or be running that company she and Sabby are talking about, and then we won’t talk for years, and I’ll start a family, and she’ll start a family…  and then twenty years later we’ll meet for coffee and… maybe it’ll be like we never left each other and…  maybe it won’t.

Lily’s going to Japan soon.  I hope she has a good time.  I’m a bit jealous, but I’ve been to China a few times to see my grandparents.  It’s a bit harder now, because of all the political stuff, but I’m Chinese and will always be Chinese, even though I’m American too.  But is Lily Japanese?  I don’t know. I don’t think she does either.  I can’t say I know a lot about Japan, but…  OMG I love Jpop and Jmetal and anime and whatever!  Lily seems to like the language and culture more, but I just like the kawaii stuff!  Squeee!!!!  I have to admit she really rocks that maid uniform, though.  Too bad Jack doesn’t like it.  Maybe someday I’ll meet Yamashita Tomohisa but then I’d just fangirl all over him!

Anyway, Lily always says “love you all” but that’s because that’s just who she is.  I’m not.  She says I’m not cuddly most of the time, but she’s wrong.  I’m just… careful.  Lily’s heart is like this huge expanse of water, there’s enough for everyone and more to spare.  I don’t think it even crosses her mind that people might not love each other.  I mean, she understands it, but she doesn’t understand it.  Mine is..  a fragile flower, I think.  It is so nice when she cuddles with me.  I can feel how much she loves me…  and…  Lily’s beautiful and I love her.

Someday, though… I’ll find a boy that doesn’t hurt me, and I’ll love him a different way.  And I hope Lily is at my wedding and I hope she’s always there and I love her so much.

There.  I said what I wanted.  Bye!

This diary entry is part 4 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And for the first time in a long time, I’m not working on a weekend!

I’ve been working for a few months, and… that actually gives me a little seniority.  Believe it or not, most teens don’t like weekend shifts (though I didn’t mind too much).  So when I said I wanted to work weekdays, one of the newer teens got the weekend shift.

Didn’t make me too popular, but it is what it is.  I can’t work more than around 40 hours in a week or Sabby will yell at me.  And the owner.  I think the owner is scared of her.  haha!!!

But it worked out.

Liz stayed over last night.  She’s doing a lot better now, she was just really hurt for a while.  But we got her through it.  We made a pile last night and she… needed a hug.  Poor girl gets lonely sometimes.  But she’s a lot happier now and she’s already got her sights on another boy.  I told her to be a little more careful.  She shot back that she was careful, and Kevin just showed his true colors.  How could I argue with that?  But…  maybe she should be a little more careful with the kissing.

I know, I know.  I’m one to talk.  Meet a boy and a week later we’re inspecting each others’ tonsils…

Diana and Crystal were over too, but they spent the night in Beth’s room.  I’m fine with that.  They’re my little sisters, but they’re Beth’s best friends, and…  gotta respect that.

This morning, it stormed!  I wasn’t expecting a storm!  No one was!  Liz…  I didn’t know she was scared of storms, but I guess she is.  She buried her head in my shoulder and whimpered a little.  I guess she puts on a brave face other times, but it’s hard to do that when you’re snuggled against someone, right?

Marie’s a little scared of storms too.  So I let her out of her kennel and climbed back in with Liz and the three of us made a pile.  It was kinda sweet.  After the storms started to recede, Liz and I took her for a walk, and then I went for a run.  Liz and Marie are getting along, though I guess they’re not best friends.  Marie’s fine.  Liz throws the ball.

This afternoon we went to the mall!!!  I never told you which mall, but I can now.  Lakeline Mall over in Cedar Park!!!  It’s got…  stuff!!!  Lots of fun stuff!!!  I ate a cinnabon in honor of Allison.  Liz and Beth and Crystal and Diana and I… and of course Sabby… it was fun!!!

Even if I end up a CEO or Chairman or whatever of Sabby’s company… I’m still going to the mall with my friends!  Though I suspect they’ll want me to buy.  Hahaah!  I’ll need to explain to them that I’m not rich until… well… I’m rich!  Until then I’ve just got a share of a company that might be worth nothing or might be worth everything!!!

I told Jack my idea.  Judging by the faraway look he gave me then trying to seem unenthusiastic… it’s probably a hit.  Sigh.  But, y’know…  Boys gonna boy.  And you gotta love ’em for it, when it’s you they’re boying with.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 3 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

LILY!!!!!! The Marie Wrangler!!!  Tamer of Beths!  Annoyer of Sabbys!  Lover of Jack!!!  Well… ummm…

So I looked up the Texas code last night, and…. well, it’s not just the owner.  I can’t sell alcohol.  At all.  I guess that’s why he needs to take care of that transaction.  Not that I mind.  Less work for me! But as it turns out, there are no restrictions for how many hours a 16 or 17 year old can work…  as long as we’re not doing any prohibited activities.  Sabby doesn’t want me working more than around 40 hours, though, so that’s that.

But one of those prohibited activities is, I can’t use powered bakery machines.

I can’t help Sabby make cookies in her company.


But actually, I had an idea. A great idea.  I won’t tell you right now because someone might steal the idea and then it won’t be a good idea anymore!!!  But Sabby loved it – though she told me that if we do it, we’re hiring someone.  I kind of agreed.  But no more clues!!!

OMG it’s a good idea!!!

In fact, Dave loved the idea so much that he wants to invest now!!!  He’s going to build Sabby a kitchen in the backyard!!!  OMG!!!  It’ll be up to code and perfect for making lots and lots of cookies!!! And considering what she can do with one small oven…

And he can start whether or not my trust administrator says yes!!!  He has a company, after all!!  And if he wants to eat the cost of materials and labor, well, he can do that!

But if my trust administrator says yes we can ramp up all the quicker!!!

OMG this might be happening!!!

Oh, we heard from David today.  He’s not, well, a happy camper.  The counselors called Sabby and told her he’s… well… not misbehaving, but not cooperating.  They took everyone on a nature hike, and he refused to go.  Just straight up refused.  I mean, Beth levels of refusal.  They said if he doesn’t go then he’s got latrine duty, and he just crossed his arms and said “bring it”.

Well…  what a time to pick to grow a spine.

So the counselor just slung him over her shoulder and dragged him along anyway.

That…  turned out to be a bad idea.

She has a sore back, and he just turned into a lump – you know, like the protesters did back in the 60s?  I mean, who taught him that???

I guess I gotta actually admire the kid.  When they got back, the counselors called Sabby, and she lit into him.  She went all Claire Huxtable on him and said “We spent a lot of money on that camp, the least you can do is pretend to enjoy it.”  I didn’t hear what he said, but Sabby turned red,, and that’s quite an accomplishment for a woman with her complexion.  She then yelled “David Alexander Smith, if I hear one more peep out of the counselors about you not cooperating I will drive up there myself, I will take you over my knee in front of all of your fellow campers, and I will tan your hide.  You don’t have to like it.  I can’t force you to like it.  But you are going to cooperate.  If they want you to go on a hike, you will go on a hike.  If they want you to clean the toilets, you will clean the toilets.  You will do anything they tell you that is not one of the things we discussed earlier.  Do you understand?  Or do I have to come up there and make good on my threat?”

I guess he knew when to pick his battles.

It’s funny, because he backed down.  Beth wouldn’t have.  Beth would have told her to bring it, waited for Sabby to arrive, and dared Sabby to make good on her threat.  I’m… not sure Sabby would.  But… I’m not sure she wouldn’t, either.  They’ve almost come to blows and Dave had to step in.  And that’s probably why David backed down.

Anyway, Liz is over tonight.  Time for bed.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 2 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So today I talked to the trust administrator.  I told him that I wanted to be an investor in Sabby’s business.

He didn’t say no.  But boy, did he not say yes, either.

He takes his job very seriously, I mean very seriously.  And that’s good!  I mean, it’s not his money, it’s my money, and his job is to make sure I don’t spend it stupidly.  He said he’d need to see a business plan and talk to some underwriters and meet Sabby and all sorts of other fun stuff.  But he said if it all checked out and I understand the risks he’d give it the green light.  He also said that it very likely would not all check out and she’d better have a killer business plan because he’s inclined to say no.

Fair enough.

So I talked to Sabby.  I told her I wanted to invest a sizable amount into her business.

Her first reaction was “hell no”!  She kind of went Claire Huxtable on me.  But this time I told her to sit down and shut up and let me talk first.  She was…. shocked enough that she did just that.  I told her that she told me not to give away money and that I understood and that I was not giving away money.  I told her that I wanted a (not small) share of her company and that I was not going to be a silent partner.  I told her that I love her and I love her cookies and that I want to see her succeed, and everyone else loves her cookies too and I know a good thing when I see it.  I said that I know I’m sixteen and that I wasn’t going to throw my weight around or anything like that, and that I have a lot to learn, but my trust administrators know people and I think we can make this work.

When I stopped talking, I was a little worried, but she didn’t speak for a while.  All sorts of emotions were warring on her face – anger, thoughtfulness, concern – then she finally spoke.

“How much do you want to invest?”

“A hundred grand.”

“A…  what?”

“A hundred grand.  That should be enough to get started, at least – or at least a very good start, and you’ve already got a customer.  The owner where I work is chomping at the bit to be able to sell your cookies, and he’s got several locations.  And if you can get similar financing, that’s 200 grand or more, and should be plenty to lease a storefront and get cracking.  Don’t you think?”

“I don’t really like it,” she said.  “You could lose everything.”

“So could you,” I said.  “I know you’re not rich, but Dave’s got a successful business and knows people.  Your cookies sell themselves, Sabby!  All you have to do is let them taste your cookies and they’re hooked.”

Sabby sighed.

“Give me your business plan and a tin of cookies,” I said.  “I’ll send them to my trust administrator.  He gets to decide, and he’s more business savvy than I am.  If he says yes, it’s not just me, and he already said he was inclined to say no but he’ll give you a fair shake.  Just… let me try.”  I grinned.  “He hasn’t tasted your cookies.”

Sabby grumbled something about impertinent teenagers with too much money.

“I’ll call my lawyer,” she said, “And we’ll draw up incorporation papers.  We’ll need an LLC set up to have a place to put whatever money anyway, and I’ve been procrastinating.  I’ll have a business plan in a week or two.”  She grinned.  “Want to be CEO, COO, or…?”

I laughed.  “How about…  we don’t worry about titles?  You can be the Chief Sabby and I’ll be the Chief Lily?”

“First lesson, Lily.  A corporation needs officers.  There has to be a Chairman, a CEO, a COO, and a treasurer.  Quite honestly, having you onboard might tank any chance of institutional financing, but you’re right about Dave, he’s got contacts and I didn’t think about that.  I’ll ask him who he knows that might be interested in investing.”

“Have you thought of a name?”

“I was thinking Sabby’s Cookies.”

I giggled.  “Let’s think on that.”

“What, you don’t like Sabby’s Cookies?”

“We need a name that shows how good they are!!!  Sabby’s Heavenly Goodies?”

She sighed.  “I hate it when you’re right.  Maybe not that, but it’s better than mine.  We’ll talk to the lawyer soon.  I have cookies to bake.”

I giggled.  Sabby thought I was a good investment two years ago.  Now, it’s time to return the favor.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 1 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s June!  Can you believe it???  Lily Day is a month away!!!  The one year anniversary of this diary is a month away!!!  Should I do something special?  What can I do special?  I don’t know.  I’m just a girl.

So…  summer is kind of boring.  Going to work, working, coming home, eating dinner, practicing piano and studying Japanese, and going to bed.  It’s nice to not have to go to school… but is this better?

Speaking of school, Sabby’s been looking at private schools.  She wants me to go with her on a tour of a few one afternoon soon.  I still don’t know how to feel about it.  I kind of like the idea… but is it too late?  I don’t know.  And there’s no way to get a transcript.  I guess I’ll have to take tests, if they allow it.

And…  and she’s still working on getting financing to open her business!!!  I wonder if I can invest.  It’s not giving money, right?  It’s investing money.  It’s different!  I mean, everyone who tries her cookies loves them.  Maybe I’ll talk to my trust administrator and see if I can get in on the ground floor.  I have enough to put in a sizable investment.

Sabby taught me too well.  Haha!!

But business does make things awkward.  We’ll see.  I haven’t run this past her yet, and knowing Sabby…

Anyway.  I gotta go.  Marie needs walked.  She is always sooo happy to see me when I get home!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 30 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 11 - May 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

More work today.  Everyone was coming home from the holiday.  The people who come in during the weekdays are sooo different than the people on weekends.  You got folks in business suits or skirts and heels coming in to pick up a breakfast sandwich on the way to work, or a snack for lunch.  They’re not as leisurely as weekend folks, they just want to get their stuff and go.  Can’t blame them, I guess.  But woe to any karen who crosses them!!!  I heard “lady, just let it go, I have somewhere to be” today at least once.

Of course the karens don’t care – to a point.  When there’s a line of people behind you telling you loudly to shut up and drop it, even karens sometimes wilt under that kind of pressure.

I can never work by myself either because I’m sixteen.  That means I can’t sell alcohol or cigarettes.  I mean, I don’t know if it’s legal or not, but the owner doesn’t allow it, and as much as he likes me, he doesn’t trust anyone under 21 to not buy stuff for their friends – and that could get him into serious trouble.  So I’d rather just let him handle it.  Usually he’s there when I am, and while I’m doot dooting he’s in the office doing office stuff, or unpacking pallets, or whatever he has to do.  He says he likes me up front because I’m a pretty face and pretty faces sell more.  No, silly billies, he doesn’t say it creepily and he treats me fine.  It’s all business, and he’s right.

Sometimes his wife comes in to help too.  She’s a nice older Indian lady.  She’ll bring Indian food for lunch and lets us eat some too.  It’s nice of her!  I pay it back by bringing extra Sabby cookies when she gets on a tear, and as I said, those are popular.  In fact, they’re so popular that people are extra nice so I don’t cut off their supply.  LOL!!!

I saw a car at the pumps today that made me laugh sooo hard!  It had a bunch of bumper stickers, and the Japanese word フックオフ.  I won’t tell you what it means, and it’s misspelled anyway (should be オーフ).  But I laughed sooo hard!!!  It’s almost as funny as if someone had put ざけんなよ.  Hehehe!!!

So David update: he is NOT having a good time.  He called the night he got there, pretty much crying.  Apparently he mouthed off to one of the counselors and he had to help do the dishes for the whole camp!  Sabby just said “good, I’m sure you deserved it.  Don’t come crying to me unless you’re actually hurt.”  Sounds like it might be a good place for him.

So Marie needs walked, Beth needs brushed, and sleep needs… sleeped.  Bye!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 29 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 11 - May 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Today I worked!

I didn’t do much else!

I went to work in the morning after my run and shower, and came home this evening.  I’m not sure I much like it.  I think I’d rather have fun and go to the mall and the waterpark!  But working is important, I guess.  I need to be able to afford gas, especially now!  And today was Memorial Day, so again, lots of people came around to buy horrifically unhealthy but admittedly pretty tasty food.

And they do have lots of chocolate.

So I came home just in time for dinner, and as usual Sabby made something delicious.  Beth can’t seem to make up her mind if she’s jealous that I’m working or feels sorry for me.  I mean, she likes to go shopping and have money, but she can’t really work yet until she’s sixteen.  There’s this Pita place over near the 45 and 35 interchange where they seem to hire only teenagers, so I suggested she apply there when she’s old enough.  Or HEB.  HEB seems to be a good first place to work.  I don’t know, though.  I like where I work.  For now, anyway.

Marie missed me when I came home!  After dinner I took her for a nice long walk, and she loves walks!  She sniffs everything!

Anyway, quiet day.  Not much to talk about.  The Japan trip is coming up soon!  In about a month, give or take.  Emiko and I are talking a lot more trying to get the details down.  I think Jack’s a little jealous, but he’ll deal.  If he wants to come with me to Japan, he has to put a ring on me.  Haha!!

Besides, I also see him in a while, too!  Yay!!!  I miss him soo much.  I mean, we video call but it’s not the same.  Grace’s dog is really growing up, though!  She named it Lily!  Awwwww!!!!!!

Lots of stuff happening this summer, but kinda spaced out, but it’ll be so much fun!  I hope I get to go to the waterpark too a couple of times!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 28 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 11 - May 2022

Hi! It’s me!  Lily!

David went to camp today!!!

I was working so I wasn’t there to see him off, but the camp is out in east Texas, so Dave’s driving him.  He wasn’t happy last night, but oh well.  I guess we all have to do things we don’t want, especially when you’re ten.

Maybe he’ll come back a little better version of himself.  He’s got a lot of potential, but lessons just don’t seem to stick for some reason.

Holidays are busy at work!  Since I work at a convenience store off 35 (I can tell you that now!) there’s all sorts of people on the way north or south wanting horrifically unhealthy food or horrifically overpriced gas or…  well, the bathrooms are clean, so nothing horrific there.  But there are all sorts of people coming and going.  One lady came in wearing a mesh dress, and not much else.  Really?  Oh well, people gonna people.  The holidays where the karens are the worst are the ones where there are lots of expectations, like Christmas – Memorial Day is pretty chill, considering.  Not to say I didn’t run into a couple.  I actually found a way of dealing with them that the owner’s started using too.  when they start raising their voice, I just say in the most sincerely caring voice I can muster, “do you need a hug?”  They either don’t know how to respond, get madder, or… actually need a hug.  When it works, it really works.  When it doesn’t, it’s back to the tried and true karen management techniques.

I’ll be working shifts on weekdays from now on.  I’ve never done that before.  I wonder what it’ll be like.  maybe some weekends too, but that was a compromise so I can take time off for vacations.  I mean, after all, I’m young and it’s summer!  Owner seems to understand that all too well.

Doesn’t hurt that sometimes I bring him Sabby’s cookies.  Oh, did I tell you?  He loves them.  He told me if she starts making them commercially he’ll be the first customer!  She’s working on a business plan to get financing now, but I can’t say much more until that goes through, so…  wish her luck.

Off to bed.  I’m a working stiff tomorrow!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 27 of 30 in Lily's diary dated 11 - May 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

We went to that space today for a bit of a party!  It was fun!!!  They had lots of food, and lots of things to see!  They have a room with woodworking stuff (Dave loved that!), and a room with laser machines to cut stuff.  And an electronics room too, kind of like the lab Dave built for us!!!  The Tinkerer guy was there too and he showed us a cool thing he made with lots of LEDs and a Pi!!!  YAAAAYYY!!!  I want to make something cool like that!!!

No one ate the cake though, it was the weirdest thing.

Anyway, then we went to the store and got stuff for a picnic, and… well… went and had a picnic!  Dave grilled and it was delicious!!!  It always is!  Then we played frisbee and ran around with Marie!  Marie loved it!  She’s such a silly pup!!!

I…  don’t really understand Memorial Day.  Some people seem to treat it as a solemn day, and others as an excuse to picnic or a day off.  Maybe it is solemn.  But didn’t the people who died, die so we could have picnics and have fun?  Wouldn’t they want that for us?  Maybe not.  I don’t know.  I don’t understand war.  It seems so stupid.

But at least they died for something they believed in.  Maybe.  Dave was telling us that back in WWII and Vietnam they drafted people.  So maybe they didn’t die for what they believed in.  Maybe they just died.

Either way, I think maybe they’d want us to have fun.  Isn’t that one way that their deaths weren’t in vain?  Us having fun and… being American instead of whatever we’d be otherwise?

Well, military guys who died, it’s nice to have fun.  Maybe I get to have fun because of you.  So maybe that’s something to be happy about as you look out from wherever it is people go when they die.

Come on, I’m sixteen.  It’s not like I’m some kind of expert on these kinds of things..

Love you all!!! ❤