This diary entry is part 11 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

And it’s so HOT outside!!!

This morning I took Marie for a walk, and had a run with Liz.  Then we just stayed indoors.  It hit 104 degrees!!! OUCH!!!  Thank goodness for air conditioning!!!

Sabby did take us to the mall, though, and we did mall stuff.  You know, wandered around, looked at the pretty lights, tried on some clothes (Liz wanted a new dress and she found a really pretty one), you know, the stuff us girls do at a mall.

Normally we’d take Marie and play outside, but it was too hot, so we just threw the ball in the house.  She loves it when we stand at the top of the stairs and throw the ball down.  She runs after it, grabs it, and brings it back up.  Silly pup.

Anyway, in other news, David got his hog!!!  Actually, they got a couple!!!  So apparently what they did was took him and a few others out at night, gave them some relatively high power air rifles (after teaching them safety, of course), and let them at the hogs.  They got like five!!  Sabby says she never heard David so happy!!!  Actually, it’s even better than that, apparently his girl friend (not girlfriend, at least I don’t think) found that to be incredibly “manly” (at least for a ten year old) and is now calling him her “pig killing man” (you’d think a girl that age would be grossed out, but it takes all kinds, I guess).  OMG he loves that!!!  The counselors said she’s now the one following him around like a lost puppy.

He’d done his part, so they let him relax in his dorm while a bunch of other kids (the ones who didn’t mind) learned how to clean and cook them.  They had pork for dinner!!!  And the counselors told everyone in the camp who was responsible for killing their dinner!!!  Even the ones who minded still ate the food!!!  And they caught his girl friend feeding him!!!  EWWW!!!!  But HAHAHA!!!!!  I guess they put a stop to that, but later on they were cuddling on a bench watching the sun set.  How cute!!!

Dave and Sabby seemed a little surprised at the fact that the camp was teaching them that, but Dave shrugged.  “Maybe he just needs to know what it’s like to be a man,” he said.  Sabby seemed a bit doubtful but couldn’t deny the fact that David seemed to be having a smashing time.  Is being a man killing stuff?

Dave says no, not really.  It’s not so much about killing stuff as it is about bringing food back for their tribe, and that’s exactly what he did.  There was even a female who appreciated his efforts, and Dave says that that’s certainly a major element of feeling like a man.  I don’t get it.  But I guess when I take care of Marie or Grace or even Cat, or when Jack buys me stuff and protects me, I feel a bit like a woman, so…  I guess I do.  A little.  Like what I said about boys boying and girls girling.  Right?

Doesn’t mean I can’t do what men do and men can’t do what I do, but…  different things make us happy most of the time, I guess.

Dave’s going to go out and get some rifles.  I guess hunting is in their future.  Even though he doesn’t know much about it.

Diana and Crystal are over tonight too, and we’re watching movies and playing games.  So much fun!  It’s amazing how well we all get along, right?  Diana wants us to come over to her house soon.  I think that’d be fun.  Especially if she makes her wonderful tacos.

Love you all!!! ❤


This diary entry is part 12 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

HOT Lily!

And not in the way Jack would agree with!!!

OMG is it hot!!!

And it’s going to stay hot for a while!!!

It was sooooo hot that today we all went out in our swimsuits and had a water fight!  We weren’t even mad when Dave got out his pressure washer and soaked us!!!  Sabby came home with a bunch of water balloons and we threw them at each other!!! It was sooo much fun!!!  Marie was running around trying to catch the water in her mouth!!!

But otherwise, it was a Sunday.  A very nice, quiet Sunday.

Oh, Dave and Sabby want me to start going to church with them now that I’m free on Sundays.  I really don’t want to.  I mean, church has done some nice things, but I don’t like it!  They keep talking about things I don’t understand.  God and this guy named Jesus… I don’t get it.

I don’t get why it’s so important to Sabby.  It’s just a waste of a Sunday morning to me.  But oh well.  At least it’s air conditioned.  And they promised me chocolate pancakes after church.  So it turns out I can be bribed with chocolate.

I told Sabby I’m bringing my headphones like I used to, though.  She’s not happy with that, but Dave told her to pick her battles, and at least I’m going.  Sigh.

They’ve done a lot for me, though.  I guess it’s not a big thing.

I’m thinking of fun things I can do for my one year diary anniversary!  But I haven’t come up with any good ideas yet.  Booo.

Tomorrow’s hot too!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 13 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

It’s a supermodel day!!!

Hot and boring!!!


And it’s going to be hot for a while!!!  Booo!!!

Liz came over tonight and we rehearsed some more.  She’s…  a perfectionist.  Nothing wrong with that, but it does get a little frustrating sometimes.  I think I’m playing it right, and she says “no no… play that note like this, not like this!”.  I have to admit she’s usually right, but it’s still frustrating.  I have to go see her with her violin teacher a little later this week.

Did I mention it’s hot?  Soooo hot.

Like me!!!  hahaha!!!  That’s why I’m not a supermodel!  I’m not boring!!!

Marie wants to spend more time outside…  but it’s too hot!  Even for her!  I take her for a walk in the early morning and late evening, but otherwise, she stays in with the air conditioning.  I think it’s a little boring for her too, but that’s how it is!!!  It’s too hot for playing outside!!!

Emiko’s coming over this weekend and we’re going shopping for our trip in July.  Maybe Allison can come over and play with Aika and Mika!!!  If they’re coming, of course.  David’s not here, so if Allison can’t come over there’s not much to do except go shopping.  But maybe they like shopping!  They’re girls, anyway.

We like shopping.  lol!!!  But chocolate is better.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 14 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

 Hi! it’s me! Lily!

Ever had one of those days where you just wake up and nothing goes right?  I had one of those today.  Marie was sick in her kennel.  Sabby forgot to make breakfast and I didn’t have time to make anything.  I ran out of shampoo.  Then I got to work and people were just… unusually people-y.  Even the owner was a bit snippy.  Then I got home, and tried practicing with Liz, but it just wasn’t going well, and we gave up and just watched a movie.

It was just a terrible day.

But I guess it’s almost over, and…  aww.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 15 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Yesterday was bad.  Today’s a little better.  But I’m in a bit of a bad mood.

I was reading about the concept of a “Mary Sue”.  You see, people seem to write fiction based upon their favorite characters in literature.  I haven’t read much of it but I did see one called “My Immortal”, and it’s so bad it’s hilarious.  But there’s this concept of a character called a “Mary Sue”.  She’s always perfect in every way, everyone in the story loves her, she’s always central to not only the plot, but every plot, she’s beautiful and perfect and…

And sometimes I wonder if that’s how I come across here.  I mean, I know I’m not perfect, but I don’t tell you all my flaws, right?  I know I”m pretty, but my legs are too long and my face is too round and my hair is a little wild.  And I’m innocent, but I’m naive and don’t know much about things.  I don’t think I’m easily taken advantage of but sometimes I wonder.  And some days I get in bad moods and even get snappy with people.  They’re usually quick to tell me to cut it out, but I do have a bit of a temper.  I’m not like Amber Heard, but I can get a little snippy.

Oh, speaking of which, why are people even paying any attention to that?  It’s none of our business!!!

Anyway, I’m not perfect.  I’m just your ordinary sixteen year old girl, with moods and mood swings and… oh.  I think my “special time” might be coming.  That would explain it.  I remember when Sabby first showed me how to use… feminine products.  Ewwww.  I guess that’s not something I remembered.  “That goes there?”. I remember saying, and expressing some doubt about the whole thing.  But it worked out.

Sometimes it’s fun being a girl, and sometimes not so much.  Boys seem to have it so easy sometimes.  They don’t have to buy sooo many clothes, and deal with special times, and… and, I guess they have their own problems.  I guess.  But it’s nice being a girl too….  boys don’t like to hug and cuddle and no one cares if we do, so… there’s that, I suppose.

It’s still hot.  Maybe that’s not helping my mood.

I need to walk Marie.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 16 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022


今日は日本語で書きます! 日本語を勉強します。

日本語はとても難しい外国語です! 私の先生は日本人です! 先生の日本語はとてもいいです! でも、私の日本語は悪いです。だけど、いいです!学生です!私の日本語いいですたら、私は先生です! 先生ではありません!


今日は暑いですよ!とても暑い! テキサスの夏がいつも暑いですよ! 時々日本が暑いですけど、テキサスは日本の方が暑いよりです! テキサスのラウンドロックに住んでいます。ここがすきです。美しい所です。父の名前はデイブです、も母さんの名前はサービです。妹の名前はベスです、十五歳です。弟の名前はデビッドです、十歳です。ベスが大好きでし、デービッドが。。。いいです。

私の犬名前はマリエです! 犬が可愛いですよ! 走ることが好きです! 遊ぶことが好きです! たべることが好きです! ねむこと好きです! マリエが大好きです!

未来日本にいきます! 嬉しいです!


This diary entry is part 17 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And I did a post in Japanese yesterday!!!

I think it was good!!!

The problem with writing Japanese is that Google Translate isn’t quite good enough. So if you check your Japanese there, it leads you a little wrong.  And if you then correct it so Google Translate works right, then the Japanese is slightly wrong.  See, Japanese is context dependent.  So you can say the equivalent of “love running” (as I did) and it could mean “my dog loves running” or “I love running” – all depends on what the context is.  Translate isn’t very good at that.  So…  that’s how it is.

But it’s good for checking!!  I think my Japanese was pretty good, and I corrected a few things too!!!

I won’t do that often,, but I’ll do it every now and then.  It’s my diary!  I can write it in Japanese if I want!!!  In fact, maybe someday I’ll write it in both Japanese and English, though that would really increase the time it takes to write, and I’m not made of time!!!


Jack was impressed!  He speaks Chinese, not Japanese, but he was still impressed!  He thinks I’m smart!  Maybe, but not as smart as Liz.  Smart enough, I guess.  I also learned some Spanish in school (Texas, after all) but I don’t remember much of it.  I should learn more, because Maria and Diana speak Spanish!  But again, I’m not made of time.

Speaking of Liz, she came over and we practiced some more.  It’s starting to sound better!!!  Yesterday we went to her teacher and she gave us some pointers for working well together. It was fun! Her teacher is nice!  But a little strict.  Like Liz.  She thinks I’m a pretty good pianist, but a little rough.  I’d agree.  I have the skill, but not the experience.

After we practiced, we had a nice quiet evening, watched a high class movie… oh, who am I kidding.  Diana came over and things went nuts, as usual.  Crystal is off doing stuff with her parents.  They’re making up for lost time with the vacations they didn’t get when they were homeless.  Aww.  Diana made tacos while Liz and I were practicing.  Liz is a bit picky.  She loves Diana’s tacos.  But everyone does!  Maybe we can sell tacos with Sabby’s cookies!!!  There’s an idea…

David comes home in a couple of weeks.  He’s doing well at camp now.  I guess they caught him kissing his girl friend!  Nothing like Jack and me, but they’re ten!  I mean, really!!!  But I guess he got a bit of punishment for that.  Apparently, he said “worth it!”, and did it without complaint.  Hah!  Was just light kissing though.  That’s why Sabby hasn’t hopped in the car to yank him out by his ear, but she did lay into him a bit.  Secretly, she seems a bit pleased, though.  Maybe he’s learning the lessons they sent him there for.

Anyway.  Marie needs walked, hair needs brushed, and piles need made.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 18 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And it’s the WEEKEND!!!

There are two holidays!  There’s Juneteenth…  I don’t really understand it, but Sabby says it’s a good thing.  We’re not celebrating it, though.  Sabby thinks it’s a made up holiday, and she doesn’t really much like those.  But she did tell us a little bit about the history… and it centers around Texas!!!

And tomorrow is Father’s Day…  And Sabby says that’s another made up holiday.  But she leaves it up to Dave as to whether he wants to celebrate.  He said…  not really.  I mean, we don’t have to give him tacky ties or anything like that (apparently that’s a thing…  we give mothers flowers and nice things, and fathers tacky ties?) but he would like a nice dinner that he doesn’t have to grill.

We can do that.  Tomorrow we’re going to a nice restaurant.

I kind of feel bad for Diana.  She doesn’t have a father, not really.  I’ll have to have a talk with Beth about that.  I don’t mind being Diana’s big sister, but she’s one of Beth’s BFFs, so… I’m going to wish Bill a happy Father’s day too.  Not because he’s my father, but he…  kinda sorta is, a little bit.  By marriage.  So it’s worth the olive branch, dontcha think?  Family is complicated.

It was hot again today.  And it will be hot again tomorrow, and the next day, and… boo.  I almost miss that tornado.  Almost.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 19 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

So yeah.  I went to church.  And it was about as boring as I thought.  The pastor was happy to see me, of course.  And I was polite – they’re how we found Crystal and her family some help, and I wouldn’t know Diana if it weren’t for them…  and that homeless event indirectly led to Beth getting knocked down a couple of pegs… so…  not bad people.

But boring.

Because today was Father’s Day, they had a sermon about fathers.  Meh.  I just put in my headphones, rocked out to Babymetal, and played on my tablet.  Sabby kept giving me dirty looks but I didn’t really care.  I love Sabby, you know that, she knows that, but not enough to sit there and listen to an admittedly nice pastor prattle on about things I don’t understand.

Afterwards, she went on about me embarrassing her.  I just said “It was okay before, you didn’t say anything, and you could always not make me go if I’m that embarrassing to you.”  She started to get Claire Huxtabley, but I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with it.  Dave didn’t exactly  take my side, but he did tell Sabby that she was the one who forced me to go to church, so if she’s embarrassed, it’s her fault.  So she and Dave argued about it instead and I just went and played on my computer.

Result is that I still have to go to church but she has to accept that you can lead me to water but can’t make me drink.  I have to be a little less… obvious… about it though.  No more playing imaginary drums on my thigh.  Yeah, that was a bit much.

… Apparently I’m a horse.  NEEEIGGGGHH.

Oh, I love horses.  I wish I could ride one someday.

Anyway, we went to a steakhouse for dinner, and had the most yummy steaks ever!!!  OMG…  not better than chocolate, but close!!!  Perfectly seasoned… with mashed potatoes and green beans… OMG so yummy!!!  And then for dessert… CHOCOLATE!!!  Remember that chocolate thing that Jack bought me on our first date??  Almost that good!!!

I do feel bad for Diana though.  She was at church too and she looked soooo sad.  I asked Maria about it and she shrugged.  She doesn’t know what to do.  It’s not like she can just flip a switch and find a father for Diana.  I didn’t know what to do either, but I gave Diana a hug.  She said it’s alright, God’s her father.  She took Diana out for a special dinner too.

I don’t understand.  But maybe I don’t have to.

Dave gave her a hug too.  It seemed to mean a lot to her.

David comes back next weekend.  I hear he’s having a great time there now.  I guess nothing like having a girl feeding you… hahaha!!!  I guess they let him loose on another pig and he delivered the goods.  Poor pigs.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 20 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 12 - June 2022

Hi! It’s me!  Lily!

Your favorite sixteen year old half Japanese silly billy Lily!!!

Accept no substitutes!

But there are no substitutes, because I’m Lily!!!

I’m Lily, and I love chocolate!!!

Hahaha!!!!  I ate too much chocolate!!! Bad me!  I lied!  No such thing as too much chocolate!!! In fact on my discord I made a channel just for talking about chocolate!!!  Why not! It’s my discord!!!  And if I want to talk about chocolate, I will!!!

I spent a little time last night setting up a discord!!!  It wasn’t hard but there are so many different options.  And I need to give some love to my subscribers too!!!

Liz came over tonight and we practiced some more.  I love Liz.  She’s not always the easiest to work with.  But we’re getting it done.

Anyway…  not too much going on.  It’s hot.  Marie’s being a dog.  Beth’s being Beth.  Sabby’s being Sabby.  Dave’s being Dave.  And apparently David is now God’s gift to ten year old girls.  Apparently his girl friend is now starting to get possessive and be mean to other girls.  Man, they start young, don’t they?  David’s going to be insufferable when he gets home.  Sigh.

I haven’t made a YouTube in a while.  I should make a YouTube.  What should I talk about?  Tell me on my discord!  Except my pajamas!  Still not telling!  Or showing!!!  I don’t know if Sabby would kill me, or Jack would!  Hahaha!!!

Love you all!!! ❤