This diary entry is part 11 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So last night, as I was about to get ready for bed, I found a chocolate milkshake on my nightstand.

I didn’t put it there.

I figured Sabby snuck it in without my looking, so, well… I drank the milkshake.  That’s what you do with milkshakes, right?  No use in letting a good chocolate milkshake go to waste.

Except, this morning, I thanked Sabby for the milkshake.

She said she didn’t put it there.

I asked Dave if he did.  Nope.  Beth?  No.  David?  …  no.


So a milkshake just appeared on my nightstand.

Thing is, that’s not the only thing that’s appeared in my bedroom.  Remember that flower?

Can I just manifest milkshakes now?  That would save me a lot of money!  And give me diabetes…  maybe not the kind of superpower you’d want to have.

Or maybe… someone… just wanted to tell me they were there.


Well, if you’re going to get on my good side, and tell me that you know me, then a chocolate milkshake is a pretty good way to do that, right?

I’m not even too worried about it, and that worries me!  I mean, strange stuff has been happening, and now it’s just kind of normal!  Isn’t that weird?

I asked Sabby if she was worried.  She just said, “Lily, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been an extraordinarily lucky girl.  I mean, things just happen to you.  At least now you have a reason why, I guess.  Do I like it?  Not really.  It’s… strange.  But it’s not like you’ve been killing live chickens and drawing pentagrams…  you haven’t been killing live chickens and drawing pentagrams, have you?”

“No!”, I said, a little scandalized.

“Well then, I guess we just deal with whatever happens.”

Seriously.  The only reason I’d kill a chicken would be to turn it into nuggets.

Oh well.  Nothing to be done.  Shikataganai.

So…. in other news… poor Yuki.  So somehow the pictures of Yuki at Kinokuniya made their way back to Japan, and now she’s in the news again.  “Former idol seen in Texas, of all places!  Does she have a boyfriend? Who’s the girl she’s with – OH isn’t that the girl from the train tiktok video?”  Sigh.  Goshdangit!!!

She doesn’t seem too upset about it.  She’s not too fond of the attention, but on the other hand, this isn’t Japan.  There’s not going to be a throng of tabloids camping out in front of her home and watching her every move.  She’s still got a lot more privacy here.

But she’ll have to go back to Japan someday.  Awww.

Anyway, it’s time for bed.  In case you’re wondering, Beth and I still brush each others’ hair at night.  Most nights, anyway.  It’s just… there’s no point in announcing every night “Time to brush Beth’s hair!”  It’s a really nice thing to do with my sisters, though.  Sometimes before we make a girl-pile we spend an hour just brushing each others’ hair and it’s the most relaxing thing ever.  Beth has soft and stringy hair which is a little hard to brush but comes out really well.  Liz has thick black hair, Yuki has nice hair but it’s not as thick as Liz’s.  And mine is, well, it’s hair.  Somewhere in between, I guess.  Actually, most of us have black hair.  Isn’t that weird?

One time we caught David peeking (naughty boy!) so we pulled him into the room, held him down, and brushed his hair until he screamed “uncle”.  Sabby wondered what all the fuss was about, we told her what he did, and he got in a whole lot of trouble.  I don’t think I mentioned that, might have been one of those days when there was a lot of other stuff to write about, and I try not to write 4,000 words unless it’s my birthday or something.

Ah well.  Goodnight.  No chocolate milkshakes tonight.  Must have been a special occasion.

Tomorrow’s high is 88, and some rain too!  It’s about time!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 12 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It was so much cooler today!!!

We opened all the windows and let the cool, humid air come in!!!  When I ran this morning, it was so cool!  I really liked it!

And it’s raining now!!!  What nice weather, after three months of 100+ weather!  That was awful!  but the weather people say that should be entirely gone now for the year.

Anyway, it won’t be a long entry today.  I’m just trying to forget about all of the events of the past few days.  I have to figure it out eventually, but right now, I’m just tired.  Really tired.

I did see Yuki today at school.  She gave me a big hug and told me what happened with her obaasan.  But I don’t want to talk about that anymore.  It’s kind of amazing, though…  and just a bit scary.  Maybe I’ll tell you later.

Okay…  bye!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 13 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

I didn’t post last night.  I was thinking.

You know me.  I’ve said it before.  I’m not a thinky girl.  Sometimes things can be right in front of my face and I won’t even notice.  Like my birthday last year!  They threw me a surprise party and Liz all but told me, and I was still really surprised!  I guess I’m not dumb, but I’m not thinky.  Not like Beth or Liz or even Crystal sometimes!

But I was thinking.

I spent last night just sitting there with a manga open that I wasn’t really reading.

And I asked myself, “Self, what would you tell someone who told you they experienced the stuff you’ve experienced?”

I said “You’re nuts.”

Then I responded “besides that.  And stop talking to yourself.”

“Make me”.

And then after I had a fight with myself which I lost, I thought some more, because it was still a pretty good question.

And I think that chocolate milkshake was a message.

“You’re not alone.”

I wasn’t particularly worried about that but sometimes I am.  Dave and Sabby are my family, but they’re not, in a way.  They’re not going to leave me, but they could, if they wanted to, I guess.  I mean they won’t, but they could.  They don’t have any obligation at all to me, especially now that I’ve turned eighteen.  They could kick me out tomorrow and I’d have to couch-surf or whatever, and find people to stay with. They won’t, but that’s not the point.  They could.

I’m not worried about it, but I’m telling you what I’ve been thinking about, so shut up and let me talk to myself!  Hahaha!!!

And quite a few people did.  Some of them unintentionally, some of them intentionally, but they did.  Emiko abandoned me.  Robert didn’t even know about me.  My previous adopted parents… well… screwed up and ruined my life forever (I know it’s better now but again this is my thinky moment so just let me okay?)  Everyone who meant anything to me screwed me over in every conceivable way, at least before the “event”.  And then the event occurred, and I even got myself taken away from me.  Yes, it looks like something replaced it, but again, I’m being thinky here.

That day in July 2020 was the day where everything was taken away from me.

But that day was also the day I started gaining everything back.

Because on that day,  I lost everything I had and everything I was, and then gained back everything I have and everything I am.  I gained my family, my sisters, my boyfriend…  everything.  It’s like I traded my old life for a new life, and by all accounts, a much better life.  Even though I didn’t get offered that deal, who gets that deal?  Me!  This girl!  I get that deal!

And now I have so many sisters.  They’re all here now.  Crystal, Liz, Beth, Diana, Yuki, and then Rebecca and friends and the Aidols are all on zoom, and everyone’s having a really good time playing games and talking about things and playing videos…  I love my sisters so much and I have them because…. I lost everything.  I lost myself and then found myself.  I was lost, and now I’m found.

And as near as I can understand, that “event” was tapping into things that should not have been tapped into, energies that should be left alone, divine energies that no earthly human can survive being touched by.  And I didn’t. Survive, I mean.  I mean my body did, and some things did, but I died.  I died and I didn’t come back to life, I died and I became someone else, someone better, someone…  more than I used to be.

Someone…  not alone.

And I think that chocolate milkshake was… someone… telling me I wasn’t alone and that I am… special to… him?  Because…  why else would someone give me a chocolate milkshake?  No one’s going to give me a chocolate milkshake who hates me!

My sisters want their onee-chan to come back and play with them.

I am not alone.  I will never be alone again.  I have my sisters, my family, my other family, my other other family, my boyfriend, my church… and everyone I have keeps growing and growing and they all love me and they’re all on my side.  And…  it seems… I have my God too.  Or at least whoever gave me that chocolate milkshake.

I will likely never get another chocolate milkshake that way.  That’s alright.  It was enough.

I’ll probably never get my memories back.  But that’s okay.  They’re not my memories anymore.  These are my memories, these are my sisters, this is my life…  I have everything I could possibly need, and even most of the things I could possibly want (a summer house in the Seychelles might be nice… yeah, I’m pushing it!)

I’m never getting my memories back.

I’m okay with that.

I know what happened.  And I love everything I have now.  I’m happy.

I’m so happy.

I love everyone.

My sisters are all chanting “onee-chan” and threatening to get out the colored wigs, so I’d better get back to them.

Love you all!!! ❤️

And I really do.  I really, really do.

This diary entry is part 14 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

Fall is here!  Ummm… sort of.

It was cooler today and stormed a bit this afternoon.  Nothing awful, not like last week.  Last week in Cedar Park there was a… what do they call it… a microburst that damaged a bunch of houses and fences!  Today it was just some booms and some nice rain.  I’ll take booms and nice rain.  The temperature was nice too!  Dave grilled today!!!

He loves grilling… I think I told you that.

The girls stayed over last night, and before Dave grilled we all went to the mall and wandered around the mall.  Yuki enjoyed the World Store, and Crystal always likes Cool and Eclectic – she buys all sorts of strange stuff that makes sense only to her.  Of course I like the “weeb store” where there’s lots of weeby stuff to buy.  It was lots of fun, and did I mention that Yuki is a riot?  I guess you can’t be an idol without being cheerful and outgoing, or at least knowing how to pretend to be cheerful and outgoing.  So we walked by one of those awful makeover places where they give you a little sample of something and try to drag you in for a facial.  Yuki… I swear… started floating and spinning around and winking and yelled… SUMIRU [smile] …. HURRICANE!!!” and made heart shapes with her hand and finished with her hair swishing around, her index and middle fingers pointed out in a very aggressive V, and a big ol’ smile and wink on her face.

They just turned around and ran for the safety of their store.

Then she turned it off like a light switch, brushed off her clothes, looked at us, and said “that’s how it’s done.”

Beth gushed, “That’s sooo COOOLLL! TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT!”

Yuki grimaced.  I just giggled.  “You walked into that, Yuki.”  She laughed and told Beth she’d teach her.

There is, apparently, such a thing as being too outgoing.

We all got some really cute shoes, too.  Can’t have too many shoes.  Yuki likes the fashionable ones, you know, the short suede boots with heels.  Beth likes practical shoes, you know, brown leather slip-ons? Liz like dressy shoes (she always dresses very nice), Crystal would get army boots if she could afford them so she settles for black sneakers, Diana likes practical shoes with comfy soles, and me…  I like shiny Mary Janes.  They’re just adorable, especially with black knee highs and little bows.  Sometimes I even put a red heart on them with glue and glitter.  We don’t get shoes every time we go to the mall, shoes are expensive, but we all had the money today, so… shoes it was.  And it’s so much fun shopping for shoes, there are so many different kinds!!!

Yes I’m girly.  Sue me.

Yuki is introducing all of us to some really fun anime.  There’s this one called “Akebi’s Sailor Uniform” that she really loves and I can see why.  We watched the first episode today, and it is absolutely beautiful.  We all love Akebi.  If she were real I’d make her one of my sisters.  And she would too because she loves making friends.  And her little sister Kao is the best, she reminds me so much of Grace, and everyone loves Grace.

It’s sure a lot less depressing than “Oshi No Ko.”  After that one Liz was a little clingy for a day or two.  Awww.

But she loves the theme song, she’s been humming it so much…  and she’s even getting the Japanese pronunciation right!!!

Anyway… enough about that, I suppose.

I’m glad I met Yuki.  She’s a good girl.  And she really needs friends.  Real friends.

I mentioned the next time she goes back to Japan I want to go with her.  She said that I don’t really want to do that, because the moment she lands people will be mobbing her and bugging her and she won’t get a moment’s peace.

I said that’s why I want to go.  We’ll face that together.  I don’t like being the center of attention, but I won’t let her face that alone if I can help it.

I swear, her eyes started leaking like an anime character, and she glomped me, and gave me the biggest hug.

Besides, I said, she’ll know all the really fun places.  you know, the ones idols go to when they’re not idoling.

She giggled, and promised to give me as low key a tour as a former idol can manage.

Well, that’s all for today, I guess.  No thinky today.  Just sisters.  Jack and I are going on a date tomorrow.  And I’m not going to church.  Sabby was a little put out at that, but I told her it was the pastor’s idea and after last week I’m really uncomfortable with the idea, and she dropped it.  Besides, I was going because I wanted to, not because she wanted me to.  The girls are staying over again tonight, though, so I need to go brush some hair and make a girl pile.  And we got some hair stuff at the mall that smells really good that we all want to try.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 15 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! LIly!

And as promised, there was no church today.

I kinda missed it and I kinda didn’t, if I’m being honest.  It’s always nice to go and say hi to the old ladies and get my cheeks pinched, but after last week, I’m not sure I like it there much anymore.  Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be, but it was kind of a traumatic experience.  In a way, anyway.  Sabby did pick up Yuki, though, and she went with them.  Sabby likes Yuki.  She doesn’t like everyone, so I’m happy about that.

Apparently the sermon was about spiritual gifts and how everyone has a role to play in a functioning community, and that people are to be treasured for their gifts and allowed to flourish, not used and beaten down.  That was nice of him.  I hope they listen.  There isn’t anyone else in the congregation with those kinds of gifts, but I learned that in some sects there are prophetesses and other folks who have a direct line to God like I seem to sometimes.  So my kind of gift isn’t unheard of, but it’s really rare in my sect.  Maybe I should find one of those prophetesses.

Liz came over while everyone was gone and we watched another episode of “Akebi’s Sailor Uniform” – this one was about getting to know her new friends.  It’s really a beautiful anime, with gorgeous backgrounds and everyone’s so happy and cheerful, most of the time.  This episode had the famous lip balm scene, but it was pretty innocent, and a little funny.

Sometimes you just want to live in another world, you know what I mean?

Anyway, after everyone got back, Sabby wanted to talk to me.

She read my entry the other day and asked me if I was really worried about them kicking me out.

I said, obviously not.  I even said so in the entry.

She paused, for a bit.  “What did you mean we’re your family… but we’re not?”

Sigh.  I shoulda not said that.

“I meant,” I said slowly, “that you adopted me, but you didn’t give birth to me.  We don’t share genes or anything physical.”

“Does that bother you?”

“No!”, I said.  “Why should it?  My biological parents abandoned me.  You didn’t!”

She was quiet.  “I remember when I was put in a foster home,” she finally said.  “After my parents… well…”  She was quiet a little longer.  “I cried.  Like you did.  Almost as hard.  And I never really thought of them as my parents.  I mean, they took care of me, as best they could…  they even kind of loved me… but they weren’t my parents.  I wonder, sometimes, if that’s how you feel about us.”

“You knew your parents,” I said.  “You remember them.  I don’t.  Well, I do now, but I didn’t.  It’s different.”  I glomped her.  “Why on earth would you think I didn’t think of you as my parents?”

“You said…”

“I ALSO said I was being thinky and not to take me seriously!  So let me be thinky and don’t take me seriously!”

She sighed.  “Alright… I just…”

“Well stop it!”, I said.  “You know when you adopted me, I adopted you too?”

Her eyes widened.  “I never thought of it that way.”

“Well think of it that way,” I snapped.  “I didn’t have to say yes.  I mean, you might have anyway, but I still didn’t have to.  But I did.  And I’ve told you how I feel lots of times.  So just cut it out and don’t take it personally when I’m trying to figure out my life after a rather strange and…. somewhat traumatic event!” I glomped her again and she returned my hug.  “OK?”

“Fine,” she said, but with a smirk.  “Did you just go Claire Huxtable on me?”

I frowned.  “I don’t think I could pull that off.  But I did go Lily Smith on you.  It’s almost as bad.”

She giggled and went off to do what Sabbies do on a Sunday.  I think we’re alright.

I went out with Jack this afternoon.

I like – no, I love Jack.  He always treats me well, he’s never said or done anything offensive or awful, he’s the sweetest guy… and… and…


We talked some today.  I think the stress of knowing we’re going to have to make a decision that’s coming up like a freight train is starting to wear on us.  Sabby told me two years ago, when I first met him, that one or both of us was going to have to give up something to be with each other…  and it’s starting to become clear to both of us what that means.  If I go to school in Japan, then…  he’s probably not going to go to school in Japan, and…  and…

I don’t want to think about it.

Neither of us know how to solve this right now, absent the “nuclear” option, which I don’t think either of us are ready for.

Long distance relationships can work.  Long distance relationships literally halfway around the world…  well, that can work too.  But how well?  Neither of us know.

On the bright side, he did see his career counselor, and he told me he’s thinking of taking up electronics engineering.  That’s a pretty cool job, I did a little of that myself with that lab Dave set up in the garage (which David still uses a lot, he’s pretty good at that stuff).  But he needs to pick up some more math and stuff.  I think he can do it, he just has to put his mind to it.

He’s not a dumb boy.  He’s pretty smart even.  Just a bit unmotivated sometimes. 

But I told him that when he has a good job then we can have a couple of kids, and I hear making kids is pretty fun.

He blushed hard.  And his mother called and asked what I told him, because apparently he’s studying.  That was my turn to blush.

Anyway, enough of that, I guess.  Back to class tomorrow.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 16 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

You know, it just hit me today that I’m eighteen.  I’m a woman.  I’m not a girl anymore.  But I still think of myself as a girl.  I mean, I even like Mary Janes and frilly dresses and knee high socks with little bows!!!  I don’t feel like a woman sometimes, but I guess I am.  Or at least the law thinks I am.

But I still have a weapons grade pout.  If I look at someone with puppy eyes and pout and say “pwease?  PWEASEEEE?” people just melt!  Or, if they’re Sabby, they tell me to cut it out and act my age.  That’s my Sabby!!!  But Dave can’t resist.  And, strangely enough, Liz can’t either.  Hahaha!!!

But I only use my weapons grade pouts for good!  Not evil!!!  Using weapons grade pouts for evil isn’t fair at all!!!

Crystal doesn’t have a weapons grade pout.  She just has a death glare, and HOLY CRAP is it effective.  Beth just starts cussing.  And I have no idea what Diana is saying when she gets that way, my Spanish isn’t that good.  I’m pretty sure I heard “pendejo” a couple of times.

And we saw what Yuki can do with weaponized cuteness.  I asked her if she took classes for that as an idol.  She blushed and refused to answer.  So, naturally, I assume she did.  SMAIRU HURRICANE!!!! Hahaaha!!!

Poor men will never know what hit them when she gets going.  Fortunately, she’s not really all that interested in dating right now.  She just wants to get an education and stay away from the craziness.

Actually…  I should offer her a job.  I bet she’d be really popular at the shop… though we do get some Japanese tourists and they might recognize her.  So… up to her, I guess.  She’s already got a lot of the skills we need in a server – knows her way around a costume, knows how to be cute, and maybe she’d even want to perform every now and then.  I’ll talk to Sabby and see what she thinks.  She could bring in a lot of customers, if we can keep the tourists under control.  Her call, though, and wouldn’t blame her if she said no.

Oh!  Speaking of the shop!  I haven’t talked about it in a while, ever since I got back from Japan I’ve been really busy!  I guess this is a good time to talk about it.  It’s humming along.  We have a few catering engagements every now and then where the cosplay girls dress up like maids and serve treats.  It actually really goes over well, and we even had to hire a couple more cosplay girls to keep up with demand.  Cat-girl is still in charge, and she seems to be figuring out how to set boundaries.  Or at least live within the boundaries we set.  There haven’t been any repeats of the bathroom incident that we know of, she’s been pretty fair with the girls and everyone seems to be a big semi-happy family.  She’s actually pretty smart, she just…  has chosen a really odd career.  But she has good business sense and knows how to give the customers what they want.  Too well, sometimes.

Baker is doing pretty good as a manager while Katie’s out on leave, and stuff’s getting baked.  We’re ordering other food items like sandwiches and similar light snacks, and those are selling really well.  Business isn’t amazing, but it’s pretty good, and we’re still turning a profit.

I’m not sure Sabby’s really happy with the direction the shop’s taken, but she can’t deny it’s been hella profitable.  Those cosplay girls really attract the customers.  Actually, we should set up a booth at an anime convention.  I bet the cosplay girls would love that.  I’ll ask Sabby what she thinks.  There’s a big one in Houston every year…  though there’s been a bit of controversy lately with that one. Aww.

And speaking of Katie… she’s doing alright.  Sabby’s babysitting little Sabrina a couple of times a week, and Katie’s taking some online courses, which is good.  I don’t think she wants to be a manager at our shop forever, and I don’t blame her.  She’s got a little mouth to feed and we can’t pay as much as we’d like.  But she’s doing pretty good with her courses so maybe she’ll get a nice office job someday.  Sabby seems in her element when taking care of little Sabrina, and she’s giving Dave the side-eye.  Uh-oh.

Little Sabrina’s busy being a baby, just, well, eating, drinking, pooping, and flailing her little arms and legs around.  She’s particularly fascinated by Cat.  Cat isn’t really returning the favor, though it does come around and sniff every now and then.

Once we caught Marie resting her chin on Sabrina’s little belly.  We thought it was really cute, took a photo, and then put a stop to that.  Dogs and babies really don’t go all that well together.  We’ll let them play when she’s old enough.

Oh!  Marie!  She’s fine.  Just doing dog stuff.  She’s happy she gets to go out more because the temperature is a lot better now.  She loves walks – but not many dogs don’t.

Alright, I guess that’s enough.  Yuki and I are both studying from our classes tonight, and we’re texting back and forth questions and answers and stuff.  It’s pretty fun.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 17 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

So…  I talked to Sabby today about maybe giving Yuki a job, if she wants it.  She’s…  of two minds, and I don’t really blame her.  On the one hand, we get a lot of Japanese tourists, and she’d be a major draw – plus, she has a lot of experience on the performing side and could help with the cosplay girls side of things.  We’d have to handle that carefully, but… yeah.  On the other hand, if word gets out, things could get out of hand, she might not want to do it anyway, and Sabby’s already a little hesitant about the direction the shop’s taken – though she admits readily that it makes us a lot of money.

That’s why she puts up with cat-girl.  Well, “puts up with” is a strong term, I mean, cat-girl is a bit of a polarizing figure in some ways, and Sabby accepts the schtick because having cute girls in cute costumes doing cute things is really good for business.

Ultimately, she said if Yuki agrees, we can figure out something to do with her.

So then I talked with Yuki about it today.  She… didn’t dismiss it out of hand, but she’s really hesitant.  Of course she’s worried about what happens when word gets back to Japan that a beloved idol can be found somewhere in Texas, with cat-girl as a bonus.  But she does miss performing and being an idol in some ways, and… maybe she can scratch that itch with us.

She’ll come over soon and Sabby, her, and I will have a chat about it and see if we can come up with something everyone can live with.

I asked cat-girl how she and the girls would feel about it, and she shrugged.  “As long as we can keep having fun here, the more the better,” she said.  She really does love what she does there – I mean, getting to dress up in cute costumes and acting all cute and raking in the dough while she does?  That’s like a dream for her!

I’m tossing around an idea – I asked her how she felt about everyone dressing in maid costumes instead of different cosplay.  She shrugged, but said she’d ask the others.  I’m thinking maybe we should just go full bore into becoming a maid cafe, but… I haven’t run that one by Sabby yet, yeah, I know she reads this.  It’s just an idea, Sabby…  we’ll talk about it soon.

I also wonder if we should add karaoke…  hmm.

I know, I know… we’ll talk about it, Sabby!

But my instincts aren’t usually wrong, and we really do get a lot of Japanese tourists…

Oh well.

Beth still goes there a couple of times a week to be a server, it gives her a little pocket money and she’s pretty good at it.  Remember when I said she’s like supermodel beautiful?  Well, when she’s wearing that frilly dress costume with the black tights…  omg everyone loves her!

I’m not even as beautiful as she is… though Jack doesn’t agree.

Speaking of Jack… apparently he’s thrown himself into his studies.  Aww.  That makes me happy.

Anyway…  got some studying to do then I should go to bed too.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 18 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

I ran out of stuff to put in the topic.  Bad me.

So today after school I took Yuki to the shop to meet everyone.  Baker didn’t care, she was too busy baking.  Same with other baker.  But the cosplay girls – cat-girl recognized her, and after a little uncomfortable fangirling which I shut down pretty quickly, it was down to business.  Yuki kind of turned on her idol charm (she’s that popular for a reason!) and everyone was eating out of her hand.  Figuratively, of course.

She and the girls actually got along pretty well, though.  Friends?  Maybe not yet, but they were chattering a lot.  Turns out Cat-girl being an internet model has some similarity to being an idol, and they spent a bit of time talking about how much they hated some of their fans.


But I heard some of the stories.  I don’t blame them.

I talked to Sabby about the maid cafe idea.  She’s really hesitant but she did go to a maid cafe in Japan (I didn’t know that!) and she thought it was a pretty cool concept.  But I’m not going to push.  What we’re doing now works pretty well too!

She’s a part owner too, so we have to agree on the big things.  She trusts me though, so she doesn’t just shut me down when I have an idea.  We talk about it.  Like it should be, I guess.

While we were there a Japanese tourist showed up and immediately recognized Yuki, and, well…  there was a lot of bowing and greetings and Yuki had idol mode turned on, and…  that’s pretty much a sight to behold.  She has them eating out of her hand!  Like she did Cat-girl.  Finally she said she had other things to do but said it with such cheerfulness that the guy seemed happy.  She did give him an autograph though, and he looked like he just won the lottery.  Aww.

Then he looked at me.

Man…  if Beth takes those lessons she’ll be insufferable!  Haha!!!

“densha kara desu ka?” he said excitedly.

I haven’t blushed that hard in a very long time.  Dang sisters!!!

Anyway, he got my autograph too.  Hah!!!

Yuki just looked at me funny.

“You know that prank my sisters pulled?”

“No… oh…  oh… OH,” she said, then giggled.  “They got video!”

“Yeah, they did,” I said mortified.  “It went viral.”

She giggled.  “You’re famous too.”

I sighed.  “Well…  I guess so.”

She flopped on the ground and laughed until she wheezed.

Sigh.  My sisters have no sympathy for me.  Oh well.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 19 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Autumn is here in a couple of days!!!

… and it’s upper 90s.

I like Texas in winter…

So anyway, not much interesting to talk about today.  Allison’s mother is pretty sick, aww.  I hope she takes care of herself, because I told Allison I’d go over there with a rolled up newspaper and say “bad Allison’s mother!” and bop her on the nose.  When you’re sick, you have to rest and eat ice cream and ginger ale and let people take care of you!!!  And of course I’d bring cookies because you don’t bop people on the nose with a newspaper without offering cookies.  It’s just bad form.

Yuki’s still thinking about whether she wants to work at the shop.  It could go either way,  But Sabby and I were talking, and if she chooses to, well, she really would bring a lot of entertainment experience to the table, and we could learn a lot from her.  But we’re not pushing, we know she stopped being an idol for a reason.  But then… this isn’t really being an idol.  It’s being an entertainer using her idol skills.  That’s a little different, I think.

I watched the third episode of “Akebi’s Sailor Uniform” today.  It’s really cute..  But… umm…  Sabby thinks it was written for men.  She might be right.  But it’s still cute!!!  this episode was Akebi trying to decide which club to join.  Everyone wanted her!!! And who can blame them?  She’s adorable!!!

Anyway…  umm…  I don’t know what else to talk about.  It’s a quiet day.  I like quiet days, but they don’t give me a lot to talk about.  And I like talking!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 20 of 25 in Lily's diary dated 27 - September 2023

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Beth, Diana, and Crystal are off at Crystal’s house, so today it’s just me, Liz, and Yuki.  It’s a little quieter than usual, and that’s not a bad thing.  Rebecca is busy packing (they’re moving soon!) and it’s a bit early for Ai, so it’s just the three of us.

We had an impromptu musical party, I guess you could say.  Liz brought her violin and we did a little concert…  and then we played something Yuki sang as an idol, and… she’s really not half bad, really!  I mean, I know some idols can’t really sing to save their lives, but Yuki took some lessons, and while her singing is more poppy than classical, it actually came out pretty well.  She can even sing “idol”!  How cool is that?  It’s a really hard song.  Some songs phrasing isn’t important, this one it really is.

She told us she wants to take the job at the shop, but she still has some reservations.  I don’t think she wants to be treated like she was as an idol.  I told her that we want her experience in entertaining, but we’re not asking her to be an idol, just to help us build out the shop as an entertainment venue and not just a bakery.  She seemed kind of excited at that.  We’re not going to be some kind of underground band place or something, but karaoke, etc., might be fun.  Sabby and I still haven’t exactly decided what we’re going to do, but we’ll work it out.

Anyway, other than that, we ate pizza and chocolate (Yuki really loves pizza, she says they have it in Japan but not like here, it’s just so much better here) and now we’re watching anime.  We started watching “Bocchi the Rock”, and it’s… so cool.  We haven’t gotten too far but she met Kita, and that’s pretty neat!  She’s a really good guitarist.

I don’t know why I didn’t watch anime earlier.  Maybe I just thought it was all cute cat-girls going “nya nya, master”.  Well, sometimes, I guess… but not all of them!!!  Yuki was telling me there are some with a cooking theme, some with a biking theme… seems anime just seems like a way to take hobbies and set them to video.


Anyway, we’re going to watch a few more episodes and go to bed.

Love you all!!! ❤️