This diary entry is part 25 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me! Lily!

You know, I’ve never actually experienced real school.

I mean, I did zoom classes, but I never actually set foot in a building.  When school was about to go back to in person, Sabby took us out.  I don’t know if I miss it.  Lessons are okay, I mean.  Sabby’s an okay teacher, and we’re learning a lot of useful stuff.  Like electronics, and mechanics, and math and science, and the lessons are always topical.  Plus I get to learn Japanese and take piano lessons, and maybe I wouldn’t be able to do that in “real” school.  So that’s nice.  I don’t feel like I’m missing anything there.

In fact, given some stuff I’ve heard about, I’m kinda glad I don’t.  How challenging would it be, being half-Japanese, and living in a mixed family?  I mean, I don’t mind at all!!! But there would be, well, expectations, you know?

But I think I do miss sports.  I like to run, and I think I’d like to play sports, but I don’t have the chance now!  I just run every morning and that’s it.  Would be nice to play volleyball, or maybe even cheerlead…  I bet Jack would love me in the uniform!  But maybe… that just won’t happen now.

I gain some things, and lose some things.  Is what I gain worth what I’m losing?

I don’t know.  I really don’t.

Speaking of piano lessons, my recital’s coming up.  I’m playing alright, but my teacher is teaching me how to be an actual performer.  You know, bowing, being demure, that kind of thing.  I’m not a demure girl!  I’m going to model my nice black dress for my teacher, maybe it’s good enough, but I might need a formal gown.

I bet I’d look so good in a formal gown!!!

And you know?  I don’t really know how to walk in high heels.  Mid heels, okay, but not high heels.  I need to learn.  Oh Saaabbbbyyyyyy!!!! hahaha!!!  I don’t think they’d be comfortable most of the time, but for special occasions… would be good to know.

Or maybe I already do.  Don’t know until I try.

My teacher tells me that being a performer is as much about being what people expect of me as being who I am.  I don’t think I like that.  But I guess it’s like the YouTubes I make sometimes.  That’s me, but it’s not!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 24 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Beth is a little jealous, she gets that way sometimes.  I think she wants a boy.  Sabby told her she’s too young and can date when she’s sixteen.  She threw a bit of a hissy fit, but I reminded her that’s less than a year away, and she doesn’t know any boys she wants to date anyway.  She quieted down but still didn’t seem happy.

Her face is starting to lose her baby fat, and she’s really becoming quite a beautiful young woman.  She’s got this light chocolate skin I can only dream of.  Mine is more… Japanese colored, I guess.  I bet boys will jump to date her – if she can manage to not get jealous and go off on them.  Maybe I should have a talk with her before her next birthday.  Boys don’t take well to jealous girls.

But Sabby’s right.  She’s a bit too young.

Liz seems sooo happy!  She can’t wait to see her boy again!  I told her to calm down a bit, she still has lots of stuff to do that doesn’t involve her boy.  She sighed and whined that I just had to remind her to practice violin.

I hope he can play an instrument or something.  She really is a classy girl.

Oh, Sabby was right. Cat and Marie are getting along better now.  Cat still bops Marie across the nose, but I caught them cuddled up last night.  I guess a warm fluffball is irresistible to more than just humans.

Marie looked kind of victorious, and Cat looked a bit embarrassed.

Animals are smarter than we think.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 23 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  LIly!

Liz’s date went GREAT!  She didn’t tell me exactly what he did, but it was the Liz equivalent of the chocolatier tour that Jack took me on!  She was absolutely bubbling when she got home!!!

We girls don’t ask for much.  Just for a boy to figure out what we like and to take a shot at giving it to us sometimes.

It’s obviously too soon to tell if he’s “the one” for Liz, but I guess he really made a good impression.  She came over this afternoon and was actually really distracted, much more distracted than she usually is.  Poor girl is absolutely besotted.

I told her I was happy for her, but it was only one date, and to calm down already!

She said “You don’t understand!  He’s perfect!!!”

I just looked at her with one eyebrow cocked.

“ok ok ok I guess you do understand but still!!!”

I asked if she got a kiss.  She wouldn’t tell.  But the way her face turned bright red and she wouldn’t look me in the eye gave her away.  Awwww.  I asked her if he was a good kisser, and the faraway look she gave me while she unconsciously licked her lips gave her away on that too.  Poor girl can’t keep a secret!! Hahaha!!

I told her I want to meet this boy of hers.  She seemed a little hesitant, but I said I’d go easy on him, I just wanted to give him the best friend stamp of approval.  I’d do the same for her if Jack wasn’t her cousin!

I love Liz.  I mean I really do.  She’s my best friend, and a good girl, and I only want the best for her.  And any boy who treats her well is okay in my book. Any boy that doesn’t, well…  I’ve wondered how good I am at martial arts.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 22 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

After work we took Marie to the dog park to meet all the other dogs.  She had a blast!  Some dogs weren’t the nicest, but most just wanted to play, and Marie’s all about the playing!

I.. I wonder how Marie (the dog in my dream) got her name…

Anyway, she ran herself silly.  By the time she got home she was conked out.  Went right for my bed.  Sigh.

This morning I told Sabby that I needed to go to work and someone else could take her for a walk.  David drew the short end of that straw.  But that’s okay.  He needs to learn some responsibility.  I hear he was complaining, but did it anyway.  The girls (except for Liz) stayed over to spend time with Beth.  That’s okay, they’re primarily her friends anyway, right?  I mean, I love Beth and Crystal and Diana, but Beth’s the one who really needs friends, so…

I get to be the big sister.

I’m fine with that.

Oh oh oh did I tell you? Liz has a date tonight!  With that boy she likes!  I told her to tell me all about it when she gets home!  And to BE CAREFUL!!!

Off to do hair brushing!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 21 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

All the girls came over tonight and it’s DOGGIE HEAVEN!!!

Crystal and Diana met her for the first time and think she’s just the cutest thing in the world!  And maybe she is!!!  I’m not even sure we’re going to play games!!  We’re just going to watch a movie and play with the dog!!!

Hopefully the four of us can wear her out enough she’ll sleep all night.

Crystal wants a dog now!

Oh, did I tell you?  I didn’t tell you!  Crystal’s dad is doing a really good job!  He was able to buy a car!!!  So now they have a house and a car, and maybe they can get a dog soon!  But her father says not now, he wants to make sure they’re a little better established first.  Crystal’s sad but understands.  She can come over and play with Marie!!!

It’s not a new car, but who needs a new car, anyway?

Crystal’s mother is going to go back to work too, soon.  But first they have to make sure Crystal is ready to return to school.  They’re talking about having her come over and school with us, but…  nothing’s solid yet.

Oh oh oh.  Remember how we talked a while ago about how Sabby should open a cookie place?  She’s starting to kind of take that idea seriously!  We’re not sure where that’s going to go, but she’s been working on cookie recipes!  Thankfully just a few small batches.  We told her that we’re happy to taste test, but only a few at a time.

I think my favorite is the chocolate chocolate chunk with chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles, with a bit of whipped cream.  I wonder why.

Oh well, we’re going to brush each others’ hair and tell stories, and then make a girl pile!!!  I love girl piles!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 20 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!

GRRR Marie is FRUSTRATING!!! She kept me up way too late whining!  She wanted to be let out of her crate!  I just told her to go to sleep and put in my earbuds so I didn’t have to hear her!!!

I hate having to do that but it’s bedtime!!!

And then when it was morning and time to go for a walk she was asleep and didn’t want to wake up!!!  But I made her anyway!!!  Doodies whether she has to or not!!!

Is this what having a kid is like???  OMG Jack better pay attention!!!  I guess he has his own puppy troubles too!!!  Grace’s dog is kind of the same!

After we got back she crawled up on the bed and went back to sleep, but oh well.  At least she took care of business.

Turns out… Liz doesn’t really like dogs.  She doesn’t hate them, and she doesn’t really mind Marie, but she’s also not her biggest fan either.  Marie came up and sniffed her and wanted to play, and Liz was noticeably cool to her.  But, of cours,e, dogs don’t really pay attention to annoying social cues like people being cool to them, so she brought her ball anyway.

Liz threw the ball just to get her away.

Bad idea.  Liz said “get away from me.” Marie heard “Oh, she’ll throw the ball!!!”  So, naturally, Liz had to throw the ball.

I don’t know if Liz warmed much to her, but Marie put her chin on Liz’s lap and started to doze, and Liz was absently scratching her head, so I guess it works out.  I don’t think it was really fondness, just… there was something soft to scratch and the soft thing didn’t mind being scratched.

Still, it works out.

I haven’t had any more dreams.  But I was thinking…  you know, Marie really doesn’t get many choices either.  She was brought home, she gets the food we give her, and goes to bed when we say, and goes for walks when we say… I mean, yeah, she gets to ask, but we’re in complete control.  And she doesn’t really mind at all!! I mean, as long as she has food and water and a warm place to sleep and goes for walks a few times a day, she’s a happy camper.

Maybe I should be the same.  I’ve got a family, a boyfriend, even a dog.  Maybe I didn’t get much control over that, but it turned out okay.  Don’t you think?

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 19 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!


I won’t lie.  I was pretty upset.  I scolded her, and she at least had the decency to look guilty.  I told her no and put her in her crate for a time out.  She wasn’t happy but maybe she’ll learn NOT TO CHEW MY SHOES!!!

Dogs have no impulse control at all.  Kind of like boys!  Well, that’s not fair.  To dogs.  hahahaha!  Sorry Jack!!!  I’m kidding anyway, Jack has maddeningly good impulse control.

So, umm, life with Marie.  Lots of picking up poop and throwing things and getting things chewed and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  This evening I took a nap and there she was, a cuddly ball of fluff.  How sweet.

But other things go on than puppy stuff, right?  I guess.

I’m still a bit depressed, I guess.  but life goes on.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 18 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

OMG that puppy is a handful!!!

I took her for a run this morning, and, well, that didn’t work.  She does like to run.  But she basically stopped for every tree, blade of grass, and leaf.  I ended up having to pick her up and run her home, which she liked, frankly far too much.  She’s a more leisurely walk dog, which is fine, but my runs aren’t leisurely walks.  But after I finished running, I took her for a walk, and she had a really good time.  Just sniffed EVERYTHING.

Maybe Sabby was right.  It’s nice having something to take care of.

And maybe she’s good for other reasons too.  David seems to have really taken a liking to her.  He took her out to the backyard and was throwing a ball, and she could have done it for hours!!!

So before writing this, I took her for a walk and put her in her crate.  She’s looking at me all baleful, but I know she’s tired and it’s bedtime.

I did a video call with Grace!!! I showed her my puppy and she showed me hers!!!  Hers is cute too!!!

Jack was happy that I got a puppy too.  He likes Grace’s, but he doesn’t really want to take care of it.  He kind of has to, though.  Grace is four.  She tries, but a four year old really can’t take care of a dog.  She can play with it, though!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 17 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!


OMG and it’s so cute too!

She told me that she was sick of seeing me mope around the house so she was going to give me something to take care of.  And, well, I have a puppy now.  I told her that that’s great, but if she expected me to be the only one to take care of it then she should have talked to me beforehand.  Maybe she got the puppy for me, but it’s a family member and everyone gets to share.

She agreed.

But it’s CUTE!!!  It’s a little fluffy thing!!!

I…  I named it Marie.

And here’s the silly thing.  The thing I don’t understand.  She knew the name.  Her little ears stood up and she ran over to me and licked me!!!

Sabby did tell me that I go for runs in the morning so I can take her with me.  I don’t know if she can keep up, but I guess we’ll give it a try, and she does have a LOT of energy.  She loves to play.  In fact, that’s all she does.  Play and sleep.

But damned if Sabby wasn’t right.  I feel better when I’m playing with her or cuddling with her.  Maybe I just need something to take my mind off things.

Cat…  isn’t a very happy camper.  Lots of spitting and hissing and scratching.  But Sabby tells me they’ll get used to each other and be best friends in no time.

There’s a crate in my room for her to sleep in at night.  I guess I can see that.  Dogs can get into a lot of trouble when everyone’s sleeping.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 16 of 29 in Lily's diary dated 10 - April 2022

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!

I know I’m usually a happy, cheerful girl, but I’m kind of not happy and cheerful right now.  Yeah, I know.  I haven’t been happy and cheerful all week.  Ever since I had that “dream”.

I realized today that I’ve had very little control over anything in my life.  I know, I know, I’m a teenager and teenagers usually don’t have control over a whole lot, but it seems worse for me somehow.  I only remember after I was found, and I’ve had almost no control over anything.  I didn’t have control over where I was found, who I was sent to, what school I went to – nothing.  Sure, Sabby asked me if I minded being adopted, but maybe they would have anyway.  That wouldn’t have been my choice either.  I didn’t even kind of have a choice about Jack – I mean, yes, I could have said no, but everything about me wanted him so badly that there was no way I could have said any more no than I did, even if I had wanted to, which I didn’t.

I didn’t (as far as I know) have control over whether I lost my memories, and now I don’t even get control over whether they stay lost.

I just feel like I’m bouncing around from one thing in life to another with no way to change course until I hit something.

What do I get to say “no” to?  What do I get to say “yes” to?

I guess more than I think, but not a whole lot.

I just…  sigh.

I wish Jack were here.  I just want to feel something.

Love you all!!! ❤